
The Fever Trope


Blog for all my whumpage affairs! Mainly Fever/sick whump, with anything else I like!~ SFW! Feel free to call me Lexi~ She/her

I logged off tumblr yesterday and forgot about the boops

Came back on today to several which I cannot boop back, thank you for the boops and sorry for not returning them! 😭


Me: I want 14th doctor whump

Also Me: *sees this exclusive clip*

He literally licks something and looks like he's about to choke. Please wild blue yonder give us some 14 whump 🙏 what do you think guys? Think we'll get some food?


Trying again to find a whump fic I remember but can't find.

Tenth doctor whump, crossover with torchwood, the doctor gets kidnapped by a band of like 5 plasmavores. Not sure if it's on whofic or ff.net, but I honestly can't remember the title, or author. It's very whumpy and I want to reread it so desperately 😭

Why is it that as soon as I post on here I fuckin find it? In case anyone is interested:

Bloodborne by Ellijay: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12197175/1/Bloodborne


This is a GO comic commission for @cafelatte100 inspired by a fic called ‘La Grippe’ writen by @lady-wallace.

I ensure you, the story is heart wrenching and took many of my tears when i read and drew this. You have been warned XD.

Here’s the link to the fic

There will be a second part to this 


Dizzy whumpees

  • Unable to sit up in bed at all
  • Feeling nauseous and like they're going to pass out at the same time when sitting up
  • Feeling light headed and "floaty"
  • Unable to eat anything because they're too nauseous or just too dizzy to sit up enough to eat
  • Feeling scared because they've never felt dizziness like this before

A's fever is through the roof. They are sleepy, dazed, and in so much pain. They can do nothing but shiver violently under their blankets, burning up yet chilled to the bone.

B keeps pressing cold washcloths to A's head, whispering sweet nothings and trying to comfort A through their hallucinations.

C keeps going back and forth, bringing ice and cold water and doing their best to assist B, looking incredibly worried.

A is shivering so much that they start getting painful cramps, and tears start rolling down their flaming cheeks.

B turns to C, in a hushed whisper. "I think it's time to call the doctor. Fever's getting out of control."

C just nods, darting out of the room with their heart breaking for poor A.

Okay so I did a drabble for this, Idk some au where Donna is fine post Journeys end and Jack joins them. Tis under the “keep reading”. (Maybe I’ll do more/expand on it if people like it?)


A's fever is through the roof. They are sleepy, dazed, and in so much pain. They can do nothing but shiver violently under their blankets, burning up yet chilled to the bone.

B keeps pressing cold washcloths to A's head, whispering sweet nothings and trying to comfort A through their hallucinations.

C keeps going back and forth, bringing ice and cold water and doing their best to assist B, looking incredibly worried.

A is shivering so much that they start getting painful cramps, and tears start rolling down their flaming cheeks.

B turns to C, in a hushed whisper. "I think it's time to call the doctor. Fever's getting out of control."

C just nods, darting out of the room with their heart breaking for poor A.


No ok but a caretaker gently shushing a feverish and delirious whumpee will NEVER fail to Fuck Me Up. Maybe it's paired with the dabbing of a damp cloth against their overheated forehead, or a soft "oh honey no, that's not what I meant," when scared and confused tears form in the whumpee''s eyes, or maybe just a quiet and tired "hush now, go to sleep," after hearing the whumpee ramble half-coherently for an hour.... it eats me alive

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