

jacy | 16 | bellamy blake is my dad but bob morley is my daddy

I have a feeling this will become iconic in due time.  


I’ve watched this for like a dozen loops and I still crack up every time

Ive watched this so many times that I don’t even need to hear it and I still laugh my ass off.


I saw a news report about this on T.V., she was a straight A Student who had perfect attendance and everything. Everyone loved and respected her for her skills, but when she started this experiment and people thought she was pregnant, they started treating her like garbage. Even her teachers started looking down on her like she was scum of the earth. The only people who knew she was doing this as an experiment were her school principal, her health care teacher, her boyfriend, and her mother. Her own siblings thought she was pregnant! I mean even her friends turned on her, it was horrid. Very very sad, and as soon as she revealed during an assembly that the pregnancy was false, a lot of people were in shock as she brought up all the horrible things they said and did to her because they thought she was pregnant. The reason for the experiment was to see how people would react and treat her if they thought she was pregnant, as opposed as to treating her as the straight A “Perfect” student they usually did. And it proved that people were horrible scumbags to her as soon as they thought she was.

holy shit. this is fucking awesome


I read this chick’s book! It was so cool.

Her book is The Pregnancy Project by Gaby Rodriguez


Pretty sure I reblogged something about this in the past, but now someone’s posted a book title and I want to read this book

I read the book and saw the lifetime movie


She came from a family with a history of teen pregnancies but she was the exception to the rule. As her senior project she wanted to see how things would change for her if she “succumbed” to what was expected of her by society and statistics. basically she told her bf for his permission and one or two school officials (I think her sister or mother as well but I read it soo long ago).

The teachers who didn’t know immediately began to look down on her, most of her friends abandoned her. He bf's family told him to leave her and she basically became the school outcast. Only the other pregnant girls were friendly to her. At the end of the school year she made a big presentation to the school giving them facts about teen pregnancy and telling them about her experiences as a pregnant teen including things they had said to or about her. Then she finally revealed that she wasn’t pregnant. Some people were mad that she had tricked them but overall they understood why she had done it.


Assholes weren’t mad that she tricked them, they were mad because she exposed them for what they really were: a pack of shitheads.


Source: did-you-kno

can u believe in the year of our Lord and Savior, 2017, Bellamy Blake winked at Clarke Griffin


So I was looking at this gif of Bellamy awkwardly flirting with Clarke (as one does):

and noticed a similarity between how he’s looking at Clarke in 4.02 and how he looks at Gina (his actual girlfriend!) in 3.03: 

It’s hard to see because his face is in shadow, but his left eye still does the weird wink thing…his lip curls up in the same way…

Bellamy Blake is looking at Clarke Griffin the same way he used to look at Gina Martin, a girl he loved.

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