
Stealing the Stars in the Sky

@theifraccoon / theifraccoon.tumblr.com

Stealing the Stars in the Sky. Midwest gal who designs and learning more on art

The ACTUAL beginning! Or at least starting from when Ingo hath returned. He doesn’t know where he is, when he is and is very jumpy

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yr locked in a room alone with three adult men but you feel perfectly safe. who are they


I mean, I feel safe from them but I’m suddenly EXTREMELY worried about what shenanigans I’ve stumbled into


“These men mean me no harm”

“So you feel safe now?”

“Oh, absolutely not”

Disney’s Pencil Test for Frozen (2013)

I don’t think Disney is aware that their movies look so much better in two dimensions

That comment reminds me of another comment for which I can’t recall the source; paraphrased, “The best CGI now will always look outdated ten years from now, but awesome drawings will always look like awesome drawings.” 

Also it was…not the best CGI

The thing I hate most about Disney not doing 2D anymore is that the box office disappointment of Winnie the Pooh (2011) (which is adorable and hilarious btw if you’ve never seen it) is often pointed to as the final nail in the coffin

Y’all released a 1 hr and 9 minute cutesy collection of Pooh Bear short stories about trying to find Eeyore’s lost tail on the SAME DAY AS THE FINAL HARRY POTTER FILM, of course it didn’t do well

AND y’all went up against YOURSELVES because Cars 2 had just opened like three weeks before and was very much still in theaters

It was not the animation, it was never the animation

I think this was an issue for The Princess and the Frog too. Not only did it come out the same month as the 2nd Chipmunk movie (which is trash but it made double what TPATF did).

You remember what came out literally one week after it?

Avatar. It went up against what was the highest grossing film of all time (until Endgame). They played themselves.

Don’t forget how Disney released one of their last 2D animated films of the era Treasure Planet on the same day as the first Harry Potter film and refused to delay the release even though they knew they would have made more money. They purposefully sabotaged their 2D animated films.

I’ve been re-watching all those Disney renaissance films, cause kids and Disney+ (don’t @ me, it’s easier than piracy), and yeah, the animation really holds up. Not so much with the 3D films (looking at you, Toy Story).


Yes, the 3D films are technologically amazing. But it’ll never hold a CANDLE to the blood, sweat, and tears people put into 2D animation. And as stated above: In ten years, that technologically amazing animation will look dated.

And if you think 2D animation can’t look as good as 3D animation, there are 2D animated TV SHOWS that are on a lower budget than 3D animated movies that look fucking STUNNING. Let me list a few. 

Even if the story isn’t the best, Steven Universe’s animation is really beautiful and has such a nice style to it. The gems, the weapons, all of it just looks gorgeous. And have you SEEN the Other Friends animation?

Gravity Falls’s episode “Not What He Seems” aired five years ago, but it looks like it could have been animated today. The animation is absolutely stunning in every way. The lighting, the colors, everything. It’s just beautiful.

And have you SEEN The Owl House’s fight scenes? Those are entirely animated in 2D, but they’re so smooth and gorgeous! They look ten times better than the fight scenes in a lot of 3D animated movies!

And don’t get me STARTED on the Tangled The Series animation. It’s done entirely lineless, which is not easy, and it looks so good that there could be an actual camera recording it in real-time. I can’t describe how amazing it is in words.

These shows are going to be looked at in ten years and still marveled at for their absolutely beautiful animation. Meanwhile, 3D animated movies that look amazing now will be seen as looking horribly, horribly dated.

Since the first draft of my reply disappeared (thanks tumblr mobile) I’m going to try and summarize what I was saying before:

Basically, I think it’s a bit unfair to try and completely disregard 3D animation as a tool and medium. I ABSOLUTELY agree that 2D animation deserves recognition and it’s deliberate exclusion in mainstream movies by Disney is a MASSIVE disappointment and is REALLY shitty. AND I agree that 2D animation has a MUCH easier time holding up than 3D animation.

HOWEVER, when 3D animation works to its strengths, there are plenty of examples of 3D graphics that do still hold up.

In video games, for example: Super Mario Galaxy released in 2007, but still holds up, as does Jet Set Radio and Catherine (though still a little rough around the edges). There are also plenty of YouTube videos and articles you can find that give other examples as well

For movies, I can see films like Spiderverse, Trolls, and Captain Underpants having a good chance at holding up in the future. They focus more on creating a unique visual style that fits their movie and are very stylized!

And even older 3D movies like Shrek and some of the Barbie movies look pretty good still, despite being almost or over a decade old at this point

Additionally—there’s recent examples of 3D and 2D animation being used TOGETHER for absolutely fantastic results, like in Land of the Lustrous or Promare

The main issue with 3D animated movies (+ video games) now is that plenty of companies care more about making a product that will work IN THE MOMENT, instead of trying to create something that will last. So hyper-realism, new technological marvels, and established tropes (like Disney’s sameface in its 3D movies) will be used in a shallow and easy to consume manner. It’s about the spectacle, instead of using these things as tools, carefully and sparingly.

It’s the same issue with CGI in many modern movies all but replacing practical effects. Plenty of these movies age like milk because they’re trying so hard to look realistic, but their CGI is basically left to do all of the work itself, which isn’t what it can really do. It should be used in tandem with other effects or stylized to mask the uncanniness (leaning into how not real it is instead of trying to trick the brain into thinking it is)

Jurassic Park is a well-used example of this. The film used a thoughtful combination of practical effects and CGI, working to the strengths of both to create a stronger whole.

Basically—I think it’s a little unfair to try and pit 2D and 3D animators against one another. Both mediums require a TON of effort and skill for the animators! One is not inherently better than the other; they’re just tools with different strengths and uses. Both mediums deserve to exist and to be used properly!

^ I’m a hardcore 2d supremacist, but the problem with 3D isn’t 3D. It’s the industry (well, mainly Disney) stubbornly, bitchily refusing to be artistically adventurous


None of you heathens even once mentioned Klaus.

Shame on you all. Shaaammmeeee.


I was gonna say, one of my favorite things about Dreamworks is the fact that they basically have a different artstyle for every single one of their 3D films. It would probably be a lot easier to do stuff like Disney, where you could put Mirabel, Moana, Asha, Raya, and Anna and Elsa right next to each other and the only real cue that they’re from different movies would be their outfits. But Dreamworks really put in the effort to the point that if you put like even just the human(adjacent) characters like Hiccup, Metroman, Jack Frost, Eep, and Captain Underpants next to each other it would be immediately clear that they’re all from different films. Even Pixar changes art styles between films, though they don’t push it quite as far as Dreamworks does.

(And it’s not just Dreamworks, Sony and Blue Sky(may it rest in peace) both have leaned REALLY hard into stylization, and it’s incredible to see them make a 3D movie LOOK like it’s in 2D. I mean the work that went into successfully conserving Charles Shultz’s style for the Peanuts film was mindblowing, and Horton Hears A Who is honestly my favorite Dr. Suess adaptation because of how well it captured his art style. And Spiderverse?? It’s just is a comic book. It’s a moving comic book. The only other people I’ve seen pull that off has been Dreamworks with Captain Underpants. Like goddamn did they get the art style down, it looked better than I could have ever imagined, the trailer literally made me cry.)

And like I don’t necessarily think there’s anything wrong with having a Standard Studio Style™, Ghibli does that to an extent and it works just fine, and this also isn’t to say that Moana or Encanto weren’t GORGEOUS, but idk in Disney’s case it really does feel like a weakness because if the only thing they have to sell you on is how good their snow engine is in Frozen or the water physics in Moana the story and music is gonna need to compensate, and….it doesn’t always. Even with movies from Dreamworks that I genuinely don’t like I can at least sit down and appreciate the stylization, with Disney in some cases I feel less like I’m watching a movie and more like I’m watching a tech showcase. You can have the most advanced hair and snow engines in the entire world, but if the story is boring then what’s the point?

I feel like in this area Disney is behind the curve(I mean, IMO they’ve always been behind the curve on 3D because like, Meet the Robinsons, AS MUCH AS I ADORE IT, did not look anywhere NEAR as good as Horton Hears A Who or Kung Fu Panda or even Wall-e which all came out around the same time, and while KFP and Horton still look REALLY good even Tangled is starting to show it’s age). Almost every animation studio figured out hyperrealism in the early 2000s and then started to experiment with stylization and they still do to this day, making moving paintings and conserving art styles that most people assumed would just never work in 3D, and meanwhile Disney finally tried to catch up with the times(again) and….god it just looked so bad, I’m sorry, Wish looked SO bad. Idk how, in the era of Spiderverse, Disney dropped the ball on the most basic of stylized choices. Like adding a 2D feel to 3D is basically the industry standard at this point, it’s beyond possible, how did Disney fuck it up?? (I mean I know it’s because they fired everyone but like COME ON.)

Anyway idk what I’m even getting at anymore. I guess just that 3D can look fucking incredible when people have the time and creative freedom to really go all out, but Disney clearly isn’t interested in experimenting in this regard when it comes to the finalized project(looking at the concept art for Wish makes me want to scream like I know it can’t look EXACTLY like this but it’s SO clear basically everything interesting and unique was beaten out of this film before it could go to print) and it’s REALLY starting to weigh them down. In the era of stuff like Spiderverse and Puss in Boots 2 you gotta bring something to the table other than hyperrealism, and it’s just continuing to be abundantly clear that the way to make CGI last is to stylize the fuck out of it. (You can also do interesting things with hyperrealism, lots of people thought The Lego Movie was stop motion because of how they made everything look like real legos!!)

And god, this is just American animation companies, people overseas are doing insane shit with 3D and 2D animation ALL the time.

So yeah, 3D is not the problem. Current studios are doing incredible stuff with 3D and some of them have been doing it for decades(Shrek looked SO good for something that came out in 2001 that shit was cutting edge). The problem is Disney’s fucking attitude around 3D and chasing making the Perfect film that appeals to everyone and makes 5 billion dollars and it’s kneecapping or outright killing the potential of every project they put out. And it’s sad. It’s really sad.


We interrupt animating papyrus squared for this dumb thing. done in about a day X'D


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Updating every Tuesday and Thursday Chapter 6 of Lone Emmet and Cub AU !

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Nailed the 'Super Hero Landing'!... But at what cost? Also, I realized as I was going through the pages and making edits, Emmet hurting his knee reminded me of @ann-chovi 's character, Mari, from their own Pokemon comic [Go Read Here: @pkmn-redirect ] And so >w>; I did a doodle.

If you have not heard or read their comic, go check it out!! The quality of their pages they pump out is fantastically coloured and full of energy!!

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