
Night's Shadow

@bowscale / bowscale.tumblr.com

"La fantasía siempre se antepone a la realidad." 🇨🇱 ~ 24 ~ Acuario

I know it’s a joke that Natsu thinks he and Lucy are dating without having it said but I am out here truly believing that Natsu came to the conclusion he and Lucy were together (not in words but something clicked in their relationship) at some point during the grand magic games. Because the way they act after that is so much closer and more couple like than what was shown before.

From like…the second day onwards, that was his Lucy, and seeing future Lucy get shot with shadows really solidified it for Natsu.

And because Natsu’s acting this way, Lucy follows his lead and they’re so much more comfortable with one another.


Arthur sends Merlin on some job and wants him to take a knightly escort to keep him out of trouble. Merlin: I'll take Gwaine with me Arthur: I said "keep you out of trouble" not "guarantee you'll get into it". Take Lancelot with you, he's the least likely to commit treason with you Merlin: You say that like he's never committed treason with me


that one scene where merlin was going through arthur's drawers and when arthur woke up he panicked and said "i'm looking for woodworms" and arthur just gave him an unimpressed look through his sleepy eyes and asked with the softest voice, "...before breakfast?" the way he sounded so unguarded and so vulnerable in that moment. the way he trusts him with his life. do you even understand?? this is the guy that jumps out of his bed at the slightest noise and pulls out his sword. he woke up to find merlin basically in his face and he was unfazed. he felt so safe and so comfortable around him it's actually making me sob


Fairytale Zosan part 2

Knight Zoro lost the first battle after seeing the Prince's beauty. Is he gonna win this?

Hiccup: *hiding something in his coat* I think we should adopt another kid!
Astrid: No
Hiccup: Why not?
Astrid: Because when you say “kid”, you mean “small dragon”, and we already have fifteen of those
Hiccup: *unzips coat* Sixteen

I have this headcanon where wings will outgrow baby furies for a couple weeks until the rest of their bodies catch up to them. They're pretty clumsy during this period of time, gotta get used to the weight of their new extensions😋.


Golden Armor ^^ Had soooo much fun revisiting HTTYD and making this new piece! My last HTTYD panting must be years old by now! I was actually thinking of doing the same concept with Astrid and Stormfly - Let me know if you would like to see that! :)


In s4 and s5, there were no scenes of Shannon and Robby, which was disappointing. There were only scenes of Shannon and Johnny, and these scenes portray an important contrast between Shannon and Carmen.

When some of us point out that Carmen has never encouraged Johnny to try to build a relationship with Robby, people immediately bring up the school fight as a justification and frame Carmen as the sympathetic party. But, Carmen didn't try to encourage Johnny before the school fight either. In s2e5, when Johnny was drunk and told her about Daniel taking in his (Johnny's) son, she just focused on the rivalry and told Johnny to be the bigger person. In s2e9, Carmen herself told Johnny that Amanda said that Robby is going to go to school, but again she didn't encourage Johnny to try more to become a part of Robby's life. Carmen however throughout the series has wanted Johnny to do better with Miguel. She has blamed, explicitly or implicitly, Johnny whenever Miguel has been violent and been in fights---s1 Halloween fight, s1 avt, and s2 school fight---in which Miguel himself had chosen to behave that way. He picked the fight with Kyler on Halloween. He chose to fight dirty in the avt although Johnny even told him not to. Miguel also started the school fight between him and Robby and provoked Robby to his limit. Miguel was even going to break Robby's arm for no reason at all. He also used what Johnny had told him in confidence against Robby. Carmen has never once considered that her son is to blame. She is the mature adult and Robby is a kid who was attacked and antagonized by her son multiple times (including in s5). Carmen cannot be so self-righteous as to act like she and her son have the moral high ground in this situation. Also, she has willingly chosen to be in a relationship with Johnny who is Robby's father and to encourage Johnny to gradually take on more of father-figure role to Miguel since the school fight and now of course to the baby she and Johnny are going to have, regardless of Johnny's negative past and present behavior with Robby. She is the one who has chosen to intertwine their lives more. In s3e8, when Johnny talked about his failure with Robby and not wanting to fail with Miguel, Carmen talked about everything Johnny had done for Miguel and specifically told Johnny that he is a sensei and that is his calling. She is the one who later went to him and made the first move, and they slept together. In s4e4, she offered to get Johnny pills when he became impotent over Miguel hanging out with Daniel, changed the subject to telling Miguel about them, and then told Johnny in a motherly way that he can tell Miguel when he himself is ready because he said that kids can be weird about their mom's dating someone new (projecting his own past onto Miguel). She told Johnny it would make him feel better. In s4e7, she pressured him to play "dad" to Miguel and got annoyed with Johnny for botching it. In s5e1, she was aware that Johnny took Robby down to Mexico to look for Miguel. Miguel's father is a dangerous person so the whole situation was dangerous for Robby as well, but she was okay with Johnny risking Robby to get Miguel back. In s5e3, she did ask Johnny about how things were with Robby, but she didn't show more interest or encouragement that he do more with Robby than checking the status of their relationship, like encouraging Johnny to have breakfast with Robby instead of him having rushed over to have breakfast with them. Later, when it came to Johnny being a father to her kid with him, she scolded Johnny like a parent would and told him to figure out how to not be "that guy again" when they were buying the pregnancy test. He later gave her a speech that as long as he's doing this parent thing with her---their child---he'll do whatever it takes. She said that she knows he would. He then said that he may screw up from time to time, but he won't run away, and she then gave him the news that they're having a baby. In s5e5, she was only okay with Robby having dinner with them after Miguel said he was okay with it. Robby is Johnny's son! Why is Carmen in a relationship with Robby's father?

In s4e8, when Shannon showed up, Carmen immediately got territorial about Johnny. Shannon, recognizing Carmen's reaction to her, made her place in Johnny's life known: Robby's mom. Carmen kindly excused herself. Shannon then told Johnny to be Robby's dad and take care of the Silver situation. In s5e4, when Shannon came over to get Robby's things and she realized that Johnny had knocked up Carmen, Shannon was actually supportive and tried to help Johnny so that he wouldn't screw up again. While Carmen has never encouraged Johnny to do right by his first born from another woman but has steered his focus towards her own son who is not Johnny's, Shannon wanted to help Johnny not screw up with his upcoming child with another woman. Also, whereas Carmen simply scolded Johnny to figure out how not to be "that guy again", Shannon did something to help Johnny not be "that guy again". She gave him helpful advice and actually helped him set up a means to earn an income. (She also doesn't know that her coming over when she did saved him from being scammed, but that was just coincidence.) Back in s3, when Shannon was in rehab, she did to try tell Johnny that rehab would help him too. Carmen, despite being a nurse, has never encouraged or offered to help Johnny with overcoming his alcoholism and instead ignores it, even being fine with them celebrating their pregnancy at a club with Johnny ending the night drunk and commiting a crime. Oh, but in s4, she did offer to get him pills to help with his impotence because as a nurse she has access to certain medications. Carmen had shown more concern about Johnny's impotence than she ever has about his alcoholism.

The contrast between Shannon and Carmen is actually quite interesting and noticeable. Had Shannon and Johnny not been addicts/alcholics, it's likely they would have been more supportive of each other over the years. Shannon has always shown a rightful bitterness towards Johnny because he had abandoned her, in addition to abandoning Robby. Of course, Johnny and Shannon didn't have to actually be in a relationship to be supportive of each other while they co-parented Robby, but Johnny's and Shannon's poor decisions have lead to Robby's life and mental health being what it is. And, regardless, sadly they continue to emotionally neglect Robby, like not caring how the baby news would affect him, not caring who he wanted to spend the summer with, and not caring about the lifetime of trauma that they have given him because they were "young and dumb", as Shannon put it.

Seriously, though, go back and rewatch the Johnny impotence scene in s4e4. The level of dysfunction portrayed in Johnny and Carmen's relationship is as bad as Johnny's dysfunction in bed. Their scenes in s5e3 are also enlightening, as Carmen's annoyance of Johnny's stupidity and emotional immaturity is dripping in those scenes. I still can't believe that people cheer on this dysfunctional blended family built on Johnny neglecting and abusing Robby to prioritize Miguel and the Diazs, and Johnny having impotence over Miguel hanging out with Daniel while Johnny didn't care that Robby was training with Kreese. It's like "Come on, people! We, as an audience, can at least have better standards for healthy parenting and relationships." smh...

(These are general thoughts and not directed at anyone in particular.)


Some thoughts about the trailer and pics from today. (Contains S6 SPOILERS!!!!)

All this talk has ramped up again that Robby's always taking Ls while Miguel always wins. There's a fight with Miguel and Robby vs Shawn(!!!!!) and Kenny. In one moment in the trailer, Robby and Shawn are on the ground, down from the fight, and Miguel and Kenny are still fighting. Everyone is assuming that Miguel will win this fight because he's of course more skilled than Kenny is at fighting. But, (1) we don't know how things will play out in the fight, and (2) this takes place pretty early in the season. If Miguel wins this fight, is it really that big a deal? The win that matters the most is the final ST win.

Why are some Robby fans sooo upset about the potential of Robby losing this fight? Seriously, we are rooting for the underdog in the series! He will have losses leading upto his big win! I have at least 5 posts describing why Robby is the underdog in the story, including the protagonist amongst the teens, so I won't repeat any of those points here.

Even this fight with Shawn and Kenny is meaningful to Robby's story, not to Miguel's. Shawn and Kenny are part of Robby's story. Shawn was a side character who was introduced exclusively for Robby's arc in s3, while Miguel's entire injury arc was really about Johnny becoming a magical physical therapist and healer who chose to save his student instead of his own son from the evil Kreese. Miguel's injury has essentially had no effect on his character after s3, unless it's relevant to the plot or other characters, like him pulling a muscle and then quitting the ST and the main plot in s4. In fact, Robby is the one still dealing with repercussions due to Miguel's injury. Also, in s4, Kenny was introduced to Robby, Cobra Kai, and the dojo war through Shawn. Shawn was also important to the start of Robby's CK arc, and Kenny was important to the end of it. This fight in s6 with Shawn and Kenny has no significance for Miguel, and Miguel has no significance to Shawn and Kenny. This is about Robby and his story, and Miguel is just a side character in it.

Robby is the protagonist, but of course Miguel thinks that he himself is, so he tries to be. It's likely that, whatever tensions arise between the four of them, Miguel will be the spark that ignites the fight. It fits. That's what Miguel does! He instigates shit and later acts like the victim and "good guy" who did nothing wrong. In the s5 finale brawl, Miguel got in Kenny's face, while Robby was trying to talk him down, and that provoked Kenny. Miguel literally had no reason to insert himself into their conversation. Honestly, given how Miguel was watching Robby talk to Kenny before his ST trial match with Hawk, how Miguel inserted himself into Robby's convo with Kenny and provoked him, and how Miguel kept kicking Kenny after that first time in the brawl, I wouldn't be surprised much if this were the scenario. And if there's one thing we know is that, in s5, Miguel was still all about striking first and instigating/choosing the fight, while Robby was trying to "no be there" each time. Of course, wrt the apartment fight, Robby is in an incredibly bad situation with Johnny, where Robby has to comply to Johnny. And no doubt that is Robby's dynamic with Miguel too. After all, Robby did submit to Miguel in that fight and was solidified as the scapegoat for the rivalry Miguel had started and kept going and for the fights and issues Miguel had created between them. That's a reason why, as I've mentioned, Robby's move to go to the CK dojo behind everyone's back was so meaningful.

Also, we don't know. Maybe Miguel gets the upper hand against Kenny at one point in this s6 fight and goes for a finishing strike, but Robby recovers enough to get between them and takes the hit for Kenny. Maybe this fight is yet another situation that distinguishes Robby's traits from Miguel's traits. Robby definitely won't fight back against Kenny, and Robby saving Kenny from Miguel at the end of it could be what leads Kenny to joining Miyagi-Do, which he's shown to be in in the trailer. Something like this could also get Shawn to realize that Kenny can just talk with Robby and hash out whatever issues Kenny has with him.


The funniest thing to me about Merlin trending every few months is that I don't even notice the number of posts going up or anything I'm so deep in the trenches I don't even find out until someone points it out. I'll take this opportunity to thank all the artists and writers who keep us depressed gays fed I love you all 💛


My biggest fairy tail hot take:

Cana should be the next master

  • Raised in the guild
  • A master of sacred spells
  • Fully subscribes to the family life of the guild
  • Plans to spend her life in the guild, might as well get a job out of it
  • Technically s class level but never bothers to go through it it all

Erza was an okay temp choice but (no shade to the 🐐) she CRACKS under emotional pressure

Ie: being a parent

Ie: the guild master🤭


Quick! While Merlin is randomly trending: I went to the Renaissance Faire this weekend and made a Merthur coin necklace!

Dragon for Arthur and triskelion for Merlin!

Two sides of the same coin and all. I was proud. I had to in depth explain this to my friend that I went with.

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