
Chiro's Dolls And Fantasies


Hi~ I'm Chiro. I'm a Doll lover, Costume maker, photographer & Story writer!

Hello tumblr, I’m back! I have not been posting any final photoshoot photos as I was really occupied with reality. Recently I am managing better and I am back with BJD body blushing, hand sewn 1/3 BJD black lace lingerie and black fur handcuffs ~

I am going to be involved in a booth to sell doll items in July and these are my promotional photos~

I’ve also took have a really sexy couple shoot for chizuru and ...(TBH new doll is named Ein...but I might change it as it is not resonating with me)

I will be uploading them as soon as the photos are read ! ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و follow me if you are looking forward to some boy on boy action~ ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄


Many many many thanks for @oki-doll for making Ashlynn Ella’s Bridal Shower possible by providing me with the backdrop, props and dolls!!!!! Aside from Hunter and Ashlynn as well as the boys’ costume, all the other items you have seen in the photos are provided by her <3

It is a challenging shoot as there are so many dolls in frame! But I am really loving the result and how the story proceeded and changed while I am shooting it^^ 

For the ending, if you are wondering, I ended it with that sentence by Maddie, suggesting that this Bridal Shower was just a dream^^

Do you like this short EAH photo series?


Darling visited Apple, pushed her down, confessed with a kiss! What could be the story behind this?? Follow me to find out more ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و ! Fanfiction to be uploaded! I understand that this genre might not be that appreciated, but I would appreciate people not giving hate comments if this is not the pairing you support^^


<p>Chizuru: Look at the owl I caught! I am going to treasure it! -and this is how a love story between a grey cat and an owl starts- 🤣😂 LOL JKJK</p> <p>This is my first photo of chizuru on my Instagram(@chiro_bi), and I actually have him around since 2010~ <br /> BUT MAN, Mad love the new green eyes, cat hat and tail 😍 </p> <p>Jokes aside, would anyone want a story~?


My Ever After High Cupid Repainted doll~ Made her 3 outfits ^^ one cheerleading outfit, one short gown and one beach outfit ^^ After adding on those pink ribbon accessories, with her her heart shaped hair style, her silhouette looks alike to Minnie mouse 🤣

I am going to sell her as a set with these 3 outfits, but I have no idea how much to price her at. Any suggestions?

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