

@bluegelo10 / bluegelo10.tumblr.com

DHH guy from NorSanDi of SoCal | He/Him/His | XXX | Biromantic Demisexual | Filipino-American

BTS of #RWRBMovie: Storming Kensington


For Matthew, this scene was an important one, but one that he felt needed a different energy than what is on the page. "It is very similar and it's also simultaneously very different to the book which I think is just one way of describing this entire movie," he says. "Casey said to me after watching it for the second or third time, 'It's like there's my book, and then there's your movie and the two are very, very similar and also very different,' which is good because if the movie was so faithful to the book, it, I don't even think it would please the fans of the book.  "I know that's probably a controversial thing to say but it wouldn't have served the story very well." He continues: "I needed to observe the logic of a film and trust that I had internalized the emotional truths of the book and the Storming of Kensington in the book is a lot more chaotic and Alex is highly charged.  "When we were in rehearsals, and Taylor and Nick and I began to really delve into that scene, we realized quickly that if Alex came on that strong then Henry, given where he is mentally, would simply say, 'well, get out,' and kick Alex out. So we knew implicitly that we needed to do a different version of that scene, one in which Alex isn't at all certain of success.  "In the book, Alex is willing to burn down the castle in order to get what he wants, and although the scene actually uses a lot of dialogue from the book, our Alex in the film knows that if this doesn't work, their relationship is over. So he's a little more careful with Henry, more fearful, and Henry is more heartbroken, and those decisions really determined everything else that followed in the scene." 

From Glamour:

Galitzine, meanwhile, says his most rewarding time on set came during the film's emotional climax, when Alex and Henry must decide if—and how—they're going to move forward in their relationship. “It's the emotional height of the movie in a lot of ways, and sometimes as an actor, you can very much get in your head about that,” he says. “But Taylor really was just so emotionally present that it helped me. We got to a vulnerable, beautiful space. Those kinds of moments are where you drift into a level of truth and sincerity that feels very real. That's what we're always aiming for.”
ML: We had to break for lunch, and we haven't finished the scene and I was really, really worried that we were gonna come back from lunch and I would've lost them and never re-captured what was happening on set before lunch. And it was the pivotal part of the scene, the end where Alex makes an ultimatum to Henry. We got back on set and we started filming again and instantly in the first take, after lunch, Taylor started crying and Nick was facing away from him and he heard Taylor, and Nick started crying. The back half of that scene is so beautiful because they're doing such great work and I really had a difficult time cutting it because there was such beautiful, nuanced work from both of them. What's so remarkable about it is they had just had lunch, and they came right back into it and they were more dialled in, more in touch with each other than before. It was pretty remarkable. I have to say that was the moment I knew that whatever happened with this movie, those two actors would be fine in their careers.

every once in a while i learn some wild new piece of information that explains years of behavior and reminds me that i will never truly understand everything about my ridiculous adhd brain


ok what the fuck who was gonna tell me this isnt normal


what the fuck you mean to tell me that the way that i comically slide around things wasn't just me naturally shitposting

maybe the neurotypicals are just trolling us


Are you fucking kidding me


good fucking lord we need to demystify minerals. crystals do not have healing or magical powers you guys are just getting scammed


and we are what exactly? everything we interact with is a jigsaw puzzle of atoms. everything that effects or heals us in made of atoms and vibrations. negative ions from moving water affect our mood so why wouldn't crystals?

you are getting scammed

I own a rock shop. A lady came in about three years ago and asked me which crystals are best for healing, I gently explained that they didn't have powers or healing properties. She started crying. She had late-stage cancer and no medical treatments were working. A crystal-healer had told her the only thing that would save her were crystals, then proceeded to convince her to spend $2000 on what realistically was only maybe $50 worth of Arkansas Quartz. She had two months to live, and was being strung along by scammers who gave her false hope in exchange for her life savings. I had indirectly just told this woman she was going to die, and it was hitting her all at once. Unfortunately, stuff like this is a regular occurrence. Maybe that’s my worst story, but it’s something I encounter on a weekly basis at least. Rocks, Minerals, and crystals are cool as hell but they don’t have powers. They aren’t mystical or special. I’m sorry for going off on a rant about this but it’s frustrating and it can ruin people’s lives.

This. It's so sad and depressing watching people fall for it. Every so often when doing outreach talks with my mineralogy and fossil displays I would run into people who thought their carefully arranged array of crystals was going to bring them money or heal their chronic illness, and sometimes there was no way to gently let them down without hurt. Especially when they realised that, given so many of them are from dire financial strata, they have been throwing their money down a hole for pretty rocks. There's nothing wrong with pretty rocks, but they're not magic.


it’s actually none of your business or concern if a trans person decides to keep their birth name

there’s this trans guy on tiktok (you might know him) who kept his birth name (sasha) and he gets shit for it all the time. people say things like “if you’re trans why did you keep your deadname?” “i would hate it if people kept calling me a ‘girl name’” and he has to say “it’s not a deadname, it’s just my name.” and when people find out he’s trans they’re like “oh so what’s your name?” and he’s like “sasha” and they’re like “no i mean what’s your guy name, like your trans name?” “…sasha” i remember he made a video about it and was like “are y’all trying to make me hate my name or something or make me feel bad for keeping my birth name? i like it and it’s who i am” and honestly i feel like a lot of people think trans liberation comes from changing everything about yourself instead of keeping the parts about you that you like. “well wouldn’t you feel more comfortable if you fit into this binary mold of gender and conformity?” no actually. a lot of trans people want to transition and get new names, and good for them! but it’s a personal decision and it’s not the only “correct” path and if they want to keep their birth name, that’s their choice and it should be respected


seeing the photos from Webb up against photos from Hubble just makes me… I don’t even know like, wow! Look at that!

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