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@neurotic-naga / neurotic-naga.tumblr.com

((side blog)) I draw and shitpost about W.I.T.C.H. too much. Art only version @basiliade-hotpot

Update: June 4, 2024

Dunno when/if I'll be back. I girlbossed too hard at work and now have Responsibilities. Will just be working thru my queue of requests when I get the chance, but probably nothing new beyond some silly doodles here and there.

So it seems this fandom is still, in fact, breathing. I don't understand how people are finding me in 2023, but hello. I'm Mary, now 29 and still cringe about WITCH. No longer 29, still cringe, but not necessarily about WITCH.

Welcome to the product of a mental breakdown in 2015 (where I went by the name of snakeandprincess). If you came here solely for the art, may I redirect you to @basiliade-hotpot? That's the art-only version of this blog, where I'm less likely to self-destruct and mass-delete posts.

But if you're here for spam, WIP's that I never seem to finish, and WITCH memes, then you've come to the right place.


BTW this is a side blog. On main @nguyen-mary


i refuse to believe he had serious thoughts running through his head whenever they're offscreen.


im a day late! but its cedric time... tbh im not great with headcanons, so ill just share a couple of silly doodles and ideas i had and read up what people smarter than me have come up instead!


SNAKE APPRECIATION MONTH #13 - WITH PHOBOS (II) of course i had one for the cartoon boys, why do you think i'm watching the cartoon here


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