
'elllllo 'ello 'ello

@i-love-your-light / i-love-your-light.tumblr.com

Em. 27. They/She/He/Any. Becoming a Good Omens blog in 2023, feeling full circle from my superwholock roots in 2013. Muriel Sun, Crowley Moon, Aziraphale Rising. MyAO3!: archiveofourown.org/users/i_love_your_light

James baldwin’s the artists struggle for identity. Btw.


"That I have experienced my share of traumatic experiences, have survived abuse of various kinds, have faced near death from accidental circumstance and from violence (different as the particulars of these may be from those around me) is not a card to play in gamified social interaction or a weapon to wield in battles over prestige. It is not what gives me a special right to speak, to evaluate, or to decide for a group. It is a concrete, experiential manifestation of the vulnerability that connects me to most of the people on this earth. It comes between me and other people not as a wall, but as a bridge."

Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Elite Capture, 2022


today is trans day of fuck

shit fuck damn


[I.D the trans flag with the aforementioned words on top of the flag in bold yellow text shadowed in blue and pink. end I.D.]


Hey guys! 🎲D20 ARTISTS FOR PALESTINE 🇵🇸 is a collective of artists in the Dimension 20 fan-community who are offering fundraising commissions for Doctors Without Borders, a charity providing medical aid to Palestine. (I'm in this so this is a great chance to make me draw you something you'd want in exchange for a charity donation!)


  1. Check our live spreadsheet for artist slots, availability, and price!
  2. After you've chosen a specific artist and made sure they have slots available, donate their required amount to the Doctors Without Borders' Gaza campaign, and then fill out the artist request form! https://forms.gle/PSM48b2gnTSn2yma7
  3. Once your screenshot has been verified, your information will be forwarded. You will be contacted directly via email to sort out any further details!

You can check out our carrd for a more thorough breakdown of the process and all the links above. Thanks for checking this out; even if you can't donate, a reblog to reach more people is greatly appreciated!


hey y'all go check this out! there be so many cool artists participating!


My queers, we really need to put the "no men" thing away. Men are not inherently bad. There are queer men. There are questioning men. There's men that are just plain cool. Denying these men a space at our table is not helping - except the TERFs. I just came off the back of reading a transphobe gleeful rant about the need to have pride without men - They of course mean me. This kind of stuff is damaging to me and I really need us all to take a step back and maybe kill this "men dni, men not allowed" stuff. What you mean is "no men who are going to do mean stuff to me." And frankly those men won't give a shit about that kind of boundary.

But I promise you there's a fleet of good honest men who will see that and be sad they're not allowed in your version of queer spaces.

PATRIARCHY is what you hate. Dni Patriarchs.

The TERFs have gotten ahold of this post and are doing a lot to try and dehumanize me or send me death threats because of this. Some of those blogs were children or very close to it. I can't tell you how that horrifies me to see people caught up in a hate movement that obliterates self-examination so young. Those are precious days being stolen from those people. Being trans I know what it's like to lose that time and never get it back.

However it's important to recognise that there's clearly something in this message of tolerance that they don't want to get out, and foolishly by repeatedly reblogging versions of my post, they're actually raising the profile of the original message.

I'm quite weary of getting death threats, let's show them our compassion and unity will always overcome their isolation and hatred.

Reblog this post or any version of it that doesn't have the hateful messages attatched, spread the message further. If they didn't want to be a part of getting this message to see a wider audience then they shouldn't have started fucking with me.

Please reblog and fight fascism with me today!

I literally saw a post on twitter today where someone was saying how men should have access to birth control, and a woman responded with something along the lines of "yeah but would you really trust him to take it..."


This is a PROBLEM with how people think of, treat, and interact with men. We cannot treat men like they are villains 100% of the time, even when they are actively showing that they would want to be able to engage in behaviors (like taking birth control too!!!) that are to the benefit of an equal society.

Everyone go read Bell Hook's A Will To Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love

We need to stop treating men as the enemy and start working on dismantling the patriarchal system that casts them in that role.

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