
Jack of all trades, master of none

@magpiedragon / magpiedragon.tumblr.com

Magpie | 31 | Poland For Dragon Age modding & content go here art tag Silmarillion designs reference blog DA modding blog

הבל | hevel

This is how it goes: God whispers in Cain’s jealous ear, drawing his attention to the Sin crouched at his doorway. Sin has haunted eyes and a mouth that has been kissed. Let there be no doubt that Sin has been kissed, with a wet-red mouth that may taste of blood or pomegranate or the electric crackle of a stoplight. Cain looks at Sin. He runs his tongue over his teeth.

This is how it goes: Cain leaves the house at one am in bare feet and a hoodie, careful to avoid the last stair that creaks, and treks out into the Field. There are many fields in the world but there is only one Field. Cain feels the difference in the grass when he crosses the border from field to Field, the way the grey-green blades stand up at attention in his wake, the way the dirt turns ice-cold and furious beneath his heels. The earth is good with foreshadowing. The tree of Knowledge has deep roots.

This is how it goes: God says, I will take you or your brother.

God says, You get to choose.

And Cain says, “When you split me and my brother in the womb, you did not divide us evenly. He got kindness, and I got longing. He got complacence, and I got ambition. I want to kill him sometimes. I think sometimes he wants to die.”

I have never made brothers before, God explains. That is how I thought they were made. What more do you want?

“I want to steal some of his kindness,” Cain says, and shakes his pocket knife out of his sleeve.

Back at home, Abel sits up in his bed with a start, heart racing. That was close, he thinks, that was a damn close one, and does not know why.

In the Field, the ground warms as blood seeps into the dirt. 



I’m an “I do not like children” person but not an “I hate children” person. I do not want a child. I do not particularly like being in the company of small children. I am not interested in babysitting. I do not think society’s view on procreating being necessary to fulfill one’s life is healthy. But I think kids are people too and they deserve all the resources, time and attention they need to successfully grow. I think the welfare of children is fundamental to society. I smile at babies in public. I try to be sympathetic if a child is having a meltdown in public. I think being cruel to children is one of the worst things a human can do.

This puts me in a strange middle ground because I absolutely cannot get along with the “I love babies, I need to have kids, my kids are my world, having children is sooo beautiful, the world should cater to children always” crowd or the “I think children are like disgusting little rats, I hate them, they’re subhuman” crowd.


Too many options on this one to add a "show results" button, sorry!

We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.



Women: pretty even across the board.

Men: want to write about men.

Enbies: given tumblr's demographic probably largely afab and really REALLY uninterested in writing about women.

Honestly that tracks.


Whenever prostration is mentioned in the goblin emperor I've always pictured something like this:

But some curious googling left me more confused as apparently it can also look like this:

Or this:

Or this:

which I guess makes sense as maia refers to people prostrating themselves "full length on the floor" but it also seems like a bit of an impractical way to be constantly greeting the emperor? Although I bet csoru took great delight in making people throw themselves onto the floor for her like this


I don't even go here, but OP: it can be either depending on just how reverential you are feeling. Flat on the floor is indeed pretty extreme, if your hands/forehead touch the floor you are already prostrate.


Nononono silica dust is a known and common hazard in construction and manufacturing. This is deliberate and horrifying neglect on the part of these employers. They could have properly implemented engineering controls, they could have required respirators on the shop floor. What you call "super asbestos" (silica dust) has been killing people for centuries, as long as people have been stonemasons really. OSHA has strict standards regarding the PEL for silica dust, but there is a dangerous lack of awareness and enforcement of safety protocols. This is not some new horror of the culture of capitalism, this is ordinary and awful and age old neglect.


Question for tumblr computer geeks—like, tumblr-specific computer geeks: does anyone know of some coding or browser extension dark magic way to view and/or download one’s entire tumblr chat history with another user? And if so, would you be willing to patiently walk me through it like I’m a writing major whose coding education maxed out at basic html tags? I want to do some archiving. Thanks in advance for any help!


In browser go to Settings -> [blog of choice] -> Export -> [wait for tumblr to make you a backup this may take Unknown amount of time] -> download the backup -> there will be conversations.zip with HTML files for each chat


so. um. the good news is we found your boyfriend. the bad news is that, well, we sort of…dug him up…in the middle of a car park. in leicester (buckley et al. 2013). leicester, yeah. sorry. they demolished the friary he was hastily interred in when henry viii dissolved all the monasteries. you know how it is. and as it turns out, well, shakespeare was…sort of right about him. scoliosis, yeah, sorry (appleby et al. 2014). if it makes you feel any better we analysed his bones and it turns out he had a pretty high-protein diet before he died (lamb et al. 2014). and he drank so much wine that it changed their chemical composition, which we didn't know could actually happen before we analysed him (lamb et al. 2014), so he was having a good time, at least. 


Appleby, J., Mitchell, P.D., Robinson, C., Brough, A., Rutty, G., and Morgan, B. (2014). The scoliosis of Richard III, last Plantagenet King of England: diagnosis and clinical significance. Lancet 383, 1944. 

Buckley, R., Morris, M., Appleby, J., King, T., O’Sullivan, D., and Foxhall, L. (2013). ‘The king in the car park’: new light on the death and burial of Richard III in the Grey Friars church, Leicester, in 1485. Antiquity 87, pp. 519-538. 

Lamb, A.L., Evans, J.E., Buckley, R., and Appleby, J. (2014). Multi-isotope analysis demonstrates significant lifestyle changes in King Richard III. Journal of Archaeological Science 50, pp. 559-565.


shout-out to the person i overheard today rushing into an antiques shop to ask, very urgently, ‘do you have any silver crosses?’. wishing you well in your fight against the creatures of darkness, friend


There's a bunch of adhd advice out there that's like "people with adhd tend to work better under deadlines due to the anxiety so here are ways to artificially induce a stress response in order to get you to get work done" and it's like well what if I don't want to be stressed out all the time in order to function


this gold shouldn't stay in the comments


Kinda crazy how speaking English is almost a form of literacy without which your access to the relevant scientific and sociopolitical conversations of our time is seriously limited.... Thank God I started reading yaoi fanfiction on American websites at age 14


The radius and ulna are among my favourite bones specifically because they do this

I hate this. I hate that they do this. I think about this every time I rotate my wrist. It seems like the sort of thing that would go wrong in all sorts of horrible ways and leave a bone sticking out of my skin. and yet it keeps happening. every day of my life.

I rotate my arms regularly just because I like it when they do this.

iiiiiii dont. think thats how bones work


Here are two videos on Reddit demonstrating how the radius bone rotates around the ulna bone: link / link

Yeah i doubt someone would make these gifs for the purpose of an online joke so I have no choice but to believe it

i have a degree is bones (bioarchaeology) this is how bones work and i hate it

For fellow autistic people who aren't sure whether this is a joke: I asked my mother, who has an MD, and she said this is in fact how those bones rotate

You also can either use Google or Literally Just Feel Your Arm Where The Bones Are


Here is another vote for Literally Just Holding Your Arm A Little Below The Wrist.


Fine I'll play the Phoenix Wright trilogy

Right from the start nobody has any faith whatsoever in my ability to do my job.

The man, the myth, the legend

This court is a fucking circus


Straight up satire about the way Japan's legal system tends to work, if a criminal case gets to trial 98.2% of them end up in a conviction. It's major shade on how it's pretty performative and corruption/abuse runs rampant.


Frodo: *stabbed by an immortal blade*

The Hobbits: What do we do Mr. Strider

The Hobbits: *looking to this big scary mountain man so intimidating and mysterious they don’t even know his real name*

Aragorn, truly just some guy at heart: I’m gonna call my dad

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