@jusrecht / jusrecht.tumblr.com


Every time a post on queerplatonic relationships makes its way around tumblr, the comments are inevitably filled with a flood of “IT’S CALLED FRIENDSHIP” or “WHY DO YOU NEED A WORD FOR THIS.”

Do you honestly think society regards friendship as an acceptable substitute for romance and marriage?  The thing is, most aros would LOVE if it could just be called friendship.

Because that would mean a world where:

  • Friendships are considered equal to or sometimes *SHOCK HORROR* more important than romantic relationships.  This is not an exceptional occurrence.
  • Romantic partners know that they might not be their datemate’s Most Important Person and are not bothered by this.
  • People commonly plan major life events around their friends up to and including housing, finances, employment, ect.
  • It is common for people to be in their 30s, 40s, 50s, hell even old age having lived with friends that entire time and no one has ever asked them why they’re not married.
  • It is common for people to have a committed lifelong partnership with their friend and no one bats an eye.
  • Having a life friend is considered something that can be regarded as equally close to marriage.  It is also taken just as seriously.

Until the day that those are true, friendship is unfortunately not an accurate word to convey the types of relationships we’re talking about. 


me, staring down ao3: ok i’m desperate for fic about this pairing but like… how desperate


You’re not desperate until you’re staring at fanfiction.net

Fools. you’re not desperate until you’re staring down an empty word document.

And there it is.


I don’t understand why books have shifted from having summaries on the back of the covers to having one-line reviews.

Seriously though. I want to know what the book is about. Not that someone from the Evening Standard thinks it’s a masterpiece. 

I have been waiting for this post my whole life.


Hulk calls Thor “tiny avenger” can imagine when Hulk meets spider-man? “Oh baby avenger fighting with Hulk, I protect baby”

“i’m not a baby! i’m a man!”

“baby avenger speaks!”


2011: I love Tumblr because it’s an environment where I can fangirl over my fictional preferences with like-minded fellows as I don’t feel comfortable sharing my passion for fictional characters and couples with people in real life.  2018: Tumblr is a hellhole filled with brainless Puritan Calvinist wannabes with Spanish Inquisition-ish attitudes telling me that I will never be granted salvation if I ship Character X and Character Y and if I like fictional villains I am literally Hitler. This environment is too toxic now. Mom? Dad? Can I talk you about my 10k Modern AU Game of Thrones fanfic?

Me when I first joined tumblr: Oh why does everyone say they hate this website?? Come on guys we’re not that bad!! I mean it can be dumb but at least we’re progressive and accepting

Me today: I hate this website



I’ve come to inform you all the Ancient Greeks spelled Thoth, the Egyptian deity, as Θώθ

hey, thanks! now die


Actually, Ancient Greek thetas had a dot in the centre, and lowercase letters wouldn’t be invented for several hundred years.

You mean ΘΩΘ

Behold the face of your god.

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