
Solitary witch


Nature Witch figuring out my Craft. Please, refer to me using they/them pronouns.

The human aura 101: Beginning to see auras

The human aura is an energy field around the human body. This field is like the skin of an energy system. It does a similar job as our skin and shares a lot of its qualities. In this series, I’m going to be focusing on what you can learn from it, what its job is as a part of our energy system, and some simple methods of working with it.

This post is based on my experiences with energy work and is a lot of UPG so please keep that in mind.

How to see a person’s aura:

Before we get into learning to perceive the aura, first you need to realize you might never see an aura with your physical eyes the way you imagine when you start learning. Very few people I’ve met who know how to see someone’s aura describe it as seeing it with their physical sight all the time. It’s to good to know that you can use your other senses when reading a person’s aura. How it feels, it’s texture, and any of its other qualities, are just as important as its color.

When you start learning to see auras it’s best to practice by yourself with a mirror. The ideal environment is a place you can relax with a blank white wall behind you. If you can, practice with a friend who is also learning to see auras so you two can take turns looking at each other’s auras. Once you are positioned comfortably across from a mirror or from your friend, it’s time to begin.

Relax your gaze a few inches away from your body. After a bit you should start to notice a faint outline around your body. This is the beginning of seeing the aura around a person. Continue doing this until you start to notice it’s no longer just a faint glow but you notice it becoming thicker or more colorful. As you learn to flex this psychic muscle more, it’ll be come easier to tune in and notice a person’s aura. It’s around this time in learning to see auras, things take a turn from relying on your physical eyes, to using your more psychic senses or “mind’s eye.”

Once you have a handle on getting a faint view of a person’s aura with your eyes, you’ve worked up that psychic muscle enough to effectively start reading people’s auras without focusing intensely with your eyes. It becomes a matter of tuning in your mind’s eye to seeing someone’s aura. It’s at this point in the learning process where you will find guides often fail because it’s hard to explain to someone how to use a psychic skill they may not realize they have.

The best thing you can do to keep learning is to practice on some friends who are interested in getting their aura read (the next post in this series will be “aura reading basics”). Getting feedback from people about what you are seeing is the best way to become more accurate and to learn what certain patterns and colors in someone’s aura mean. Keep practicing as much as possible like this until seeing someone’s aura is as easy as flicking on a light switch.

Some great ways to practice if you don’t have any friends to work with is to go to a park or public space and try and see and sketch the auras of people at the park. This is more difficult, but is a necessary step to feeling comfortable with what you see. Not having that feedback is hard since you might be left feeling like you’re making things up, but as you collect pictures of people’s auras you will start to see patterns in them. When I started learning, I would try and make myself do this at least once a week so that by the end of the summer/season, I would have a few dozen auras of people to compare to past readings. It offered a great insight into the way I see auras. This also helps you build a good sense of what really was in a person’s aura and what you imagined as you find consistency in your readings. 

Your intuition is your best friend when it comes to developing any psychic skill like seeing auras.

Other things you might see in a person’s aura:

If you start looking into different people’s auras, especially the auras of psychics and magic practitioners, you are likely to encounter aspects to their aura that are not just naturally there from the way their energy flows.

The most likely thing you are to see are wards or protective layers to their energy. Most magic practitioners have wards of some kind they put up around them that you will see. Most of the time you won’t be able to tell much about the ward looking at if it is an efficient and effective ward(s).

You are also likely to see sigils or symbols of some kind in/on a person’s aura. I sometimes will embed a sigil with energy onto my aura for specific purposes or goals I’m trying to accomplish. I’ve seen others have something like that in their auras too. 

Sometimes, you can see energy parasites in a persons aura. This is not super common since most parasites will be found more inside the energy body and not in the aura, but to get to the energy body they have to pass through the aura. If you are not skilled at identifying and removing energy parasites, I would not assume what you are seeing is one, but if you are worried, contact someone who does know about energy parasites to take a look.

Here are a few quick sketches I did of some people’s auras at the park today including my own:

The human aura series:

  1. What is an aura (?)
  2. Learning to see auras
  3. Aura reading basics (coming soon) 
  4. How the aura works and what it does (coming soon)
  5. Working with and healing the aura (coming soon)

Witchcraft isn’t always about “connecting with the earth” or those cliche things that some witches will tell you. Witchcraft is incredibly personal, and if your craft is about regaining lost power, taking control of your life, achieving balance, or anything else, really, then that’s your craft. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re “practicing wrong” or whatever because you’re craft isn’t like theirs.


the influence of your birthday

did you know your birthday is under the governance of a planet? so this means the day of the week you were born will influence your personality:

calculate on which day you were born here: x

Monday: ruled by the moon, monday born people are sensitive, intuitive, emotional and romantic people, seeking their one true love

Tuesday: ruled by mars, tuesday born people have strong personalities and are real fighters, fighting either for success, love or anything really, they don’t give up easily

Wednesday: ruled by mercury, wednesday born people are very smart and have amazing communication skills but have also workaholics tendencies

Thursday: ruled by jupiter, thursday born people are family oriented and are very generous, honest, freedom loving people 

Friday: ruled by venus, friday born people are harmonious people destined to art, fashion and creativity and have a weakness for luxury

Saturday: ruled by saturn, saturday born people are typical individualists and prefer to be alone but have great organisation skills

Sunday: ruled by sun, sunday born people have a strong leadership potential and are very vain and proud

read more about the day you were born here: x


Things I wish somebody had told me in the beginning: witch edition

  • This is not a competition. Take it slow, enjoy the journey. You do not need to learn every crystal correspondence within a week.
  • Keep a journal/Grimoire/Book of Shadows if possible. Fill it up as you go. Do not just put the information somewhere to wait until you “have time” or “have more energy” (although these, and many more, are understandable reasons). It is less work to do a little all the time than try to catch up all at once.
  • You don’t need to be anything to be a witch. You are one, regardless of your gender, skin color, religious interests… If you think you’re one, you are. Witchcraft is a path, a tool, not a religion.
  • Wicca and witchcraft are not the same.
  • It is totally okay to take breaks. Setting aside your craft doesn’t mean you can’t come back and continue where you left off.
  • YOU are the most important tool. You do not need that expensive cauldron, or those rare herbs that have a double-digit price. Of course, supplies are needed for more complicated/powerful spells to help you out, but they are not necessary.
  • If your path changes, that is okay! If you were first interested in spells but then decided to focus more on deities and their worship, that’s okay!
  • On that note, it’s also okay to not know what your path is.
  • Like all people, witches have their opinions about various things. Listen carefully to both sides, research, but in the end make your own opinion that fits with your morals and worldview. Neither side is necessarily wrong, but both can be true.
  • Trust your gut/intuition. It knows a lot. If someone says X has Y correspondences, but in your opinion has Z, then this is true to you.
  • When researching things, remember to be critical and not trust everything you read blindly. Cross-reference.
  • Educate yourself on closed religions, slur words, racist symbols, appropriation of cultures and their words (see:smudging, chakra…) Do not be angry at yourself if you have used them before - you are always learning and growing as a person.
  • When in doubt, ask. The community is friendly and many are more than happy to help you. Asking never hurts, but don’t treat others as your Google.
  • Do not abandon science nor common sense. Witchcraft is powerful, and certain areas have direct influence (using herbs, for example), but it does not replace healthcare, therapy, or otherwise being healthy.
  • Practice safety. There is a reason why people tell you in rituals/spells/etc. to do things to protect yourself. When doing witchcraft, you are dealing with great powers and energy - sometimes that might be malicious.
  • Also, some general things like fire safety, checking for crystal toxicities in various substances, and herb properties are important to keep track of - these are physical things that can seriously harm you; and definitely work. Do not doubt that.
  • Do not lose yourself. While witchcraft gives us great power, it sometimes makes us lose ourselves. One might become so absorbed in their path that they forget things like eating, checking on friends, doing hobbies, and so forth. This path is part of your life, but your life does not consist only of the path.
  • Have fun! I believe this is one of the most important things. Witchcraft does not need to be serious; it can be Legos, glitter, pop-culture gods, sigils doodled with eyeliner… The possibilities are limitless!

This is hella good everyone read it


Some great advice here.


hey quick psa if you get mad when people say all pedophiles should die, fuck off, dont follow me, and, in case i need to make this any more clear, if every pedophile suddenly dropped dead the world would indisputably be a better place. eat shit if you disagree


Masterpost of Simple Beginner Friendly Potions

Here is a masterpost of a ton of potions I have in my grimoire that are simple and easy to make with simple easy to get ingredients. 

Tea Potions

Headache Relief Potion

  • Ginger Root
  • Peppermint
  • Lemon Wedge

Steps: Add herbs to hot water and let them steep for a few minutes. Squeeze in lemon then let the wedge and skin soak for another 1 or 2 before drinking. 

Sour Tummy Be Gone Potion

  • Chamomile Tea
  • Spearmint
  • Ginger Root
  • Spoonful of Honey

Steps: Brew tea then add herbs to it, let them steep for 5 minutes before stirring in your honey counter-clockwise to banish the cramps and sourness in your stomach. 

Deep Slumber Potion

  • Chamomile Tea
  • Lavender
  • Dried Rose Petals/Buds
  • Lemon Balm

Steps: Brew tea then add in herbs to steep for 5 to 6 minutes, add sugar or honey to taste. Drink slowly before bed in a quiet place.

“Bring Me My Own Love” Self Love Potion

  • Rose Water or Rose Tea
  • Sugar
  • Milk or Milk substitute 

Steps: Brew your tea or warm your rose water. Pour in milk and sugar to taste and stir it clockwise to welcome in your own love. Drink while doing something you enjoy.

Release from a Bad Day Potion

  • Green Tea
  • Catnip
  • Lemon Wedge

Steps: Brew and steep your tea and catnip, squeeze in your lemon and stir it counter clockwise to banish the negativity that the day has given you. Add sugar or honey to taste

Give My Heart Strength Potion

  • Black Tea
  • Orange Peel
  • Honey

Steps: Brew tea and let orange peel steep for 5 minutes, stir in your honey clockwise to bring yourself emotional strength.

Open My Mind Awareness Potion

  • Black Tea
  • Cinnamon
  • Milk or Milk substitute
  • (Optional) pinch of Mugwort (use with caution)

Steps: Brew tea and add ingredients. Sit in a quiet place and drink the tea slowly while centering yourself and if you can meditate.

Cleansing Potion

  • Moon Water
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme

Steps: Heat your moon water and let herbs steep for a minute or two before drinking. You may add sugar if you desire

Protect Me From Parasites Potion

(protects from psychic and energy parasites)

  • Moon Water
  • Rosemary 
  • Mint

Steps: Heat moon water and steep your herbs for 5 minutes. Drink at the start of your day.

Coffee Potions

Strength For a Big Day

  • Coffee
  • Cinnamon
  • Sugar to Taste

Like a Storm Confidence Potion

  • Coffee
  • Hazelnut creamer
  • Cinnamon
  • Fresh Orange peel

Spark of Creativity Potion

  • Coffee
  • 2 Drops Vanilla extract
  • Fresh Orange Peel
  • Spoonful of Caramel

Romancing Myself Potion for Self Acceptance

  • Coffee
  • Hot chocolate mix
  • Milk
  • Red rose petal

To Good Friends Friendship Potion

  • Coffee
  • Caramel
  • Sugar
  • A cherry
  • A good friend to share it with

Hot Chocolate Potions

Warm My Bones Happiness Potion

  • Hot chocolate
  • Marshmallow/Marshmallow fluff
  • 1 drop vanilla extract
  • Cherry 

To Get Through Hard Days Potion

  • Hot Chocolate
  • Cinnamon
  • Milk
  • Fresh Mint Leaf

For Enhanced Energy Potion

  • Hot Chocolate
  • Orange Peel

Gem Elixir Potions

Note! Unlike the others, these ones are NOT edible nor should they be ingested! These potions are for anointing or bath magic.

None of these potions are made with the crystals in the water! I ALWAYS put my crystals around a jar or cup of water to charge over night. SOME OF THESE CRYSTALS SHOULD NEVER GO IN WATER!!! So please just place them around your jar of water over night, not in it.

I am Beautiful Potion

  • Water
  • Angel Aura Quartz
  • Clear Quartz
  • Coconut Oil (small amount)

Peaceful Thoughts Potion

  • Water
  • Amethyst
  • Moonstone
  • Lavender

A Pinch of Luck Potion

  • Water
  • Aquamarine
  • Sunstone
  • Spearmint

Divination Improvement Potion

  • Water
  • Amethyst
  • Nuummite
  • Orange Peels

How to Make Salves

I’ve been reading a lot of witchy and herbalism books because my apartment doesn’t have WiFi yet, and I want to share with you some cool stuff that I learned.


  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp aloe vera juice
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 1/3 cup beeswax
  • 1 tsp Melaleuca
  • 1 tbsp tea tree oil


  1. Cut or shave beeswax into smaller pieces. Place this in a double boiler or in a jar on a pan on the stove. Fill the pan up with water about half-way up
  2. Turn on to medium heat and let the beeswax melt
  3. Add in the coconut oil followed by all the rest of the ingredients except for the tea tree oil. Mix well after adding each new ingredient
  4. Remove from heat and let cool. Once the mix is cool enough for you to touch, stir in tea tree oil
  5. Transfer to another container and cover with a paper towel
  6. Let it sit on the counter overnight or until completely cooled (it will be solid)
  7. Cover with an air-tight lid and store in a dark cool place

This is all-purpose, meaning that it’s good for cuts, bruises, chapped lips, burns, etc. Add in oils to give it a special purpose such as lavender and chamomile for stress relief (use like a lotion) or peppermint and spearmint to soothe a stomach (rub on your stomach). Research what different oils can do for you and make your own!! You should NOT ingest this stuff. 

For more specific info, you can check out the book I read, Healing Salve by Iris Joseph. It’s on kindle unlimited on Amazon!!


Luck & Love Bread

The laziest bread, made by the laziest witch, for my fellow lazy witches:  Ingredients:  Dairy Free Ice Cream (“Cinnamon Swirl” or Vanilla flavor)  Self-rising Flour 

That’s really all you need to actually make the bread, and then I added some ground spices for the correspondences (all of them, except salt, include either luck, love, or both) plus it tastes better! 

Allspice -  prosperity, luck, healing  Cinnamon - success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, prosperity Nutmeg - prosperity, luck, protection, intellect, removing curses Ginger - sensuality, sexuality, confidence, prosperity, healing, protection  Vanilla - happiness, love, lust  Cloves -  protection, love, prosperity, banishing, friendship, stopping gossip Pinch of salt - cleansing, purification, banishing, protection 

I don’t have the measurements for any of them though, because again, i’m lazy as fuck. I just kind of threw them in and thought “yea that’s not too much, not too little, it’ll do.” 

Instructions:  Preheat oven 350°F. Let the ice cream get soft, but not liquid/melted, and mix it in with the flour. It’s going to get all clumpy, the flour won’t mix in very well, and you’re going to think “I should add some water or something” but DON’T, just keep mixing. Eventually it’ll be more like sticky dough/batter. Scoop the batter into a greased bread-pan, bake it at 350°F for 40ish minutes (or until you can poke it with a toothpick/knife and have it come out clean). Let it cool and you’re done! 


Modern Greek Mythology

 Hestia comforts the children of broken homes, she appears to them as a school councilor that always has cookies. They cry in her arms, and she lets them stay with her for as long as she can. She stopped calling home, stopped making strongly worded comments to the parents. All there is left are broken homes and suffering children.

 Hera sits next to her sister, holds her hand and thinks about the broken marriages that lead to broken homes. She listens to the couples yelling at each other while she walks on the streets. She holds the crying women, she listens to the hopeless men. All of the power that a goddess of marriage possesses cannot help the people who were betrayed by their closest ones.

 After a long day, Demeter sits on the ground in her garden, holds a cup of tea in hands that have dirt all over them. She wishes that more people would remember what is under all of the concrete. She feels the dying of her world, and curses those who do not care for it.


‘The old gods are dead’ they tell you. You smile and nod and wipe out another glass. Your eyes dart to the old man in the corner booth. You never see him come, but you always see him leave. Each night a new young lover on his arm. You pretend not to see his wife watching with jealousy blazing in her eyes and peacock feathers printed on her dress. Her sharpened nails tap, tap, tapping a beat you can hear over the din. 'If they were still around, where are they?’ They continue with a wild wave of their arm. The man next to them looks up and grins and raises his glass at you in a toast and buys them another round. It’s only after he’s turned away you realize his teeth were too sharp and that the glint in his eye was something more than delight. On the stage a young man sings. He’s there every night with his golden guitar and his golden skin and his golden hair. He sings of love and loss and boys who fly too high, only to fall. You know the song, he plays it almost every night. His sister stands in the corner, watching, on edge. You keep half an eye on her. She seems constantly in motion yet when you focus, she is still. Last week she broke a man’s arm. You never saw her move. 'The old gods are dead.’ They say with finality. You look around the room and meet old and tired eyes in hungry faces. 'Maybe,’ you begin and pause as the room seems to go quiet, holding its breath. 'Maybe you aren’t looking hard enough.’ -gods never die


Common Spell Items

Here’s a collection of items you can easily find outside and their correspondences/associations

Grass:  Psychic powers, protection, growth, nature, learning, healing, new beginnings, recovery from loss Pine needles:  Cleansing, healing and strengthening. It also acts as a natural insect repellent Pine cones: Masculinity, fertility Maple Leaves: Feminine, moon magic, travel, learning, dealing with change, decision making, spiritual healing Pennies: Luck, wealth Dandelions: Divination, wishes, calling spirits Dandelion leaves:  Summoning spirits, healing, purification, defeating negativity Red/purple wild clover:  Fidelity, love, money, protection, the blessing of domestic animals White wild clover: Breaking curses Two leaf clover: Love, luck Three leaf clover: protection, luck Four leaf clover: Protection, psychic powers, spirit work, luck, success Oak leaf:  Truth, steadfast knowledge, protection Acorn:  Good luck, protection, wisdom, and personal power Walnut: Healing and protection

Feel free to add any more! 


I wanna make a masterlist of lgbt+ witches on tumblr

so reblog this if you are a witch and are lgbt+ pls!

alsoi wanna follow all of you

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