
I Have So Many Feelings About Buses

@stubbornness-and-spite / stubbornness-and-spite.tumblr.com

she/they- genderqueer | bi/ace | call me Spite! | 21 | header by @pride-icons-for-all-the-queers | @spite-reblogs is for reblogs | @spite-writes is my original writing | my instagram is @stubbornness_and_spite | my AO3 is stubbornness_and_spite | avatar by picrew.me/image_maker/54346

Hello and welcome!

I post a lot of different things but I do my best to tag them for your filtering ease. Let me know if I miss anything or you want me to start tagging something I don’t.

I appreciate any interaction with my fics, but for anyone wondering the scale of how much goes: reblog with comment, reblog without comment, comment without reblog, likes

Writing requests are always open - I’ll write for anything that this blog has content for - my preference right now is Lab Rats, Lab Rats: Elite Force, Mighty Med, and possibly Thundermans, but anything else is still fair game(JATP, MHA, A:TLA)

My messaging is always open if you want to chat about fandom or my OCs or anything else (no venting please, I'm not qualified to help)

@spite-reblogs is my side blog for reblogging things and putting unfiltered thoughts in the tags. (Head up: I don’t tag as well there but I can tag specific things by request)

@spite-writes is my original writing side blog. It has what is currently posted of my in progress stories, info on my characters, and writing tips I find useful. I am always down to talk about my characters/worlds/stories if anyone is interested

@oh-no-its-another-aesthetic-blog is my side blog for pretty things and cool looking things(and quotes that fit the vibe)

My AO3 is stubbornness_and_spite

My queer/fandom instagram is @stubbornness_and_spite

My ask boxes are all open and accepting prompts that I will hoard and eventually fill

My writing tag on this blog is #i need a writing tag and it has both my original writing and fanfic

#my writing is exclusively original works, but I’m not sure everything is there because I started using that recently and haven’t gone back to fix stuff. @spite-writes is solely my original stuff and all my writing there is tagged.

#spite rambles is my personal post tag. Sometimes I add #spite gripes if it’s more negative.

My Writing Masterpost - has not been recently updated, but has links to some of my older writing for easier navigation

With Love Masterpost - ongoing (unofficially discontinued) Sanders Sides series


Hey, this pride month (or literally any time of year), you wanna know something fairly easy and great you can do?

Contact your local library (or comment on their social media) positively for any pride/LGBTQIA+/queer-related displays or events they have going on.


What I’m seeing and hearing from the (mostly US-based) library workers in my groups and social circles is that the anti-queer (anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-drag queen story time, etc.) comments and complaints that have ramped up in the past year aren’t going away. Even library workers with supportive coworkers/bosses/boards are steeling themselves to deal with an avalanche of garbage, or are second-guessing their displays and events because the amount of vitriol can wear a person down so much. And the ones without supportive people or work environments? It’s worse.

Give the library something else: give them both the ammo (by being one of the numbers they can count worth the positive group) if they need to show their community isn’t wholly negative. Give them the compliment of knowing that their work got appreciated.

  • A comment like “I love this” or “Wow, that looks great!”
  • An email about how much you’re excited about X event
  • A call saying you wanted to let them know you appreciate this thing
  • Tagging them if you share a picture or positive comment on social media
  • “Cool shirt/pins/etc!” (Because people are also bring harassed about personally being queer, even if it’s not a library display)
  • Literally anything that would be positive for them to receive

I realize the above might sound simple, like suspiciously simple, but you don’t have to just take my word for it—just take a gander at the notes:

So just to reiterate: it really can be as simple as a social media comment or a two-sentence email.

(Now is it possible to do more? Yes! Going to events when you can is always good! Voting for public officials who support the library—library boards in some places, but also school board members who don’t want to ban books, city councils who don’t act disgusted at drag queen story hour, etc. Contact your elected folks if they’re being anti-library, etc.)

Anything is better than nothing.

But as people will often point out on posts about libraries, they’re not all the same: your library may not have events, or displays, for a number of reasons. You can still support your library with easy things like:

  • Comment/email/call/post about a book you enjoyed that fits the criteria, or how you were happy to find it for your child/nibling/friend/whoever
  • Ask them for recommendations
  • Ask if a Pride display is coming because you’d love to find new reads/any other reason
  • Check out books/materials and return them! Libraries love statistics!
  • Is your library not doing anything, or doing less (possibly because of aforementioned problems)? Politely express your disappointment. "I haven't seen a pride display yet this year, is one coming?" or "I'm disappointed not to see a display for Pride Month" or "I was excited for X event and sad that it's been canceled/not happening this year, are there plans to do it again in the future?" Remember you don't know what's happening behind the scenes (but check the notes of this post for a glimpse)
  • Closeted or not otherwise able/wanting to be out? You don't have to out yourself to say you like or appreciate seeing things! “I just love the options here at X Library!” “What a lovely display!”
  • Request a book they don’t have! Literally the worst that’ll happen is they say no, and patron requests can often build a case/show support for titles that the workers aren’t sure about/are worried about complaints. (A request doesn’t guarantee its purchase for reasons that are a separate post! But it doesn’t hurt to ask.)

The current tsunami of anti-library, anti-queer hate didn't appear overnight, but if you're not plugged in library circles, you may not realize how bad things really are. Supporting your library is a year-round endeavor, but as you can see, it can also be super easy. Libraries are for everyone, not just right-wing HOA members—so make sure that they hear from the rest of us, too.


in conversation about white people who go to Japan and expect their knowledge of anime to culturally carry them, I was once posed with “it’s like if there was a Japanese guy who was obsessed with spongebob and came over here and thought he could get by just communicating in spongebob quotes.” This is a false equivalence because if such a man existed we would crown him king. We’d love him. Americans would fucking love that. sometimes I get sad that this isn’t a real guy I can invite to a party.


Headcanon where after so many arguments between the batkids and Bruce over his paranoia and complete disregard for his kids privacy, the entire family had compromised with (in the healthiest way possible) downloading life360 on their phones and that's how they all keep track of each other.

Now Bruce knew that this is mostly for his benefit and is supposed to be a healthy alternative for his unhealthy paranoia and helicopter parenting, but what he wasn't expecting was for his kids to start keeping track of him.

He's putting gas in his car and Dick calls him because apparently Dick has been watching him drive around on the app? And Bruce is currently at a gas station thats right around the corner from a Taco Bell and now Dick wants him to get food for everyone since he's already there.

He's driving home from a meeting and Steph calls him because her and Duke were shopping in the area and wants to know if he can pick them up, when he asks how she knew he was on the same street, he gets a "Oh I just like to stalk everyone on the app for funsies." as an answer.

Jason calls him and he can barely get out a hello before Jason cuts him off, "Bruce why the fuck is your phone battery on 5%, charge your damn phone" which completely stuns him because why does he know that. He clears his throat before answering. "Jason, what?"

"Everyone can see each others phone batteries on '360, now charge your phone." Is all he gets before Jason hangs up on him.


This year, on the 31 March, we lost Gilbert Baker, gay artist and creator of the gay pride flag. Today we would celebrate his 66th birthday. Let’s remember him as the wonderful person he was.

i just want to add to this post that the last update made to the official pride flag by Glibert Baker before he passed away was THIS:

the new lavender stripe at the very top was added to represent DIVERSITY and as far as i am aware, was added in retaliation against trump’s presidency. i’ve not seen many people use this version, and it deserves to be known.


you guys have got to get better at spellcasting any time someone's attempted to curse me with 10k note post it gets like 50 at most. back to the spell books buddy that one might be too advanced for you try learning some cantrips first


zoology is so fucking funny. what do you mean we’ve never seen a baby great white shark. what do you mean we’ve never documented a single melanistic cougar despite it being entirely possible. I dunno man. Anyways a new amphipod was just discovered 92639273947294729 meters beneath the sea


me, as I’m rubbing my t gel into my leg: hmm. what if I was cis this whole time

the transsexual angel sitting on my shoulder: who fucking cares. you’re having a good time being on t. either take t as a tranny or take it as a cis dyke. who cares!

me: thanks transsexual angel. are you allowed to reclaim those slurs btw


I keep seeing people use this image as a reaction to people's original posts:

Which I think is really incorrect, because with an original post they haven't come up to ur window, u've come up to their window.

So I made this, as a more accurate reaction for original posts:


💉 blood-showers Follow

okay. but has anyone ever tried drinking their own blood? like from when they were alive?

🍷 nvrdrnk-wine Follow

how the fuck are they gonna do that? go back in fucking time?

💉 blood-showers Follow

no no like. before they turn they donate blood or something and have it stored in a blood bank, and then after they turn they break in and try it

let-me-in-let-me-in Follow

thats disgusting

🩸 fightmeorbiteme Follow

Friendly Reminder that taking blood from a blood bank is actually worse for humanity than feeding off humans directly.

💉 blood-showers Follow

can we not bring up blood bank ethics for five fucking minutes we're talking about drinking your own human blood right now

🕷️ renfields-spider-collection Follow

wouldn't it turn into dead mans blood? cuz you die when u turn? it'd fucking poison you

🧛‍♀️ fromthekarnsteintomb Follow

no but it was drawn before you died


oh my god. my friends gonna sire me in a few weeks. i should fucking try it

🦇 sleepalldaypartyallnight Follow

@human-guy-steve its been 3 months is there an update????

💀 hung3r Follow

he's been fucking destroyed...

🌙 thecollinscurse Follow

Well. There's your answer.

🧛‍♂️ vampire-guy-steve Follow

still here! just remade lol


that was fucking disgusting

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