
Hiddlesbum Lust-A-Lot

@hiddlesbumlustalot / hiddlesbumlustalot.tumblr.com

As with many fun things in life, some content will be NSFW.

Tumblr: *rolls out “best stuff first”*

My blog:

on the one hand this is a joke post because lol i have never made a good post in my life, but also, if i hadn’t made the connection between this update and my sudden nosedive in activity, i would have been really fucking discouraged about all the shit i’ve been working on lately. i guarantee there are people on tumblr right now who haven’t made that connection, and who are trying to figure out why suddenly no one likes anything they’ve made. and that fucking sucks.

Reminder to go into your settings and turn off ‘Best Stuff First’ because my activity’s tanked a couple days ago for no reason so this stuff IS happening.

You WILL miss content with that setting on.


i ain’t joking when i say that my activity looks JUST like this too and i wasn’t sure why


To all my wonderful Tomblr friends, I’m so sorry for being absent the last few weeks. I wasn’t ignoring you! Abnormal weather misery (and offline drudgery), dragged me kicking and screaming to the unconnected world. You were all so dearly missed! And my days have been emptier without the joy of your company. Please forgive if I miss acknowledging something I was tagged in! All the hugs and thank you’s for thinking of me. You are all beautiful! Tagging (only a few!) of you lovelies as apology ^_^ @noclevernamelbr @fairlightswiftly @tinchentitri @lokilickedme @prplprincez @finney13s @bemynightmanager

And extra special hugs for @devikafernando for reasons

Love you! I’m glad you’re back and safe. @hiddlesbumlustalot You were missed!

Thank you @devikafernando, it’s so great to be back with you all! Love you!


To all my wonderful Tomblr friends, I’m so sorry for being absent the last few weeks. I wasn’t ignoring you! Abnormal weather misery (and offline drudgery), dragged me kicking and screaming to the unconnected world. You were all so dearly missed! And my days have been emptier without the joy of your company. Please forgive if I miss acknowledging something I was tagged in! All the hugs and thank you’s for thinking of me. You are all beautiful! Tagging (only a few!) of you lovelies as apology ^_^ @noclevernamelbr @fairlightswiftly @tinchentitri @lokilickedme @prplprincez @finney13s @bemynightmanager

And extra special hugs for @devikafernando for reasons

I am so happy you are back..I have missed you. Devika kept me sane. I tagged you a lot, so welcome back… @hiddlesbumlustalot ..you are loved

*hugs* thank you @fairlightswiftly you are loved also!


To all my wonderful Tomblr friends, I’m so sorry for being absent the last few weeks. I wasn’t ignoring you! Abnormal weather misery (and offline drudgery), dragged me kicking and screaming to the unconnected world. You were all so dearly missed! And my days have been emptier without the joy of your company. Please forgive if I miss acknowledging something I was tagged in! All the hugs and thank you’s for thinking of me. You are all beautiful! Tagging (only a few!) of you lovelies as apology ^_^ @noclevernamelbr @fairlightswiftly @tinchentitri @lokilickedme @prplprincez @finney13s @bemynightmanager

And extra special hugs for @devikafernando for reasons

Welcome back @hiddlesbumlustalot We’ve missed you!

Thank you darling @bemynightmanager!


To all my wonderful Tomblr friends, I’m so sorry for being absent the last few weeks. I wasn’t ignoring you! Abnormal weather misery (and offline drudgery), dragged me kicking and screaming to the unconnected world. You were all so dearly missed! And my days have been emptier without the joy of your company. Please forgive if I miss acknowledging something I was tagged in! All the hugs and thank you’s for thinking of me. You are all beautiful! Tagging (only a few!) of you lovelies as apology ^_^ @noclevernamelbr @fairlightswiftly @tinchentitri @lokilickedme @prplprincez @finney13s @bemynightmanager

And extra special hugs for @devikafernando for reasons

I’m always here for hugs listening or anything else

*hugs* you are an amazing person 💜@prplprincez


To all my wonderful Tomblr friends, I’m so sorry for being absent the last few weeks. I wasn’t ignoring you! Abnormal weather misery (and offline drudgery), dragged me kicking and screaming to the unconnected world. You were all so dearly missed! And my days have been emptier without the joy of your company. Please forgive if I miss acknowledging something I was tagged in! All the hugs and thank you’s for thinking of me. You are all beautiful! Tagging (only a few!) of you lovelies as apology ^_^ @noclevernamelbr @fairlightswiftly @tinchentitri @lokilickedme @prplprincez @finney13s @bemynightmanager

And extra special hugs for @devikafernando for reasons

Awww Friend @hiddlesbumlustalot I’m just glad that nothing has happened to you. Welcome back Darling!

And I am so happy to be back in your company @noclevernamelbr 💚


To all my wonderful Tomblr friends, I’m so sorry for being absent the last few weeks. I wasn’t ignoring you! Abnormal weather misery (and offline drudgery), dragged me kicking and screaming to the unconnected world. You were all so dearly missed! And my days have been emptier without the joy of your company. Please forgive if I miss acknowledging something I was tagged in! All the hugs and thank you’s for thinking of me. You are all beautiful! Tagging (only a few!) of you lovelies as apology ^_^ @noclevernamelbr @fairlightswiftly @tinchentitri @lokilickedme @prplprincez @finney13s @bemynightmanager

And extra special hugs for @devikafernando for reasons


Drunk!Tom collab mini fic - continued

Thanks for all those of you who’ve been cheering @tinchentitri and me on when a deadly ridiculous adorkable infuriating inspiring gif ‘made’ us write Drunk!Tom together.

As you’ll recall, he fell asleep… But of course, we’re nowhere near done, so let’s have three cheers (softly, poor baby’s got a hangover) for MorningAfter! Tom. ;-)

(my screenshot *giggles*)

The first thing she notices when she wakes up hours later is something scratchy against her thigh. Eyes still closed, she wriggles experimentally. Hm, that feels kinda nice. Slowly, she shifts closer while rubbing a hand over her eyes–and stops dead when she hears a sound that she doesn’t even have a name for. A bit like a fatally wounded animal having an asthma attack while simultaneously trying to tear its own heart out.

Hold on, she doesn’t have any cats or dogs living with her.

“Noooooo…” Okay, that sounds more human, but only barely.

She forces her gritty eyes open just in time to see Tom’s hands going to his head, which is very close to where she usually loves to have it–but not when he looks half dead.

“Is the world ending?” comes a scratchy voice.

(Tags below the cut. Please let us know if you want on or off the tag list we’re tentatively starting now.)

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