
"Can't forget Yuumi!"

@a-wild-yuumi-appeared / a-wild-yuumi-appeared.tumblr.com

indie Yuumi & Book rp blog. Yuumun is 18+, blog is friendly for everyone! See @boundless-curiosity for my other muses!
Aphelios blink, moving back as if not to harm the creature in front of him, he tilts his head. A cat? He was confused and even more confused when she began to speak, he kneels down to get down to her level.
He shakes his head, pointing various lunari symbols he wore, hoping she would understand and he wouldn't have to try and vocalize who he was. He smiles and nods, showing her that he appreciates her compliments.  

Yuumi looked at him, confused. Initially she wondered if he was going to leave- She hadn’t even done anything wrong! But then he just kneeled down, as the humans are fond of doing. Was she just too little?

She couldn’t help that!

She looked at the symbols he was pointing at- she vaguely, very vaguely, recognized them from... some place near where it was all rocky. Or maybe sandy? But they were all very moon-shaped!

“Hm... so you... really like the moon?” She guesses, “The moon is very nice. She’s very pretty, but I’m sad when she leaves the sky. I bet you get sad too, since you love her so much! Don’t worry! Yuumi is right here to keep you company until she comes back!”

Normally Jinx didn’t really care about other people, but in this case how could she not? All the same she didn’t think getting sad would help either of them, and so Jinx smiled giving a little nod. “I’m sure you will! When you do find her you will have lots, and lots of stories to tell her too.” Fireworks of course brought a smile to Jinx’s face. “I love fireworks. I make my own, and set them off and everything. I’ll bet I could make some in special colors just for you. Can’t do much about the smell, but you don’t have to be too close when I set them off.” The smell of gunpowder, and explosives didn’t bother Jinx at all these days if indeed it ever had. It was practically soothing to her.
Listening quietly to Yuumi there was a look of fascination, and wistfulness on Jinx’s face. “Somewhere this was…never dark and sad?” Lips parting for a moment Jinx wasn’t sure what to feel. A part of her was almost mad she didn’t get to grow up in a place that wasn’t dark, and sad. Another part felt like sneering because those people were probably weak. There was a piece that wanted to see it, and just experience what things could have been like… and there…was a small whispering portion that said that place was somewhere she wouldn’t be able to exist. That Jinx wouldn’t exist. Blinking she smiled knowing one thing for a fact.
“I’d love to go see them. When I was younger I…well, always did like the idea of getting to go somewhere else. Being free. Getting on an airship, and flying.” Jinx stretched before looking down to the cat, and holding out a hand. “Hey while you are waiting why don’t you stick with me? I’ll show you all around Zaun, and maybe even Piltover too. How do you feel about some fish? I know the best stands, and it’ll be my treat.” The odds of Jinx actually paying for the fish was rather low, but it would technically be her treat.

“Exactly!” She insisted, “I’ll have sooo many stories! She used to tell me all sorts of stories before she left, but now I have more stories than her! I have to! I have waaay more friend than she ever did!” She huffs, chest puffed out. “I better, at least! I’ve gone everywhere twice and made friends at all of them!” She declares, “And you can show her your pretty fireworks. Hehe, I think she’d like to stay away from the base where it’s smokey... She hates the smell so much!” She giggled,

“Yeah! Like... Well, there’s a lot of places. Some are just as dark, like... uhm... Oh, you’ve probably heard of Noxus, huh?” She asked, “It’s cold and dark and sad. It’s a lot like here, but not as much machines. There’s also happier places- like, uhm... Ionia! There’s not any machines at all! But there’s magic. There’s not many buildings, and lots of pretty wild creatures, and half-human half-animal people! Vasteens, or something. They’re nice, most of the time. It’s bright and colorful. And Demacia, but they don’t have machines or magic. They are, like, knights in shining armor! They’re kinda cool too. But they’re not as nice to Yuumi. There’s a lot of places!” She said, “Sooo many... I think you’d like a lot of them.”

“We can go visit when Book decides you’re trustworthy... which is soon, probably. We can also just look at them when Book isn’t being such,” she turns to look at seemingly nothing, “Being such a little baby!!” Back to Jinx, “Oh! Fish! Yes, yes, that’d be good! Fishy fishy fish... What kind of fish? Oh, they’re all so tasty! Carp is one of the best, but for some reason people don’t think they’re tasty. I think they’re dumb.”

“I’ll keep your offer in mind.”
Silco laughed as Yuumi got excited at the notion of being carried. He reached under her arms with his hand and picked her up. As Silco rose to his full height of six feet, he placed one of his hands underneath her bum to support her, while the other hand held her close to his chest. Long fingers softly brushed across her thick, fluffy, pale blue fur.
“By Janna, you really are like Jinx.”
Silco began to walk, heading with Yuumi in the direction of the Bridgewaltz, the market at the heart of the Undercity. An almost sacred place, where Silco had enforced a non-violence policy. Clan feuds and gang rivalries were put to the side in this place. You were deeply frowned upon if you chose to violate that rule. It was also why Silco’s men stood their ground the hardest against the Enforcers in the marketplace.
The air carried the aroma of a hundred spices and meals, cooked, grilled, roasted and smoked. Salesmen were shouting the prices of their wares, from leather shoes to fisher gear to some exotic fruits to the latest inventions in Chem-Tech and of course, to pelts of exotic animals, which could be used to make clothing. Zaun had developed a very unique ecosystem and culture in Piltover’s shadow, and its inhabitants were shrewd and clever.
Silco said: “I had actually intended to get myself something for lunch before I go back to The Last Drop and handle the rest of my paperwork. What about you, Yuumi? Did you eat anything yet? If not, what do you say to some roasted seafood?”

Yuumi wriggled a little in his grasp, getting herself comfortable before sighing with a smile on her face, “You’re really good at carrying! Which a lot of people aren’t good at. They’re rough or grab me by my shoulders and think it’s good- which it is in its own way, but this is nicer.” She praised, more than pleased that she could rest rather than play...

Though she could rest and play eternally, so it didn’t matter much either way.

“Huh? Jinx?” She paused, “Blue hair girl! She’s so fun. Loud. But I like loud sometimes. How do you know her?” She asked curiously, “You two aren’t very similar, but that can be a good thing, I think, like you’re a lot quieter, and she’s a lot louder, but together you’re somewhere in the middle- which everyone likes!” She mused happily, perhaps getting a little too excited.

As soon as the smell of food hit the air, however, she looked around, gently pushing against Silco just to get better leverage, suddenly realizing how much she wanted to eat!

When he spoke, she snapped her head back to look at him, “Food? We can get food? Oh! That’d be great! Thank you mister!! Ohhhh, there’s so much!”

Yuumi was already completely gone, only thinking of what kinds of smells there were on the air, and what she could possible snack on...


Art requires a certain... Cruelty.

A mostly canon (with some headcanons) RP blog for Khada Jhin from League of Legends, as written by Raven. Mun and Muse 21+. Non-Selective and OC friendly.

- Will have heavy violence, blood, and gore. - Will not be redeemable. - Will be a creepy menace.
A thoughtful hum drones from the assassin’s throat, before they reach into a pocket by their side. “Rats need to be cautious. If the thing chasing them isn’t playing, they’re in danger. The choice to fight or run is normally a matter of life and death. Not everything in the world is looking to make friends. Especially with a rat.” A strip of leathery jerky is brought up to their hood, but instead of taking a bite, the ration is waved about until a small nose and whiskers appeared from the folds of fabric and hair.
“Rats will eat many things.” Talon continues, coaxing the rodent out of hiding with the savoury treat, though only able to make it to their pauldron. A chunk perfectly sized for nibbling is handed to the little creature, before another piece is broken off for Yuumi, and offered between clawed, gloved fingers. “They’re also not as smart as a talking cat. Maybe you can teach it how to play.”
“Rats will eat many things.”

Yuumi watched curiously as they reached into their pocket, her eyes darting from their face to their hand, and how the little rodent was lured out by the treat. She, as best as she could, took the treat from Talon with her paws, but instead of eating it, she held it.

“But I don’t get it,” Yuumi said, “Don’t they ever get tired and just want to play? Isn’t it really really hard to have to be thinking all the time, always doing something important or being aware of everything?” She exhaled, “And I don’t get it- it’s like everyone doesn’t want to make friends! Friends are good. Friends keep you safe and when it’s cold you can snuggle up and stay away from the snow with them. How can someone make friends if they’re so worried all the time?”

Eyes widening a bit Jinx frowned with a glint of sympathy in her eyes. “That is mean! You shouldn’t have been left all alone. It’s not nice when people do that. Family is supposed to stick together.” It was wasn’t it? Silco and Vi before she left always said they’d always stick together and have each other. Besides what could this cute kitty have possibly done to deserve getting left behind? Well that settled that she was just going to have to help Yuumi. Zaun could be a dangerous place even for a talking, and intelligent cat after all… or perhaps especially for such a kitty if the wrong doctor person noticed them.
Unable to help it Jinx let out a soft little giggle and nodded. “Less problems is good, yes! Means you can spend time doing fun stuff like setting off fireworks, and running around.” She had other entertainments of course, but even Jinx wasn’t going to mention those ones around the kitty who seemed young and… innocent practically. “Book left you behind too? Well don’t worry I’ll stay with you until Book comes back. Would you like to…” Voice trailing off for a moment she blinked and leaned in a bit. “Book can take you anywhere? How? You said worlds. What do you mean by that?”
She’d been about to suggest going and getting some food as it so happened. However as some times happened her mind had latched onto one particular thing, and nearly tossed everything else out for the time being. What exactly had Yuumi met by worlds? How could a book take someone anywhere?
Could it take her places?

“Yeah...” Yuumi went quiet, “But it’s okay. Me and Book promised we’d work together, because we both love Mama! She even tore out Book’s page, so we couldn’t follow her! But it’s okay, we’ll find her... somehow. Somewhere out there.” She had to- and she would. “But right now, it’s okay. We can’t look all the time, before it gets boring and really tiring really fast! So Yuumi can stay until it’s time to go looking again.” And she’d look for as long as it took!

“Fireworks! Fireworks are so pretty and go BOOM, but also they’re stinky when you set them off, like putting fire in you’re nose! Yuumi doesn’t know if she likes them or not,” She paused, “But they’re nice.”

“Eh? yeah. Book leaves all the time. I think Book gets tired, because they can go anywhere much better than Yuumi can, so when they can’t go places anymore, they take a nap in a secret place, and Yuumi does Yuumi things, like making friends!” She chirped.

“Yeah! Book can take Yuumi anywhere in the whole world! And different worlds! Like a world where this place was never dark and sad. Or a world where there’s all sorts of tiny machines that shine and show all the knowledge in the world! Hoomans usually used them for fun though. Or even to places where there’s no such thing as a machine! Just... big monsters and people! Yuumi can go to lots of places, and Book can go to way, way, way more! Maybe one day, Book can bring you too! But they’re very picky. Sometimes, they don’t even let people see them, much less use them! But I bet Book will love you. Just after some time! Maybe a long time. But in time!”

The archmage looks at this cat with an exasperated look. “Slow down.” Ryze takes a breath. “I’m an archmage. My name is Ryze, and I’m no hero.” He frowns. “I don’t ‘save princesses’ or 'beat up bad guys’. I don’t have time for it.”
He steps away to take a better look at Yuumi. “What are you? Some weird, tiny Vastayan?”

“Oh. Sorry,” She apologized, without much genuine emotion in her voice, “Archmage? Does that mean basically a super duper strong mage! That’s so cool! Ryze? That’s a cool name too! Even if you’re not a hero, you’re a hero to me! You’re too cool not to be! Besides, heroes can be all sorts of things!” She chirped excitedly.

“Me?” She looked down at herself for a second, “I’m a kitty! A magical kitty! That’s about it. And my friend Book is... uh. Somewhere! I bet Book would love you lots. You both are super magic-y! If only Book didn’t leave Yuumi alone all. the. time!”


You-me looks around, mewling her little lungs out as she seeks the closest possible person.

You-me is cold! Cold is bad!

And if they ignore her she bites! Bites ankles! Mean to cold and little You-me!

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