

@raeuberprinzessin / raeuberprinzessin.tumblr.com

she | ace | librarian | cat lady | mythology and fairy tale enthusiast | AO3: Hexxe



Good for them! (Felinette)

Making Amends (Felix Month 2021) | AO3

Order of Prompts

1. Early Morning Walks | 2. Challenge | 3. Garden | 4. Outlaw | 5. White Collar | 6. Gremlin | 7. Wing | 8. Ring | 9. Mask Making | 10. Magic Trick | 11. Game Night | 12. Group Projekt | 13. Discord | 14. History | 15. Clubs | 16. Fantasy | 17. Forgotten | 18. Hazy | 19. Decaf | 20. Common Enemy | 21. White Elephant | 22. Gossip | 23. Flawless | 24. Piracy | 25. Gala | 26. Vintage | 27. Stuck | 28. Agent | 29. Journey through Time | 30. Reverse | 31. Aftermath

Chronological Order

1. Challenge (Day 2) | 2. Gremlin (Day 6) | 3. Common Enemy (Day 20) | 4. Wing (Day 7) | 5. Hazy (Day 18) | 6. White Collar (Day 5) | 7. Group Projekt (Day 12) | 8. Journey through Time (Day 29) | 9. Fantasy (Day 16) | 10. Vintage (Day 26) | 11. Agent (Day 28) | 12. Gossip (Day 22) | 13. Clubs (Day 15) | 14. History (Day 14) | 15. Early Morning Walks (Day 1) | 16. Garden (Day 3) | 17. Outlaw (Day 4) | 18. Magic Trick (Day 10) | 19. Stuck (Day 27) | 20. White Elephant (Day 21) | 21. Game Night (Day 11) | 22. Mask Making (Day 9) | 23. Piracy (Day 24) | 24. Discord (Day 13) | 25. Ring (Day 8) | 26. Forgotten (Day 17) | 27. Decaf (Day 19) | 28. Flawless (Day 23) | 29. Gala (Day 25) | 30. Reverse (Day 30) | 31. Aftermath (Day 31)

Coffee Fairy Twins (Maribat BioDad! Bruce Wayne Month 2023) | AO3

Twin AU (Marinette & Tim) | Fairy AU | Felinette


Another Parent-Children-Akuma (Maribat, Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne)

Felix’s Virtual Companion (Felinette, Hawkmoth won AU)

Gotham trip idea with a twist (Maribat, Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne, Class trip AU)

Lucky against all odds (Maribat, Sibling!Timinette, Arranged Marriage!Daminette)

Swapping diamonds for pearls (Maribat, Felinette, Merfolk AU)


Accepting the new family (Maribat, Bio!Dad Bruce/Adopted Marinette)


Swapping diamonds for pearls

Maribat, Merfolk AU, Felinette, Fantasy AU, Marinette gets adopted by the Batfam, No Miraculous AU:

The setting is a town on the coast. To ensure the goodwill of the sea gods, the town sacrifices one of their young people to the sea, when the signs show it's time for a sacrifice. It's been a few decades since the last sacrifice when Marinette suddenly feels inexplicably drawn to the ocean. She wakes up at night hearing songs and finds herself at the shore without memory how she got there several times.

One of the things she can't remember, because humans forget their encounters with merfolk, is how she helped a young mer protect a baby seal.

That young mer is Damian, who took a liking to the girl who protected the pup of his favourite seal. So he decided to claim her as part of his pod, not knowing that it starts a transformation process.

Marinette was engaged to Adrien, but she more and more feels that this is wrong and when her behaviour is noticed, the priestess declares it's a sign that it's time for a sacrifice and Marinette has been chosen as the sacrifice. At that point she breaks off the engagement. She gives Adrien the diamond ring back and wears jewellery with pearls which declares her as the sacrifice.

Felix, Adrien's cousin and the young lord of the town starts researching in his library. Secretly he's in love with Marinette, but he also loves his cousin and since Marinette is one of the few people Adrien could be himself around, he didn't interfere, but encouraged Adrien to propose. He tries to find anything to reverse the signs, but he also doesn't wish to evoke the sea gods' wrath. He has to think about his subjects. If they can't fish as much anymore, it would be devastating for the town.

He finds out, that the sacrifices turn into merfolk and the only way to stop this is, to convince the mer who claimed a human to give up their claim. But Felix is too late and Marinette has already been sacrificed.

At sea she is soon found by Tim, who claimed the last sacrifice, Cass. He was once a sacrifice himself and figures out what happened (mainly) and brings her to the pod. Damian confesses he claimed her, not knowing it would transform her. He did it, because he thought it would protect her. Bruce explains, that they usually claim humans who don't have anything keeping them on land. Often orphans or, like in Tim's case, children who are neglected or abused by their parents. But a pod can only claim a human every 15 to 25 years, because the successful transformation takes energy from the whole pod.

Marinette had connections on land and she has a hard time giving up on them. But it's not reversible and she likes her pod and befriends mers from other pods.

One day she finds Felix in a boat suspiciously close to the small island the pod lives around and hears him yelling for her. The pod is a bit annoyed, because although they keep sharks away and help with fishing, sink pirate ships and bring survivors of sinking ships to the shore, invading their home is something they really don't like.

Marinette shows herself, to convince him to leave, but because he forgets the encounter, he's back the next day. This time Marinette drags his boat to a hidden beach and writes in the sand to only meet her here, so even if he would forget their encounters, he could still read the message. They figure out a system. He takes something to write with him, so he can write down, what happend and he can read it again after he forgets what they talked about.

During these meetings they get closer and finally Marinette falls in love with Felix. At first Felix felt conflicted and wanted to tell Adrien, but Adrien didn't want to hear anything about Marinette and after Felix found Adrien and one of his warriors, Kagami, at a tryst, he decided, that it would be better this way.

After they kiss, they find out that now Felix can remember their talks.

Felix starts to wonder if they can have a future when his mother urges him to find a bride, someone to share the burden of reigning over the town with. But either he has to cheat on the woman he loves and his wife or he has to end things with Marinette or he has to defy his mother and sooner or later the court or even his king for the rest of his life. So, he starts to research again, but he only finds out, that the transformation can only be stopped and reversed as long as the person isn't really part of a pod.

Marinette knows it's irreversible. The only option she can see is, if he wasn't lord anymore, but she thinks she can't ask that of him, so she looks into potions to make him forget her entirely.

This is what she's busy with, while her friends band together and find Felix waiting for Marinette at the beach. Felix decided on his own to give the title to Adrien and step down, so he wouldn't have to leave Marinette. He wanted to tell her but only finds mers he only knows of from Marinette's stories. They offer him that one of them could claim him, since Marinette's pod can't do so, but it's not the only pod out there. True, the other pods have their own territories, but they are close enough to befriend each other. They only ask him to be sure this is what he wants. It is.

So, in the end they can still have a happy ever after 😊


I want less of "the Drakes were terrible people and parents and Bruce rescues poor sad Timmy" (not knocking the trope it just got old for me)

And more of Bruce suffering a hell of his own creation as he tries to figure out how to parent Timothy "latchkey kid" Drake, who doesn't respect the concept of having parental supervision in general and more specifically Bruce's authority as his new guardian at all, because Tim was basically his caretaker for the entire beginning of his tenure as Robin

Any kind of Parental Action would have Bruce choking in his own hypocrisy. Like... imagine trying to get your teenage son to go to bed when he's been putting your ass down for naps for like, years, by that point. Imagine telling him to eat healthier when at 13 years old he was helping your butler with designing your meal plan 'cause you were too depressed to eat

Bruce gently tries to get him to stop working on a case to take a break, and Tim raises a single withering eyebrow (he learned this from Alfred) and Bruce immediately shuts up. Tim only listens to Bruce when he wants to and being legally adopted by the man hasn't changed that

(And I want fics of the rest of the batfam reacting to this dynamic soooooooo bad)


Jason, to himself: If I can catch Tim off guard when he comes back from patrol he'll confess about breaking my favourite Wonder Woman's mug

Jason, as Tim wanders in: Got anything to confess??

Tim, very very high off Gotham Harbor fumes: Ra's pickled my spleen.


I'm trying to prove a point to my brain: Reblog if you think fanfiction does not need sex to be good.

There is a trend I’ve noticed that smut fics tend to be much more popular than anything else and honestly I just want to have something to look at to remind myself and that writing doesn’t have to have sex to be worth putting out into the community.

Absolutely agree! You don’t even KNOW how much!

A fandom I’m in, I have a favorite character- as most people do in fandoms- and I was told that I was wrong in that and that I would never choose that character if I explored the sexual nature of characters and actually looked at their physiques in said nature instead.

It shocks me sometimes how hard it is for people to grasp that opinions don’t have to match theirs and that physical appearance and how “sexy” a character is doesn’t matter to everyone.

It’s such a widespread thing that smut fics are automatically “better” and the only reason I don’t understand why is because I don’t read them. As if I can’t make my own opinions reasonably without first hand knowledge on reading smut after smut after smut. News flash haters, I have started some and left because it’s not my thing! (And that’s ok!)

There is nothing wrong with liking it and reading it yourself!

But Fanfiction does NOT have to have sex to be good!

We can all like different things and be valid. I’m not forcing you to like what I like, so stop trying to tell me I’m wrong just because I don’t base my opinions purely on physical appearance and smut.



Stop what you’re doing right now and go write 3 sentences of your story.

Every time you see this, write 3 lines.

Reblog so other writers will do the same, let’s finish these damn stories.


Coffee Fairy Twins - Chapter 3 - Shadows of what could have been


Marinette always knew that she was a fairy and that Tom wasn’t her biological father. But he was her papa and he adored her and she never felt the need to know her biological father. But she never knew that she had a twin brother. Tim never knew he had a twin sister. He also never knew that the people he thought were his parents kidnapped him as an infant or that it was his biological father who adopted him. And since he had no idea that he was a fairy - or that fairies existed for that matter - he seemed like an ordinary human to almost everyone (immortal megalomaniacs may be an exception). Sabine never knew that the child she thought was taken from her was still alive. And Bruce? Bruce never knew that his parents hadn’t been fairies (or maybe he didn’t want to know) or that one of his Robins, who he thought to be human, had a lot more in common with him than he thought.

But it might only take a nightmare and a shiny new pair of wings or two to change all that.

Chapters: First | Previous | Next

An immense power rippled through the magic veins that span the globe. Alfred was an old fairy. Well, maybe not by fairy standards, he could barely claim an age of half a millennium. Still, it was an impressive age as a fairy living amongst humans and not in the Otherworld.

Nevertheless it was rare to feel a ripple like that when he wasn’t attending a Blessing Ceremony. He felt as if he couldn’t breathe right after the ripples hit Gotham and it was pure willpower alone that brought him from the medbay, where he had restocked some of their supplies, over to the bat computer to answer the questions that would doubtlessly come.


tired: mermaids are all women

wired: much like elves, merfolk are mistaken by sailors for being all women because they have long hair and are very pretty

inspired: merfolk actually have very different concepts of gender to humans because they’re an entirely different species with their own unique culture

marine scientist: what’s your gender?

merperson: what’s a gender

marine scientist: like, are you a man or a woman?

merperson: i’m merfolk

marine scientist: no, like, what’s in your pants?

merperson: i don’t… wear any? i don’t have legs?


It’s a biological fact that fish do indeed change their sex to keep the male/female ratio balanced in their school population. So this fluidity actually makes more sense from a scientific standpoint than the silly idea that merfolk are born with a strictly assigned sex like humans.

Merfolk are all canonically genderfluid and we love them for that

Human: (invites merfolk friend to a boat party with their friends)

Merfolk: oh man, there are a lot of women here. Haha don’t worry guys, I got this :) *changes into a man to keep a balance because that’s culturally polite for merfolk*

Human: (spits drink) what the FUCK


So in the presence of a ship with an entirely or mostly male crew, nearby mermaids would become female to keep the balance.



Now canon in all my dnd and other games.

That's so much more interesting than my thought. Silly old me thought it was like with lions: The female mers go out and hunt.


Boop Breakdown

Well, you did it. You booped. You booped all over your dashboard with reckless abandon, your finger gnashing away at the boop button, much like a lovely raccoon discovering a glorious half-eaten baked potato. A treasure was presented, and you knew you deserved it. You deserved to boop. Collectively, you booped 142,566,897 times. To repeat: one hundred forty-two million five hundred sixty-six thousand eight hundred ninety-seven boops were had on tumblr dot com the website and the app.


  • Normal boops: 119,204,929
  • Self boops: 12,645,652
  • Cat boops: 7,925,241
  • Super boops: 2,095,231
  • Mischievous, aka evil boops: 695,844

One particularly boopable Tumblr was booped a total of 874,212 times. To be so rich in boops is a blessing. The Tumblr that gave the most boops found it in their heart to bestow 127,073 boops upon those they found worthy. 

Over 500,000 Tumblrs were booped and booped back in return. And for what? What would drive so many to boop? Does Tumblr yearn for the boop mines? Well, yes. And also the guts, the glory, the prestige, and, of course, the badges. Oh, how you worked for those badges:

  • Booper participants: 229,881
  • Booper enthusiasts:  85,548
  • Booper supers:  67,571

Hold your heads high, Tumblr. You booped until you couldn’t boop anymore. You created incredible fanart, invented a whole new genre of -sonas, and even created your own premium, high-end awards. It was noble, it was boop. We hope you boop yourself, and boop for boop. Boop, boop boop? Boop, boop. Boop boop boop, boop boop; Boop! Boop! 




thank you @andrwminward !! 9 people you’d like to get to know better

last song: kill her freak out by samia 🩵🩵

favorite color: green !!!

currently watching: women’s d1 ncaa swimming and diving champs 🫶

sweet/savory/spicy: SPICY !! yay

relationship status: single but maybe not for much longer !?!

current obsession: honestly not much rn. working on some new ocs and continuing a fic

last thing you googled: how is college diving scored


cheers jude!! <3

last song: too sweet by hozier favorite color: olive green currently watching: boots riley's i'm a virgo <3 sweet/savory/spicy: savory !! relationship status: i have a beloved partner of five years this summer :]] last thing you googled: apa citation for book ...


thank u jannah!!

Last song: bite the hand by boygenius

Fave color: dark green :3

Currently watching: I just finished watching the gentlemen last night but currently I guess dungeon meshi

Sweet/savory/spicy: savory

Relationship status: mega single

Last thing googled: James marsden lmao


[borat voice] my wife <3 <3 <3

Last song: Empire Now by Hozier

Fave color: teal

Currently watching: man i don't even know, I guess interview with the vampire??? i don't really watch tv anymore

Sweet/savory/spicy: savory

Relationship status: boyfriend of 1.25 years :))))))))))))

Last thing googled: "[ALMA MATER] help desk" (microsoft word is fucking me so hard right now its not even funny)


ouhhh hehe thx bud

last song: will anybody ever love me by sufjan stevens, i remain obsessed w this entire album

fave color: mmm like. mint green, but also pink in general, but also sage green is good........

currently watching: the a&e pride and prejudice on repeat bc it Soothes Me and also it's fucking good, truly the superior adaptation, if you haven't seen it it is so so lovely

sweet/savory/spicy: fond of all equally, bc it rly depends moment to moment (sweets late at night, spicy around dinner time, mild sweet at breakfast sometimes, savory every other hour)

relationship status: chronically single :(

last thing googled: eldritch knight 5e. i was thinking. thoughts.

Aww, thanks for the tag!

Last song: Porcelain Frame by Kuinka

Favorite color: changes constantly but right now it's like, a dark red, I'm making a sweater this color and it's gonna be SO good.

Currently watching: currently not in a "watch things regularly" mindset but last night I watched this deeply fascinating documentary about the Barkley marathons that someone linked on discord and I'm still thinking about it. People sure are out there Doing Things, aren't they?

Sweet/Savory/Spicy: My sweet tooth is all of my teeth, actually,

Relationship status: Single and pining (ugh)

Last thing googled: uhhh I think it was technically the address of one of the places I'm going later today, but my search history shows "[my city] cat cafe" so we're going with that one haha. Maybe hanging out with some cats will help reduce the growing impulse to adopt a cat (even though I'm still getting over my previous roommate-induced cat trauma which makes it a terrible idea right now).

Tagging: uhhh I have no tag energy right now so if you see this and want to join in, consider yourself tagged. :)

I'm feeling the spirit of the days of tumblr past, so an ask game seems like a great thing to do :)

Last song: Defying Gravity from Wicked (very 2012 of me lol)

Favorite color: Purple!

Currently watching: Critical Role, now and forever because it's SO MUCH but I love it

Sweet/Savory/Spicy: I usually crave salty (I guess that's savory?), but they all have their moments

Relationship status: Single

Last thing googled: Chilchuck lol, I keep seeing him everywhere on tumblr and I finally gave into my curiosity

Tagging: everyone who booped me today! @seducedbytemporarynirvana, @sleepy-insomnia-bear, @monmouth-manufacturing, @thatsluttytiefling, @aerialworms, @septemberbells @ilukeskywalker (sorry if I missed you, consider yourself tagged anyway!)

booping really got me in the mood to interact and do fun ask stuff more. Thanks, @traveltobeprovedwrong !

Last song: Epona's Song 🐎💜 from Zelda Ocarina of Time. Was feeling nostalgic and was showing my young cousin.

Favorite Color: Purple or Blue. Blurple?

Currently watching: Critical Role because I have become enraptured with my blorbos and I cannot escape. 💜🖤

Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Savory definitely. So many dimensions of flavor. Spicy is good but I like it as an enhancement to savory.

Relationship status: (just gonna make a power move and say 'not relevant' so people don't have to answer this if they don't want to)

Last thing googled: critical role (big surprise there 😅) schedule because the seating arrangement is going to be different this week! - but before that it was searching for something in Minecraft for my young cousin.

Tagging: absolutely no pressure to participate, but tagging some folks that booped me!! (But if you see this, consider yourself tagged if you want to do this): @ashleyasha @bumblewyn @traveltobeprovedwrong @artemis-pendragon @rogue-thirteen @pinkieroy @thirddagger @impossiblegirlposts @the-relvin-temult

Oh I LOVE a good ol fashion Tumblr tagging game @sleepy-insomnia-bear thanks for the tag and consider yourself TURBO BOOPED >:)

Last Song: Chasing Twisters by Delta Rae

Favorite Color: Blue and Yellow

Currently watching: The Mandalorian. Again. As in I'm actively watching it as I type this. I love u Mando and Grogu. Blorbo from my shows etc etc etc

Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Savory for SURE. Spice optional but appreciated

Relationship status: Kissing the homies on the mouth


OH THANK YOU!! A TAG GAME! I havent done these in a while! Mainly cause I forget to post my drafts and it’s months later and i just can’t post it cause its awkward.

Last Song: West Coast by Lana Del Rey

Favourite Colour: Purple!!

Currently Watching: One Piece as we speak but I am also watching Supernatural, Spy x Family & JJk! All depends on my mood?? Sometimes i’ll just rewatch stuff if i can’t focus on new stuff (Hazbin Hotel, Sitcoms, HxH, several shows really)

Sweet/Savory/Spicy: I like savory or spicy!!

Relationship Status: Single and maybe yearning a little.

No pressure tags for mutuals i think would love a tag game rn: @fluffyfangirl @fitzrainer @writhingcreature @apatheticlexicographer @nobodywhoishere @sharkbaitouhaha @gregmarriage @mental-breakdown-machine @steviescrystals but anyone is welcomed to do this!! 9 is so limited to tag so, consider this a boop! If you want to do this and i didn’t tag you! There’s so many people i wish i could tag…

last somg: too late by the happy fits

favourite colour: purble, green is no. 2 and red is no. 3

currently watching: it's been a while since i've actively watched smth myself, but i'm rewatching ATLA and i'm also a couple of eps into zom 100

sweet/savoury/spicy: i have good ol Food Issues (not ED i just have sensory issues and a bad relationship with it), so sweet stuff is the only thing i'm consistently happy to eat haha

relationship status: if i'm ever NOT single, assume i'm either bluffing, gold digging, or being blackmailed. or performing an elaborate bit of some sort

current obsession: i'm not in full hyperfixation mode, but i must admit that all the fic i've read since november has been for naruto. specifically OBKK. and i've recently been turning over an MLB AU for them in my head... hggh

last thing i googled: goldfish. my pc lags a lot, but my internet connection is also dodgy. my super reliable way of testing what the problem is is to google "goldfish" and see if the page errors or not

tagging some booptuals!!!

I feel like i have done this before but what the hell. Let's go.

Last song: Look what you made me do By taylor swift. Technically it was part of a playlist i was listening to while I work on my wips

Favourite color: Violet

Currently watching: My Demon k-drama. Typical me. watching stuff after the hype had died down. And HTTYD: Race to the Edge which I put on background while I do stuff.

Sweet/savoury/spicy: SPICY. My food should have a kick.

Relationship Status: My boyfriends are fictional.

Current Obsession: Star-wars for some god forsaken reason. The only star wars content I ever seen was the Mandalorian. Even then I haven't watched s3 yet. And I am on my third bingeing manhwa train for this year.

Last thing I googled: Korean fish cake soup. It was delicious 😋. Thanks Mom

Tagging the new ppl I met

Just remembered I haven't done this, yet^^°

Last song: Rose Betts - Irish Eyes

Favourite color: Different shades of purple (from a dark mulberry, a soft lilac to a dusty lavender, I love most shades of purple)

Currently watching: Switching between "Detective Conan" and "The Big Bang Theory" (although I've already watched both, they are both in my "comfort watching list")

Sweet/savoury/spicy: I'm a bit of a sweet tooth

Relationship Status: Not interested

Current Obsession: Fluffy wholesome platonic Omegaverye Omega!Tim Batfam stories ... And funny Tim-centered crack Batfam stories. So, if something is fluffy and/or funny and Tim-centered, I'll probably love it XD

Last thing I googled: Disney Dreamlight Valley (I'm confused, usually I add something like "recipes" or "critter" or something?)

If you'd like to: @mysnis, @san-fics, @paintball169, @the-coffee-fandom, @velveteenshadow, @anjuschiffer, @duskyashe, @bambinotcambi & if someone else wants to, feel free^^


I had a dream last night that since the boops were so successful, staff created a game called “Reverse Boop Tag” where a specific blog was “it” (marked by some symbol next to their name) and you had to find their blog and give them at least 500 boops to get the “Boop Hunter” badge.

Everyone descended on some poor user and blew up their notifs. Then the “it” blog would change every 12 hours for a few days. It was a lot of fun.



btw. by the way. By The Way. BY THE WAY. if you gleefully boop you can also gleefully reblog edits. you can gleefully support content creators. you can gleefully leave compliments in the tags. i know you are all capable of pressing buttons now!!!!!!!!!!!!! REBLOG.


This was all a ploy to make us love pushing buttons 😂


There's a Twitter account called Photo Evidence and it's full of photos of corrupt company owners doing drugs when they claim to be against them, or trying to SA women and screenshots of conversations between CEOs and their workers or a third party planning situations that are meant to make the CEOs look good or of the money in the company being used for bad things. You know, that kind of stuff.

The account starts out small (or, small in the scale of trying to destroy large corporate companies that are corrupt) and starts to go bigger. Photo Evidence is responsible for federal investigations into these companies, and no one knows who runs the account or how they get this information. People have tried to hack into their account and see if there's anything that tells them who it is, but the account's super protected that it's insane. How does something this protected even exist on Twitter?

Then it starts to go after Lex Luthor and his company. There are texts between Lex Luthor and Kon-El, talking about how Lex created Kon and that he should be preparing to take over Lex's company. There's evidence of mercenaries being hired to stage a take over for Luthor to look good about, and so many other things.

Somehow, Photo Evidence gets their hands on Luthor's cloning experiments. The accompanying caption is 'Fellas, how gay must you be to combine your own DNA with your sworn alien enemy to stabilize you clone of him?'

It causes a ruckus in a few hours.

Nightwing comments on the post, asking Aqualad and Kid Flash if they remembered breaking into Cadmus Labs without adult supervision. Aqualad's response is 'I was the adult supervision'

When Lex Luthor makes a homophobic comment, Photo Evidence starts to make fun of him, asking him things like 'How's the internalized homophobia going?'

Lex Luthor's company gets investigated, and no amount of bribery can save it because these are private investigators hired and paid with more money than Luthor can offer them.

Photo Evidence is Tim. He started the account because he was bored one day, and it's way more fun to bully Lex Luthor.

Ah, unhinged chaos gremlin Tim Drake ☺️

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