
Missing Essek Hours

@quinn-of-aebradore / quinn-of-aebradore.tumblr.com

* Quinn ~ she/they ~ demi *
* Professional Wizard Enthusiast *
* Mainly CritRole stuff, fic writer, moodboard maker *
Twelve years. Verin’s been in love with Eadwulf for most of them. And now he’s running out of time. But he can’t leave Bazzoxan, not yet, and he refuses to ask Wulf, who’s already been through so fucking much, to come live in the most miserable place on Exandria for him. Not when Verin himself is already desperate to leave, something he staunchly tries to ignore most every moment he’s awake. Torn between duty, love, and the ever-moving sands of time, Verin seeks comfort in the arms of Wulf, the man that he loves, and the very source of his turmoil. What he doesn't expect is for Wulf to see him clearly and just how weak the walls around his heart are when laid bare before him.

With graduation finally behind me, I return with the Verinwulf fic I have been working on and teasing since November! Thank you to everyone who's read the snippets I've posted, I appreciate y'all so much. I hope you enjoy the finished product; I'm quite pleased with it. These two have my whole dang heart, truly.


I had a dream last night that tumblr came up with a pride flag for closeted gays and it was just a light blue flag with a shrimp on it. People would also wear shrimp pins on their lapels for some Reason???

and the vegan gays started Discourse because shrimp deserved more respect

Wth that's brilliant

like this?

closeted queers, you now have a discreet pride flag. wreak havoc.


Pride flag for closeted queers and people who are just done with explaining themselves to randos.



say what you will about dungeon meshi but if i put my full squeamish pussy into gathering each & every bone of my digested girlfriend, painstakingly arranging them, and then using my blood to illegally reconstruct a whole new body for her. only for some preteen monarchist with alexandria's genesis to fucking UNDO all of it in favor of fusing her with the giant lizard that killed her instead. brother you would see me on the news


all goofing aside I genuinely don't understand the urge to reimagine Taylor Allison Swift as a secretly queer icon when the pop music scene(TM) is like. literally overflowing with women who actually like women. Gaga and Kesha and Miley and Halsey are right there. Rina Sawayama and Hayley Kiyoko and Rebecca Black and Kehlani and Victoria Monét and Miya Folick if you're willing to get slightly less top 100. Janelle and Demi for them nonbinary takes on liking girls. like what are we doing here. like I'm not even saying you can't enjoy Taylor but why would you hang all your little gay hopes on her.

Isn’t Lady Gaga bisexual?

yes that is indeed why she's on the list of famous women who like women

why have multiple people reblogged this with some horse-assed "um actually most of these people are bi or pan" did I fucking stutter I said they like girls. what is your point. I'm going to kill you.

POV: you make a good post and then encounter tumblr reading comprehension

btw to just clarify for anyone who sees this reblog of this post

op is basically saying something along the lines of "yea ik taylor swift is bi but like. why is she y'all's only lgbtq+ pop icon when there are all these other lgbtq+ people in the pop scene???"

i might have worded this badly but hopefully i got the main point across

hi op here I certainly did not fucking say Taylor Swift is bi


Op is saying that liking Taylor for being QUEER or Lgbtqia+ is not a bad thing, but to also know she is not the only one.

He did not call anyone in the original post lesbian bi or pan.

He did call two people NB

you have to be fucking with me there's no way

op: carrots are not fruits. raspberries and apples and blueberries and pears and lingonberries are fruits. i’m not saying you can’t enjoy carrots but why would you hang all your fruitsalad hopes on it

idiot 1: aren’t raspberries berries?

op: yes that is indeed why it’s on the list of fruit

op: why have multiple people reblogged this with “umm actually most of these are berries”. did i fucking stutter i said they’re fruits. i’m going to kill you

idiot 2: btw just to clarify op is saying “yeah i know carrots are a fruit but there are other fruits too”

op: where in the sweet mary mother of cunt did i say that carrots were a fruit

idiot 3: op is saying that liking carrots for being fruits isn’t a bad thing, but to also know they are not the only fruit


String identified: a gg a g 't ta t g t ag Ta A t a a ct c t c c(T) . ta g t acta . Gaga a a a a a a gt t. a aaaa a a a cca ac a a a cta ét a a c ' g t gt gt t . a a t a ta g g. at a g . ' t ag ca't Ta t ag a tt ga . ’t a Gaga a? tat ' t t a a t gg t t -a " acta t t a a" cg ttt a t g. at t. ' gg t .

a a t t t t t c t a.

t c ca t t : a a g t a t ct t ag c t t t ca a t g t t aca ag tg ag t "a ta t t . 'a' gt+ c t a a t t gt+ t c???" gt a t a t gt t a t ac cta t cg a Ta t ag tat g Ta g gta+ t a a tg, t t a t t . t ca a t ga t a a. ca t a t cg t t' a

ga a t a a ga

t: : cat a t t. a a a a a a a g a t. ’ t ag ca’t cat t ag a taa t t : a’t a ? : tat t’ t t t : a t gg t t “ acta t t a ”. cg ttt a t’ t. ’ gg t t : t t t ca ag “a cat a a t t t a t t t” : t t a t ct a tat cat a t t : ag tat g cat g t ’t a a tg, t t a t a t t t :

Closest match: Pyrausta purpuralis genome assembly, chromosome: 22 Common name: Common Purple & Gold

oh my god a beautiful moth.... post now justified good work everyone


Character flaws for an anxious character

  • Constant worrying: Obsessively fretting over even the smallest details.
  • Overplanning: Creating elaborate contingency plans for every possible scenario.
  • Indecisiveness: Struggling to make decisions due to fear of making the wrong choice.
  • Social anxiety: Feeling extremely nervous or uncomfortable in social situations.
  • Perfectionism: Setting impossibly high standards for themselves and others.
  • Avoidance behavior: Dodging situations or responsibilities that trigger anxiety.
  • Overapologizing: Saying sorry for everything, even when it's not their fault.
  • Hyperawareness of physical sensations: Being overly sensitive to bodily sensations and interpreting them as signs of impending doom.
  • Catastrophizing: Jumping to the worst-case scenario in any given situation.
  • Need for reassurance: Constantly seeking validation or reassurance from others.
  • Rumination: Getting stuck in a loop of negative thoughts and overanalyzing past events.
  • Difficulty relaxing: Finding it hard to unwind and let go of stress.
  • Overthinking: Overanalyzing every word or action, leading to anxiety about social interactions.
  • Physical symptoms of anxiety: Experiencing symptoms like sweating, trembling, or rapid heartbeat in stressful situations.
  • Avoidance of confrontation: Going to great lengths to avoid conflict or uncomfortable conversations.
  • People-pleasing: Putting others' needs and desires above their own to avoid conflict.
  • Overpreparation: Spending excessive time and energy preparing for events or tasks.
  • Self-doubt: Second-guessing their abilities and decisions due to fear of failure.
  • Fear of the unknown: Feeling anxious about uncertain or unfamiliar situations.
  • Imposter syndrome: Believing they are not worthy of their achievements and fearing they will be exposed as a fraud.

I think it's so interesting that when the Night Nurse goes through Charles' trauma, she does see him being attacked by the other boys, sees him running alone through the night, but she never sees him dying. That only comes later, when she is searching for love.

And there is no fear in that memory, even if there is pain, there is just Edwin and the light he is bringing, metaphorically and physically, into Charles' life, there is smiling and joking and listening to stories. There is Edwin.

So, yeah, I don't think dying was a bad experience for Charles. Not a good one, per se, but one that led to the best thing in his existence.


Tumblr Tuesday: A Cozy Little Spot in the Underworld 

It’s a Hades art collection! All your favorite drapey ones, right here on your dash. Please join us in celebrating the incredibly talented artists in this fandom. They are doing us all such a solid while we anxiously await the official release and its delicious family drama.


Y'all have gotta get more insane about platonic relationships like you are about romantic relationships. We need to get more annoying about them NOW. I need to see more meta and losing our minds over them. Get more annoying NOW. More than that. More than that also.

Girlpool—Before the World Was Big // memorial bench quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse // Iain S. Thomas, I Wrote This For You // Zadie Smith, Swing Time // Fall Out Boy—The Kids Aren't Alright // Audrey Emmett // Mikko Harvey, "For M" // Mahmoud Darwish, Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (tr. Ibrahim Muhawi) // Langston Hughes, "Poem"

Since it's pride month I'm going to say. Can we stop making fun of adults who don't have sex. Not even particularly asexuals, just general people who don't like sex personally or don't want to have it for whatever reason. It's just not great to portray people who don't have sex as weird losers or naive little kids or whatever, even as a joke

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