
This is my design


Chere - Italy - Ts2 - she/her - Hiatus

Hi there! I was going through your downloads (and getting so many new clothes and accessories) when I noticed the biker helmets you converted. I love them but up until now I had only seen a rideable Harley on MTS2, with some nice recolors on some GoS thread. Buuut the one on your picture is seriously awesome. Do you know if it's rideable, and if so, where can I get it? Thank you so much!


Hi! The bike I used is a conversion from Ts3 and it’s not rideable. I’ve been away from the community since ages (and I am really sorry for that) so I don’t know if someone made it functional in the meantime. If someone knows anything, please tell us in the comments.


Today it’s my birthday! I’ve brought you some gifts.

This are shoe-swap of 7 different Maxis clothes. The shoes I used are also from the game.

All of them have fat morph and are for teen.

Edit: Thanks to   lilsisterg , I noticed I put the Af files for the Dress Above Knee and Corset Tank Shorts meshes instead of the Tf ones. I edited the download link, adding to the Af files the Tf ones. Since I had also the Glitter mesh converted for Af, I decided to put that in too.

I also edit the preview to show you what age every mesh is for.

Sorry for my mistake, I’m so disorganized!


Anyone who uses Sim File Share would be so kind to send me an invite code? It’s been a while since I downloaded something so I really don’t know who uses it. Thank you in advance :) 


Hello I'm LilSister, big fan of your cc. Love the set that you gave us on your birthday "Gym Shoes" for female teens. I noticed that you included the AF Meshes and outfits for the corset tank & shorts and the above the knee hooded dress and I was wondering if these outfits were available for teens also?


Hi! I’m very happy you like my cc :)

Actually I put the AF versions because I got confused (they were going to be released as soon as I would have had a preview pic, but I’m thinking to just share them in the TF post). I noticed the mistake just now, so thank you for letting me know. I’m going to edit the post and the download link, adding the TF files. So sorry!


Late as always, here are the shoe-swap for the rolled pants requested by anon.

I didn’t know what kind of converse you liked more so I did two versions, with both low and high converse.

The pants have 7 colors and the texture are from Mork, Aikea, Misomoso, Under Your Skin and Yuxi. They have fat morph and are for ym, am and em.


Never enough clothes for my sim dudes! I thought these would be pretty versatile, so please enjoy!

Please note that both plaid shirts have solid-colored collars (blue/red, respectively) and that the striped shirts have one breast pocket instead of two as pictured.

Also note that this mesh will require you to use tucked pants unless you want to show a bit of tummy!



Hi, Chere! I absolutely love your creations - there is nowhere near enough clothes for males so thanks for outfitting my sim dudes. Especially pants, thanks for the pants.


Thank you! I absolutley agree with you, my boys never have enough clothes. It’s a pleasure to share them with all of you, especially since you’re all so kind

Anonymous asked:

hi, sorry bother can you upload post/112600836127

No bother at all! That sim is not mine, the post is a reblog from amalenne. Try to ask them :)


Ok, guys, I uploaded all the alternate download links for all my stuff, so now everything should be all right. Knowing me, I messed up something so please if you see that I forgot a link or anything else, text me.

I sent Box an email and I hope they will reset my bandwidth as soon as possible.

Again, I’m really sorry. I hope to come back with some goodies before my birthday :)

Right underneath where it says how much space you have used it should say like "xx% of monthly bandwidth used" and if it's at 100 no one will be able to download anything. I believe that is what they are talking about (:

Oh.. right.. I’m so stupid! Why am I so stupid?! All of you were right, the bandwidth is 100% used. Thank you so much absaurussims!

I’m slowly adding new alternate download links to all my stuff, so I hope it won’t be a problem anymore.

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