
Like Tophats, just with an airship and cooler


Ask Blog for the Toppat Clan from the Henry Stickmin Series. Mainly Reginald Copperbottom and Right Hand Man Reborn. Please don't send any asks about Charles or the Government.


Alright, almost 800 posts in, not late at all, here are finally some Rules for you :

1. Don’t ask about Charles or the Government, Charles and the Government are cancelled on this blog

2. No overpowered Oc’s or Oc’s with special powers

3. Don’t try to change the story into how you want it to be

4. Don’t force any ships

5. Don’t ask me to draw your characters

6. The Dub on Youtube from Lost Comic Dubs is very behind in the story, read ahead before you ask questions

7. Don’t ask to join the Toppat Clan

8. Henry is leader of the Toppat Clan, he just isn’t around because he does hiw own thing for the time being, don’t ask about where Henry is

9. Don’t be mean to any of the characters

10. If you break the rules or sent me asks that are rude and or disrespectul, don’t be surprised when I give you a not as polite answer. It’s not because I hate you or want to be cruel, it’s because I am at the end of my nerves and running out of options to deal with these types of asks.

11. All of this plays before fleeing the complex. Don’t ask about future events, endings or alternate dimensions.

12. No distraction dances

13. No Among Us References

The rules will be edited and more might be added, but don’t worry, I am a patient person and love you all.

Follow me on my main blog: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/vampirtulpe

Here is the Archive, in case you want to read up, it’s very unsorted though, sorry about that: https://askthetoppatclan.tumblr.com/archive

Anonymous asked:

i feel the undying urge to do a bfb magic ask

ok im doing it

m!a leafy and firey from BFB(Battle for BFDI/Battle for BFB) specifically from post-BFB 30

you choose how long mod

im so sorry, i dont know what this means.

Also I dont take magic asks right now because its a big story event, but I didnt mention that, so thats alright


Me impatiently waiting for my writing inspiration (and motivation in general) to come back

Anonymous asked:

Hi Stickmum it's been awhile since I was here. How are you?


Sorry, I dont get notifications anymore since the new tumblr update and im so annoyed, like why break stuff that wasnt broken??

I'm fine I suppose, recovering from sickness and in a creative slump. I have the next story post done, but I struggle to write for it, which is so annoying


(I currently have really bad Wi-Fi so I don’t know if this will be sent in a bunch of times due to me spamming the submit button so I apologize for that)

Hello Stickmum! Currently I’m on a road trip and I got bored. So what did I do? I drew Edna, The Oracle, and Papageni as humans! Well… More like sketch them out but still. And if I remember correctly, some drew Edna as a human already but I don’t think people have drawn The Oracle or Papageni yet in human form. Unless I’m wrong- You could verify that if you’d like

I also hope I remembered their names correctly too since I’m bad at names 😅

Dunno if you imagine these three in different clothing but I tried my best to think of what they’d wear as humans. The Oracle’s outfit might be subject to change if I do this again since I really had no ideas of their outfit 🥲 To be honest I was going to give Edna a top hat but I like the way I drew her hair and I didn’t want to ruin it since it took some time to get right xD

Anyways, I hope you like it and have a great Day/Afternoon/Night! ^^



Hihi, Stickmom here! I absolutely love this! They look so adorable and getting fanart is always the highest honor to me, heh ^^ You drew them so adorable, I love Edna’s hair and Papageni’s sharp teeth and their cool shoes and literally everything about this, it’s so cool! ^^ Oracle’s scarf is so pretty and Papageni’s bird is so adorable and you did so great on the hair!

Thank you so much, I appreciate it so much, you have no idea! I hope the road trip goes well! ^^


It’s been quite a while and I noticed that the blog is up and running again! Yippe! Also what was the story again I don’t remember-


The story? Uff, good question, the entire thing ran away from me a little bit as well.

There is like a really big battle going on right now that's supposed to be the finale of this story arc, but like I said, its been like 3 years at this point since I started with the story, so- yknow- xD Sorry


Thank you everyone for your kind birthday wishes! It really means a lot. We'll be back to the regular program very soon, I have been feeling sickly unfortunately, but I'm sure I'll be able to draw properly again soon ^^


Clarkson, you have to understand why Seth had to. The reason why. He still considers you your friend even though he has left the clan..


Clarkson didn’t care what Seth’s intentions were. Their friend was dead and Seth wasn’t there. No, he went to the enemy to help them instead of the people he dared call his friends. They made their message clear. And this time, Seth had no issues interpreting it:‘I hate you.’It couldn’t have been any clearer. ‘I’ve had enough of people pretending to be my friend, only to turn their back and leave the second it becomes convenient for them. You’re no better than any of them, even if you think you’re the nicest person there is. You aren’t. You’re only a good friend when it’s convenient for you. And I hate you for this. I hate you for everything you pretended to be and for everything you are now. I hate you.’

Clarkson was shaking as they repeated the sign again and again, tears streaming down their cheeks as they hoped Seth would understand this one time that what he did had consequences.

“What?! After everything I’ve done, you treat me like THIS?! I’ve done the RIGHT thing! I’m giving up my right to go home! I’ve been nice to everyone, tried to be everyone’s friend and YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS?!”

Seth was seeting with anger, the fury boiling from deep within his stomach as he felt himself losing control. It felt like a bad time to reveal the bad temper he’d been  hiding all this time, but he just couldn’t hold back the anger. He hated being condemned, being ‘hated’ by someone, especially when he didn’t do anything wrong.

“You hate me. Is that it?” Seth began to grow, his skin tearing and horns growing. His complete form changed the angrier he got. 

“Take it back.”  Seth demanded one last time.

Clarkson stood their ground, glaring up at Seth. They wanted to see how good of friends they really were of if they ended up being right after all.

“Fine then.” Seth ground out, his voice nothing more than an animalistic growl as he turned into a behemoth of a demon he had only used once the past few months. He was the size of a house, with wild hair and razor sharp teeth and glowing pupils in hollow eyes. He was power, fear and fury.

“Mortals.” He spat condescendingly, slamming his fist on the ground. “They never know how good they had it being friends with me until they come face to face with my wrath. I betrayed you, is that it? I hurt you?! You don’t know pain! You don’t know anything!”

He roared, his voice carrying across the entire bloody battlefield. Multiple heads turned, the battle paused for just a second as everyone attempted to comprehend what was going on.

“You will regret treating me like this.” He growled.


Oh my…This can’t be happening..Dammit..

(Yo it’s me Unsaidchester, under alternative account)


As Edna fell to her knees beside The Oracle to mourn her friend's untimely death, Seth instead deemed it appropiate to shuffle towards Clarkson with the intention of settling their initial dispute.

"Uh- Hi, Clark." Seth began awkwardly. "I'm- I'm sorry it had to end this way. And for-...for leaving without saying goodbye or telling you. I'm sure you'll uderstand, but I had to, you know? It wouldn't have been right, I didn't want to make another mistake. But, we're still friends, right?"

"Clark? You understand, right?" Seth tried once again, his own anxiety gnawing at him. He had always assumed Clarkson would support him, he considered each other close, like he used to be close to the Boss.

"Please, tell me you understand, Clark." Seth practically begged.

'Why would I understand?!' Clarkson signed, jabbing their finger into Seth's chest. 'You left without another word because some half-hearted doubts were strewn to you by complete strangers! You had no reason to believe them, but you did anyway! You flushed years of friendship down the toilet, just so YOU wouldn't feel guilty!'

"I did what I had to!" Seth protested, shaking his head: "Clark, please! You know I never would've done anything to hurt you or the others!"

Clarkson glared, shaking hands signing even faster: 'The Oracle is dead, Seth! Where were you when we needed you?! Your good will means nothing! You betrayed your clan, Seth! You let your friends die! I don't care how right you think you are or how well your intentions were! You left us when we needed you! You left me!"



Hey how can I read the story of the top hat clan from the beginning? Just asking because I love the top hat clan


I'm sorry, I didn't have the foresight to create a coherent system, you would have to go all the way back in the archives. Pretty sure I linked the archive in the pinned post! ^^


Oh my god. is everyone ok?


"Look, it's Clark." Seth whispered, trying to sneak past the medic without alerting them. Despite being old friends, they doubted they would be happy to see them, now that they had made their choice in fighting for the Toppat Clan and betraying the Royals.

"Tending to the injured, like always." Edna sighed. "It must be hard being a doctor, imagine all these lives are in your hand and everyone around you tries to kill each other. Esepcially when you're the only medic of your clan."

"Wait, isn't that..." Seth and Edna stopped, eyes widening as they realized who they were fretting over.

Clarkson was clutching a body tightly, desperately wrapping up a gunshot wound in bandages and trying their hardest to stop the bleeding. Even if, deep down, they knew there was nothing that could be done.

(Blood, gunshot and Death Warning)

Anonymous asked:

Who’s the dead man that fired that shot!? If Oracle was hurt, I swear that i’ll murder the person responsible!

A gunshot startled Clarkson out of their work. It was unexplainable to them, there were countless of gunshots racing across the battlefield, all of them equally loud until they hit their mark or whirred into the ground without hurting someone, and yet...this one felt more impactful.

Why did their hands shake?

Why were they so scared? They were the medic, they couldn't be scared, countless lives laid in their hands and yet...they felt horrible...they felt devastated and their heartbeat picked up. They didn't understand. They were a good medic, they kept the clan alive and yet...

(Blood Warning)

here is the last post of the story, so from today onward, the story will officailly continue! Please send some asks in to kick the official return off, I would greatly appreciate it! And thank you to everyone that’s been sticking around!


Hello! ^^

You probably don’t remember me as I only sent in like a few messages(one of them being some really crappy fanart of Stickmom lol) but I wanted to pop in to say hello and check up on you, Stickmom.

So, how have you been? I hope life has been treating you well. Remember to take some time for yourself and don’t burn yourself out!

Maybe I’ll be back with some better fanart as I hope I did improve in making stick people but I don’t know- Anyways, I wish for this to not be really long so I’ll leave it here. Have a great Day/Afternoon/Night! 💜


hey hey ^^ I just checked and found your fanart! It’s so cute, I loved it, you did a great job! If you do decide to draw something again, I can’t wait to see it!

Thanks for checking up on me, I really appreciate it. Life has been crazy the past year, you have no idea, but I think it’s starting to settle right now, which is why I wanna start up this blog again, despite some very...ambitious private projects as well! ^^


Guess it's time to do one of these again, just so we'll be all caught up, it has been a while since the unspeakable happened after all ^^


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