
Bruh Moment



I love conversations with my best friend


i wonder how many “hey guys are super hot no homo tho hahaha” type guys would identify as bisexual if male bisexuality was talked about more often and not like… ignored and forgotten about

I had a strongly Christian underclassman tell me that he and his girlfriend would both be a bit into boys and girls, respectively, if it was more accepted. He nervously described himself as bicurious when he spoke to me, an openly bi guy. I was thinking out loud and mentioned that I thought that being bicurious… wasn’t necessarily a thing, for lack of a better phrase, because if someone was attracted to the same gender, even if they’re attracted more to another one, they’re still bi. He kind of looked surprised and said, “oh. I guess I’m bi then.”

Let men and boys be bi. Encourage men and boys to explore their sexualities. Don’t tell them off for being affectionate, whether platonically or not, and don’t insist that they’re gay.

reblog if you love alexei and think that he deserved better

Dear Person Reading This

If I tagged you, then I really hope you reblog this for your followers. I’m not doing it for attention, I’m doing it because even I needed this letter.

Dear person reading this,

You’re amazing. And I’m going to give you every reason on why. So throughout this entire thing, just listen. It’s going to get cheesy, and you’re going to feel like scrolling to skip to another point. But don’t, let everything sink in slowly so that you realize it’s true.

If you manage to get through the entire thing without believing it at the end, then I want you to read through it again. Read it so many times that you’re mocking it. And then read it once more. Believe that it’s all true, and maybe you’ll feel confident, even if it’s just a little while.

Dear person reading this, you’re beautiful. I know you don’t see it, especially at the dark times when the light is just too far. But other people do, even if it’s just the tiniest thing like a nose scrunch, or how your face concentrates.

As I’ve read once before, you’ve never seen your expressions in the most beautiful moments. When you receive good news, that makes your heart swell with joy. How your eyes light up when you talk about something you enjoy. When you laugh, and how it sounds like music to the person that likes you. Hell, even when you’re down in the dumps, and you truly believe like you’re having the worst day for everything, someone, even if it’s just one person, thinks you’re beautiful.

Dear person reading this, you’re talented. If you can’t do any of the arts, that’s fine. You don’t have to be good at doing plays, writing, drawing or playing music. If you’re not good at any schoolwork, that’s fine. You have that other special thing that you do constantly. If you don’t play sports, then that’s great too. You don’t have to.

If your art doesn’t turn out to what you want it to look like—speaking to all art forms—just remember, when you’re showing it to someone, they didn’t have that same idea in your head. They’re seeing it for the first time! To them, it’s like gold, even though to you it’s just bronze painted gold.

Dear person reading this, you’re incredibly smart. In or out of school. You’re smart, you manage to navigate the world every single day! You’re learning things you didn’t even realize! Hell, you’re even mastering some of them!

If you’re in school, and you can’t keep certain grades up even though you’re trying, don’t worry about it. As long as you tried your absolute hardest—even if it isn’t that much!—you tried. And you get to say that you did. But, don’t use those grades against yourself. They don’t define you, don’t let them define you.

Dear person reading this, you’re loved beyond your control. No matter what situation you’re in at the moment, there’s always someone that loves you. I’m one of them! I don’t even know you and I already know you’re amazing!

Every single day someone thinks of you at least once and they smile to themselves. If it isn’t your parents, then it’s your friends. If it isn’t your friends, it’s some random kid that looks at you during the day every day to make sure you’re there. Your friends who text you, on any social media platform. Anyone who likes or follows you, retweets or reblogs, comments or DMS you, there’s always someone thinking about you.

Dear person reading this, you have potential. I know you don’t see it right now, or if you do, then great. But there’s always something directing you on the path for a reason. If you need to reach your dreams, then reach far, because I know you can! I believe in you, other people believe in you! You can do it.

Dear person reading this, you and everything you do, is valid! Your daily routine of doing your hair or picking out clothes. Not eating your vegetables, doodling when you should be working, anything.

Why? Because you’re unique. What kind of person would you be if you followed in someone’s steps directly? Spice it up if you don’t feel like you’re as valid as I say you are!

Dear person reading this, stop saving things to use at the “perfect time”. I hate to break it to you, but that time is never coming. Summer body saving for next year? Do it now. Wear the new clothes you just bought! Wash them later.

If you try and save it for something special, and all these events are passing you by, you’re missing out. There’s no perfect time to do it, then now. Eat the chocolate bar! But show self-control by saving some of it for later. Show discipline but not enough to bring yourself down.

Dear person reading this, go easy on yourself. If you’re too hard, then you’re going to do some mental damage. Go slow, you don’t have to pressure yourself.

Dear person reading this, change doesn’t happen all at once, give it some time. I know you want it to happen overnight, but they weren’t wrong when they said practice makes perfect.

Dear person reading this, I hope you’re well. Did you drink your water? Eat your food? Take a shower? Your medicine? I hope you did, stay healthy. Don’t let your body deteriorate at all, take care of it as much as you can.

Dear person reading this, I wish you the best. I hope that life gives you the best, I hope you get everything you want in life and more. I hope that you become successful, you deserve it.

Dear person reading this, do whatever you have to do to get through life. Just don’t harm yourself in the process. Don’t leave the world early. Stay for the ride even if it’s bumpy, if you have to get off and walk around the bumps, then do it.

Dear person reading this, you’re absolutely perfect to me. In every aspect that I’ve described and more. You’re the world to some. You’re the world to me. Be gentle with yourself.


A lost girl that needs to take care of herself.

Please reblog this for your followers! They need this too!


Edit; you don’t have to be tagged in order to tag others! And read even if you weren’t tagged!

This is a message for you wonderful people! I love you, read the message and feel powerful.


Reblog if Black Lives Matter to you

Where are those woke white people at!?


The amount of notes this doesn’t have bothers me…


Tumblr has 30-50 million active users. Why does this not even have 1 million notes?

I have over three thousand followers and so far only two reblogged this I’m disappointed


Blacks taste the Same as whites so they should have the Same rights

^^^ cannibals for equality


Dear People Who Smoke

I don’t know if you have considered this but stop smoking in areas where people are forced to wait at. Don’t smoke at crosswalks. Don’t smoke outside doorways. Don’t smoke at bus stops. People with asthma or other breathing conditions or people that idk DON’T WANT TO BREATHE IN YOUR CIGARETTE SMOKE are trying to get to places and need to be able to breathe. Stop smoking in crowded areas. stop smoking in crowded areas. STOP FORCING NONSMOKERS TO SECOND HAND SMOKE. 

This may be news to some people, but this applies to marijuana too.

This actually also applies to vapes. My asthma goes off to even vape smoke, it’s not harmless, there are particulates in it that other peoples lungs can and are affected by.

You do not have the right to force anyone else to smoke or vape your fumes.

with a special shout-out and fuck you to parents that smoke in the car with their children


No matter what, you never deserve abuse.

  • You never deserve abuse because you’re too needy or clingy
  • You never deserve abuse because you “let it happen” or “didn’t fight back” or “didn’t stand up for yourself”
  • You never deserve abuse because you “let it get this far” or you “stayed this long”
  • You never deserve abuse because your abuser is your mother or father, sister or brother, other family member, your boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancée, husband, or wife
  • You never deserve abuse because you have a particular mental or physical illness
  • You never deserve abuse because you’re “too emotional”
  • You never deserve abuse because you were “asking for it”
  • You never deserve abuse even though you’ve made mistakes, or said something wrong, or haven’t understood something, or can’t remember something
  • You never deserve abuse for being “too much” or “not good enough”
  • You never deserve abuse for having off days or being vulnerable sometimes
  • You never deserve abuse for asking for help
  • You never deserve abuse, no matter how many times and how many ways your abuser justifies it or makes excuses for it.

Please do not buy from any of these websites

Signal boost this guys bc I had no idea this was happening, I was going to order from recently too, I already had it planned out. This is NOT OK and needs to stop.


Please reblog, this is so important.

I needed this

Is this foreal?

Yes it’s a real service. I do volunteer work for a rape crisis support service in my city and texting is one of the features we provide as well. But just to boost its credibility, I tried it myself:

reblog to save lives!

You can also text “Steve” to 741741 if you’re a young person of color. The website for more info is stevefund.org

My understanding is that it’s more multicultural and some folks feel more comfy with that in mind!


get help guys, please. if you’re hurting, don’t let that hurt consume you. seek help.

I never knew this. It’s spectacular.

THIS is what I was looking for a few weeks ago when I was in crisis; reblog to save a life!


Genuinely saved my life. Please, even if you dont need this now, save it to your phone bc you may need it later

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