
Of Words and Meaning


I absolutely adore my followers. My name is Mandy, I love photography, writing, and creating new ideas. 27 || F || Autochorissexual || Slytherin I'm inspired to write by every little thing in life. I don't know where I'd be or if I'd even still be here if...

like i have a serious question UBISOFT?!


fuck ubisoft regardless. Managers were literally assaulting their employees at meetings. Which they held in strip clubs. Employees were raped, and when they reported to HR the rapists were /promoted/. Multiple times. All corporations are corrupt, but Ubisoft is far, far beyond the pale. There has to be a line somewhere, and no matter where you draw it ubisoft is far, far over it.


Really happy to see this at my local library


OOOOH. *happy YA librarian dance*


I want this in every library, everywhere. After all, some kids won’t even google this stuff because they don’t want parents/siblings checking their browser history.

This is really awesome. And if you’re not familiar with how the Dewey Decimal system works - the numbers subject-based, which means these numbers are applicable in EVERY library. So if you see something you want to research on this list - look for those same numbers in any of your local libraries.

This is wonderful.

Reblogging to possibly save a life


Emphasis for Dewey Decimal System:

if you’re not familiar with how the Dewey Decimal system works - the numbers subject-based, which means these numbers are applicable in EVERY library

No matter where you are in the world, this will work.


i am stupid but smart at the same time in the same way dogs are very good learners but will still eat grass ravenously until they get sick and will run into glass doors


today im thinking about the huge buff bread guy from kikis delivery service. highly underrated guy

Genuinely just a good man. Wife adopts teenage witch that needs a place to stay in the city? Sure. Even though you got a kid on the way? That’s fine. Cat too? Love cats. 


My favorite moment with him is when he goes to get some prepped baking sheets and he does this fancy twirl with them in front of Jiji. Like, there’s no other people in the room, he does this to impress a cat.

I don’t think he ever says more than a whole word the entire movie, and I still love him more than most Disney princes based on this one moment alone.

And the part where he wanted to surprise Kiki by making that beautiful elaborate sign OUT OF BREAD to advertise her business and he was all anxious for her to get home and see it

But then when he sees her coming he gets all bashful and runs away 😭


Safety first!

Pretty sure Shuckle could survive a plane crash without scratch.

Yes but would YOU survive a plane crash if a Shuckle hit you on the head at plane speeds?


Literally anyone who’s read the results of any other time this experiment has been tried. Why are we still trying to prove the concept?


We’re still trying to prove the concept because in the West, Big Business and their owners, The 1%, are screaming at the thought of having to give up a little money so everyone can get universal income that supports life - meaning jobs either have to pay you to put up with the literal shit or people can walk away from them without becoming homeless.

Our entire system is basically based on people being so afraid of homelessness and starvation that they’ll accept any shit job for shit pay.

Past experiments have shown that UBI:

Increases high school graduation rates


Domestic violence


Emergency room visits related to mental health

Road traffic accidents.

All while not disincentivizing employment for most groups (the exceptions being high school students, who were able to focus on their studies, and new mothers…who were using it as maternity leave!)

People, for the most part, want to work.

UBI would allow us to expand the definition of “work.” If somebody can live off of UBI, then they can devote themselves to things which we don’t currently value financially such as the arts, raising children well, etc.

And if somebody wants to stay home and play video games all day…then so be it. Not that many will.,..and of those who do most will probably find some way to make that into their “work,” whether by providing play throughs and tutorials or competing seriously.

If somebody stops working all together as soon as they get UBI and stays home to play video games, they probably desperately needed a break.

There are so many people who are struggling with mental and physical illnesses, and chronic pain, who are still breaking themselves working because they don’t have another option - because it can take years to get on disability, and it’s not enough to survive on, so people keep going as long as they possibly can.

Even if it’s not a matter of disability, as such … people get burned out?

We’re not really built to do school and work with minimal breaks to the extent that we do.

Despite what our puritanical culture says, there’s no shame in needing a break.


The reason we don’t have UBI is not because it costs too much money like they say it’s because it would take away the leverage businesses have over their employees (starvation and death)


please read the best twitter story i’ve seen all week


bringing this back because it becomes possibly funnier the second (third forth) time around

oh my god


this is what happens when you name your pokemon before you know what it evolves into.

she still baby tho…

Just make it back alive, buddy. Promise me.

I always wondered whatever happened to this guy… Set some time around the Advent Children.


i am a:

⚪️ man

⚪️ woman

🔘 person with adhd

and i am seeking:

⚪️ men

⚪️ women

🔘 meals that can be prepared in under 5 minutes

Here’s a low spoons meal plan that I made as an autistic, mentally ill person, mostly made for a good friend with ADHD and chronic pain.

All of the recipes don’t require any more cooking than a microwave or toaster, and don’t require any utensils other than a fork or spoon. I tried to make as many ingredients as possible shelf stable so that you can pick and choose as needed. It’s made to minimize dishes, time, and gross motor skills required.

As a person with ADHD and newly-reduced motor skills and mobility, I cannot thank you enough for this.

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