
Undertaker Stalker



I write for:

  • Genshin Impact
  • Honkai Star Rail
  • Obey me!
  • Black Butler
  • Owari no Seraph
  • Bungo Stray Dogs
  • Hellsing
  • Darling in the FRANXX
  • Castlevania + Nocturne
  • Jujutsu Kaisen
  • Great Pretender
  • Dance with Devils
  • Diabolik Lovers
  • Kakegurui
  • Seven Deadly Sins
  • Hunter X Hunter
  • One Punch Man
  • Tokyo Ghoul
  • Record of Ragnarok       
  • Moriarty The Patriot                                                                                                                                            

Masterlist                                                                           I write nsfw,but I am at the begginning with writing these.

I can do both scenarios and headcanons.

I can give opinions .I mainly discuss about Owari no Seraph and Bungo Stray Dogs,but I can discuss about everything on the list that I write for.

You can DM me and request something that maybe isnt in the list and I ll text you if its possible or not!

You can DM me anytime and I'll try to respond as soon as I see the message.

Anonymous asked:

Can I have a Crowley and Seishiro with a surprise pregnancy. Like they and their s/o don't know she's pregnant, but she shows signs of it, even when she's denied it til her stomach gets big

Hello! I find this so cute omg!

Surprise pregnancy with Crowley Eusford and Seishiro Hiiragi

Crowley Eusford

-you were almost angry at Crowley for saying such things,like if you got a bit of a big belly doesn't mean you're pregnant,or does it?

-he's always been feeding you chocolate and all sorts of sweets so it was his fault

-but your period was late,which usually didn't happen

-so that raised a few questions inside your head

-He will make you go to the gynecologist very fast,he wants to see if he's right or wrong in his conclusions

-once you both are announced the fact that you are pregnant,you both are a bit shocked

-he's very calm,he is okay with you having an abortion if you want to or if you want to keep the baby

-the choice in your relationship with him is always yours so if you aren't prepared to have a baby then it's alright

-he is very happy with having a baby with the one he loves the most in this world

-very protective of you and your belly

-also he does everything for  you because he knows pregnancy is such a hard thing

-kisses and cuddling sessions are a must everyday because he wants to fuffil you with his love especially in these moments

Seishiro Hiiragi

-kind of the opposite of Crowley

-since he's also a teenager-young adult ,he isn't very prepared to have a baby

-it's not that he doesn't love you,trust me,he does very much

-it's just as we have seen in the manga,he is unfortunately very immature and I don't know if he'll be prepared to handle a baby

-he wants to have children with you,but he doesn't know a specific moment for that

-now that you two have a surprise,you must decide if you keep the baby or not

-he's fine either way with your choice,it's your body and choice

-I think that if you keep the baby he'll start to become a lot more mature than he was before

-also expect all of the Hiiragis to be amazed with your child

-he is the type to show off your baby to everyone

-carresses your belly every moment of the day,he is always placing his hands on your belly

-makes sure you're always fed well and that you eat lots of goodes while being pregnant

-he is always worshipping your body to make you feel good

-if you have any type of pain expect the best treatment ever

Thank you for your cute request!!


Could you make some headcanons of how Ferid and Crowley would react if they wanted to make friends with a human s/o, but at first she is afraid of vampires and that they want to drink her blood?


Hello! Sure thing!

Ferid Bathory and Crowley Eusford making friends with a human s/o

Ferid Bathory

-he knows damn to well what he's doing

-if the fact that he's a vampire isn't enough,he's also an eccentric one that scares humans very easily

-and you're no exception,he scares the hell out of you

-at first,he played some fighting games with you just to show you that he is stronger and could kill you in a blink of an eye

-that made you scared of him and now he's trying to figure out why are you avoiding him(I wonder why too,Ferid)

-he's also not very good at making friends,especially humans(again I wonder why hmm)

-once you tell him the fact that you're so scared he might bite you,he will try to be more gentle in your play fighting

-still in a creepy way,but not so creepy as before

-will try to bond with you by maybe teaching you some tricks that he knows with his sword or how to trick vampires in general so that you won't get bitten by anyone

-tries talking to you more,finding many things about you since you intrigue him so much

-at first he views you as prey so you two gotta work on it

Crowley Eusford

-he isn't really interested in humans,he thinks that they are prey and nothing more

-you were a member of the JIDA and you were attacking Crowley's faction

-after losing in  front of him,he decides to take you as a war prisoner

-maybe for your blood? You though

-but it wasn't that,he noticed the fact that you had a book in your backpack and he decides to ask you what were you reading these hard times and how did you have the courage to read when there's a war between humans and vampires

-"War? I think that's a stupid thing to say,it's you vampires who hunt us down for our blood!" you angrily say to him

-he gets closer and closer to you and he says to you that you're the most interesting specimen he's ever met

-as he gets even closer to you,you think that he's going to bite you and tears start dropping on your face

-with his vampire hands,he brushes off those tears and he looks deeply into your eyes

-"Do you want to be my companion? I think we would match our fighting styles too"

-as he says that,a friendship between a vampire and a human is born into this world

-you accept and you start getting closer to his soul everyday

Thank you for this amazing request and make sure to request again if you have more ideas!

Anonymous asked:

Can I request some head cannons on what the yandere Urd would do if he got jealous of a guy near s/o?

Thanks! Appreciate your work and they always turn out fabulous! Love ya!💕

Hello! Sure thing! Those words of yours are so kind! Thank you!!


Yandere! Urd Geales getting jealous of a guy near his s/o

Urd Geales

-I think I said this before but I'll say it again:Urd really isn't a dangerous yandere type,not even the really obsessive one

-I think no one would dare to approach you because you know you're with the King of Russia and Highest active ruling progenitor so I don't think someone would approach you

-But since there are many types of people in this world,maybe some guy would give it a shot and see how it goes

-really bad decision for him

-What I mean when I say that is the fact that Urd isn't really the type to torture someone,rather than give him some kind of eternal punishment

-like if he's a vampire then he is getting his head cut off and then buried underground to rot there

-for humans I think he would have a bit more emphaty but not something crazy

-maybe starving him until he dies would make a great choice

-for you on the other hand,he won't get violent with you,he loves his beautiful s/o after all and he doesn't wanna hurt them

-He is the one to ask you if you're alright or if that guy scared you and nothing more

-maybe after he's finished with that guy he would invite you in his chambers to have a fun night w him

-overall he isn't completely insane for you but indeed he can be scary at given times

Thank you for your request and make sure to request again if you have any more ideas!


Hi !! I got a new idea (what a surprise!! Right?) It's about the quiet shy reader but guys (Guren,Kureto,Crowley and Shinya) find out she is touch starved.

🥰 Thank you beforehand as always 🥰


Hello! Sure thing! I'm sorry I haven't done your requests in a while!

Guren Ichinose,Kureto Hiiragi,Crowley Eusford and Shinya Hiiragi finding out their s/o is touch starved

Guren Ichinose

-would probably brush it off like he doesn't care

-like yeah you're all that shy and he knows it too better that the shy ones are tipically touch starved

-he likes it when you beg for his attention,so unless you really want something from him,he isn't going to give in so easily

-would laugh a bit at your condition at being touch starved

-like what do you mean? the most shy person he's ever met is wanting some touching attention?

Kureto Hiiragi

-he is probably the type to make fun of you but deep inside he is kinda touch starved to

-all those meetings,those tasks,heck,all the work that needs to be done at the JIDA is very exhausting for him

-after all,he is the leader of the company so he can't accept failure especially coming from his side

-once he notices that you both are touch starved,he starts to make the first move(which he really does everytime in your relationship)

-he is kinda surprised to see that his sweet shy s/o is as touch starved as he is or even more touch starved

-he puts you in his arms,slowly but surely carressing your every body part

-loves these moments where he can be much more that the Hiiragi head

Crowley Eusford

-enjoys it almost too much

-a teasing guy and I must say VERY teasing

-would touch you in your sensitive parts just to tease you more

-you practically are a mess whenever he touches you

-even if it's just massaging your head or even kissing your sweet hands,he drives you even crazier

-will make you sit on his lap just for him to enjoy your cute all red face

-being all shy and flustered while he is touching you drives him insane too,he just loves for that look on your face and all your facial expressions

-being shy only brings him more enjoyment from what he's doing to you

-though he has his limits,if he sees that you can't take much more teasing then he will stop the teasing and 'get to work'

-you can view that 'get to work' however you want to:)

Shinya Hiiragi

-Shinya is just a sweet person in general,I can't imagine him being waaaay to teasing or anything that would annoy you

-I mean of course he could tease you for being that touch starved,but not in a Crowley way

-so don't panick,he is just very sweet

-is his precious angel carving some attention?

-cuddling time is ready,the bedsheets are all clean for a movie time

-kissing is just the start

-would kiss you all over your body and whenever he kisses a new spot he would go just like "mwah"

-he is so precious please touch him too,he's probably too shy to also say that to you

-He is really the master of affection,he knows so well how to please his darling and how to make them feel their best moments whenever he touches them

Thank you for your request so much!!


I want a senario with Ferid spending time with s/o and not wanting to drink her blood because he loves her a lot

Take your time on it! Love your work! Take careee💕


Hello! I was really thinking about something like this.Like we all know Ferid doesn't really care about anyone but what about someone he actually loves?(also from now on I wanna name my fics so they sound a bit more interesting lol)

A little bit of kindness

word count: 1.016

It was a rainy day,trees almos falling on the ground because of the storm.Everything seemed like a nightmare.

It was unusual for your lover,Ferid Bathory,to feel scared from a storm,though for you,his human darling,it really is a habit to get scared from a storm.

After all,the differences between was a clear one: the vampires were the supposed evil ones and the humans were the victims,the target for vampires,the prey.The target,or even the 'prey' if you wish to call it like that,was of course y/n.

Though he had never refused to bite them,he never said that he wished to bite them.It was always something like a joke 'Do you wish to be my prey tonight,Y/n?' ; 'Do you want me to taste that beautiful neck of yours,is that it?' etc.These were some of the things he would always say to y/n,though he never got out of his way to really bite them.

Y/n's boyfriend entered their room and surprised them with cookies and snacks.

"Did you bring these because of the storm? You know it makes me scared or what?" Y/n says with a hint of a chuckle on their mouth.

"As always,though it indeed is amusing seeing humans be scared of such nonsense."

He says that as he puts himself on y/n's bed really close to them.

"Such nonsense? How bold of you to say that. I believe such nonsense must be something else."

"Hmm? What do you mean by that,Y/n?" he asks.

"I believe that you know what I'm talking about,but I will say it anyways: why haven't you bit me? Are you waiting for a moment where I'm so vulnerable that I can't escape from you or what?"

"You really think like that of me? Ooh poor y/n." he says with an amused face.

"Your plans are always diabolical and evil.If you wish to continue like this,you know you'll hurt me."

As y/n says that,Ferid comes closer to their face and grabs them by their waist.

His look is almost lustful,he looks just like he is about to bite them in that moment.

"What a pretty face you have,Y/n...If you say it like that,then do you want me to bite you? Is that what you want from me?"

His gaze is so intense when he looks at them,almost like a predator choosing its next prey.

"F...Ferid? What's the meaning of this....let..let go..."

"And what if this is the moment I was waiting for,hmm?"

He leans in closer and he puts his lips on y/n's neck.Y/n's neck is wide open from the pijamas that they were wearing.It was a very close call for y/n,as now they were seeing Ferid's true nature.

They were always careful around him and were close enough to observe and analyse his behaviour with other  people,especially humans.So it wasn't really a shocking thing that Ferid 'wanted' to bite them now.

"Are you scared? You said you were expecting this from me."

He says that as his grip on y/n's waist grew stronger.

"Of course....But after all,it is as you said...I was expecting this from you."

"Do it." They add up to the reply.

As Ferid hears this,his fangs are now more visible and he is preparing to attack Y/n.

As he leans in for the bite,his lips touching y/n's neck and his fangs almost biting them.As y/n is waiting for the bite,their heart rate is increasing and they start to panick.

But Ferid does something rather....unexpected.

As his fangs touch y/n's neck,he closes his mouth and kisses the place that he wanted to bite his darling.He continues by kissing all of y/n's neck.

"What...why..why all of this? What do you think you're doing? Are you out of your mind? What is happening inside your head? Are you insane?" y/n asks very shocked.

"You are the insane one right here if you really thought that I would ever bite you.Didn't you see how scared you were at my fangs merely touching your skin? " Ferid says in an annoyed tone.

"I....what do you mean...I don't understand,are you making fun of me?"


As he says that,he cups your face in his hands and kisses you passionately.After a solid minute of only kissing,he speaks again.

"In this world,heck,even in another world,I will always only love you.And you know what does that mean?I won't ever dare to bite someone as dear as you are to me."

After a pause,he continues.

"You are the only one in this world who truly cares about me.You don't know how many years I've wanted that from someone.I love you so much,how could I bite you?"

You start to notice a small tear on his left cheek,he then brushes it off very fast,as if nothing happened.

"I am sorry,I really am,Ferid." y/n says as they embrace Ferid.

"You don't need to be,its also my fault for my playfulness and distrust that I somedays cause you.I am sorry too,my dear."

After he finishes what he has to say,Ferid and y/n cuddle up in the bed that they were sharing almost every night.

Both of them didn't even notice the fact that the sky was much clearer now and the storm isn't there anymore.Their hearts were occupied by each other's company.Their souls were full of weird sensations right now.Both of them just stayed in bed for the rest of the night and they peacefully slept in each other's arms.

The natural balance was broken that way.Everyone thought that humans and vampires could never understand each other,how they were crucial enemies from the beggining of this world.But everyone is forgetting how every vampire from here was once a human too,with feelings,emotions and everything that we know of.

Thank you for your request! I felt amazing while writing this tbh.

Anonymous asked:

Can I request what jealous René, Lacus, Ferid would be like? Like Imagine that someone is talking to their s/o and they got jealous, what would they do?

Hello!Sure thing!

René Simm,Lacus Welt and Ferid Bathory getting jealous that someone is talking to their s/o

Rene Simm

-he is the one to not really even care

-like honestly that someone may have been flirting with his s/o for such a long time that he is getting jealous

-also when he gets bothered by someone approaching his s/o,he asks his s/o first if they get the same suspicious feeling

-he wouldn't be the type to get really angry,but definetely be angry at least a bit

-if that someone still doesn't leave you alone even after Rene talked to them

-then they're in danger I must say

-he makes sure (using forbidden methods) that the one flirting doesn't know how to talk anymore

Lacus Welt

-kinda calm,but also dangerous

-I mean you're his precious darling? How could anyone talk in such a flirty manner with you

-tries to put his hands on your waist or even your shoulder

-just in case that person didn't get the hint from the first sight

- if you're still talking to the flirty person

-then that person is in a terrible situation

-he is the one to torture people in a slow manner,so expect hearing loud noises from the basement

-anyways he is a vampire so he will probablyh drink them dry

Ferid Bathory

-fakes the fact that he is jealous

-you will probably ask him if the is jealous and he will lie to your face and say that he is not

-in his 'soul' there are maaany things happening

-like he can't imagine himself being jealous? What do you mean Lord Ferid Bathory is jealous?

-he still thinks he is the perfect prince on a white horse that is very arrogant and there aren't people who would challange him in a 'battle' for his s/o

-probably can't accept even his own feelings as he's feeling a bit weird

-tries to get you out of the conversation but fails

-I think he would just drink that person dry and nothing more

-a bit quiet for the rest of the day because jealousy is a feeling he hasn't experienced before

Thank you for your request and make sure to request again if you have any ideas!

Anonymous asked:

Hiii ^^ can I request nsfw relationship headcannons of crowley with a fem s/o (kinks, aftercare stuff like that 😵‍💫 I luv ur writing sm :3 ❤️

Hello! Haven't done some nsfw in some time!

Thank you! I hope you'll like these as well!


NSFW!Relationship headcanons with Crowley Eusford

Crowley Eusford

-a gentleman,he doesn't wanna rush things up or anything

-really,if you don't ever wanna do it,he is fine with that too

-whatever you want,you get

-he is really careful with you,from the way he touches you,to the way he fucks you,everything will be so gentle

-he can also be rough if you want to,you just need to tell him

-he tends to be a body worshipper

-he likes every curve you have,every bump you have,every mark you have on your body

-for kinks he is usually up to anything that you wanna try

-blindfolding you though would be something he would enjoy doing

-while you are being blindfolded,he likes to wander his hands all over your body and then to leave small bite marks on you

-from sex toys to pegging to edging,he likes everything

-aftercare would include you two being snuggled up in a comfy bed made by him

-really likes it if you sleep with your head on top of his chest

-the morning after,he asks you if he was too rough or if there's anything you would've changed

Thanks for your request! Have a great day!

Anonymous asked:

Hello! Can you, please, make some hcs for Pantalone and Ferid with a fem s/o who greatly enjoys reading and painting and is also very intelligent? Thank you!

Sure thing!

I love to do Genshin requests but unfortunately I don't get them a lot so thank you!

Pantalone and Ferid Bathory with a s/o who greatly enjoys reading and painting and is also very intelligent


-this man knows everything about you

-like everything.Not in a stalker way,he is just very talented at guessing your hobbies and abilities

-he is a worshipper,that's how I like to think of him

-would SPOIL the absolute crap out of you

-painting? He already bought everything for that

-readin? He already bought the whole bookstore just for his darling

-he likes the fact that you're just as intelligent or even more intelligent than him

-he likes to have some useful conersations and if you're that intelligent it's a must that he would have those conversations with you

Ferid Bathory

-a trickster

-he is very annoying but at the same time,he really loves and appreciates you

-your hobbies are very important to him

-everything you do from how you eat,how you read,how you sleep etc will be inside his mind

-you could say that even though he is a vampire he has dreams about you

-he is probably going to put all of your paintings inside his room

-he just loves the feeling of having something custom-made from his darling inside his room

-reading is a must for him,so he must already have some good books inside his mansion

-he would of course give everything in his mansion for you

-as for the intelligent part,he is the one to like playing mind games against his darling

-not really in a bad way,it's just to amuse himself

Thank you for your request and i hope you liked these headcanons!!


Anonymous asked:

Sick head cannon you just recently did but with ferid and asuaramaru


I'm happy you read my recent post and thank you for your request!!

Ferid Bathory and Asuramaru taking care of their sick s/o

Ferid Bathory

-lowkey enjoys you being in bed all day

-he just is that way

-he might even have a little laugh about you being sick

-his precious darling? Being sick? Must be a stupid joke

-As much as he may be a jerk,he actually takes care of his s/o

-he is very careful with the medicine that he's giving to you

-he's very careful when taking your pills from time to time

-would give you extra cuddle time just because you're sick

-overall a little annoying but good at the same time


-Not gonna lie,he doesn't know how to deal with it

-being a demon,he never caught a cold in the last 1000 years,why would you catch one?

-you could say he is scared because he didnt' deal with this in  many years

-he just loves you so much that he's scared he's going to lose you like his sister


-You need to calm him down really,or else he is going to have a demon panick attack?

-Once he calms down,he takes care of you like no one did

-pills? Ready. Warm bed? Ready . Favourite snacks?Ready.

-you can't change my mind he is really careful with his darling

I hope you liked these and I hope you have a nice day/night!



Hello, I don't know if I already requested it or not, I have a bad memory. but I would like some hcs for Ferid and Crowley when they tickle their human friend s/o.


Hello! I think you requested it but I am going to respond here because your last request may have gotten lost!

If you want me to do more requests make sure to leave them in my inbox!

Tickling their human friend s/o

Ferid bathory

-this man has absolutely no mercy

-you crying for help while he is tickling you? Doesn't bother him.

-also a tickling master

-knows all your spots that make you vulnerable and uses them against you

-you need to beg him for mercy to leave you alone

-he just loves to tickle your armpits and then your feet

-also loves to tickle your belly because its squishy and very ticklish

Crowley Eusford

-kinda chill tbh unless-

-if he ever finds your sweetest vulnerable spot


-also a tickle master(learned everything from Ferid)

-loves to tickle your feet because you can't run away from him

-while tickling he enjoys seeing your face all red and flustered

-calling for help won't solve anything

Thank you for your request and I hope you enjoyed these!

Also have a nice day/night!!

Anonymous asked:

heyy, glad to see you updating your posts! It's hard to find any ONS's fanfic, so it's a pleasure to find your account!

Also, can I request for a headcanon about relationship with Urd and Undertaker? Thank you~

Hello!I'm happy that I can help with this fandom's activeness!

Also i love the fact that you used two of my blog's main characters hehe~

General relationship headcanons with Urd Geales and Undertaker

Urd Geales

-a very protective person,almost too protective

-he knows you can do things on your own,but if you wanna do something risky he's always there to protect you

-a person who cares deeply about you

-also he is very honest,he would never lie to you

-you are the one he feel in love with,how could he lie to his lover?

-really interested in your hobbies or anything that you like,really

-he is the type to ask you if everything is alright,if you need a break,or anything

-he senses every emotion that you have

-even if you say that you are alright,he just knows if you lie or not


-an unserious-serious type

-really,this man is a combination of like a tousand things

-you either love him or hate him,there's no in between

-he really enjoys your company though,like genuinely

-I like to think that he is vey honest but with limits

-like he wouldn't ever lie to you,but if he has some sketchy plans,he might not tell you

-he likes affection,like a lot

-surprise hugs are a thing for him

-give him kisses,hugs,affection in general and he's all yours

-you may need to sleep in a coffin with him(I'm sorry)

-he just finds it really comfy and sweet(It's really not)

Thank you for your request and make sure to request again if you have some new ideas!

Anonymous asked:

Can you do dazai and Chuuya with a Kirari reader?

Hello! Here you goo:

Osamu Dazai and Chuuya Nakahara with a Kirari s/o

Osamu Dazai

-oooh boy this is going to be interesting to say at least

-you're like one of the first challangers that he actually has to put in some effort

-I can only imagine an enemies to lovers scenario with Dazai

-like you being some cool antagonist which is really bothering Dazai

-and then you two fall for each other and it's cute

-loves the fact that he's not the only one that's smart in the relationship

-he does really question if all the gambling stuff is alright and can actually become worried about you

-mind games are something you wake up to and sleep with

-he can actually be sweet to you

-if you're threatening him he might enjoy it so be careful;)

Chuuya Nakahara

-he is the type to see you as another Dazai

-untttiiiilll he actually is in love with you

-he is really bad at playing your mind games so for like 90% of the time you're being amused by him

-he's though on the outside,he plays it off like he doesn't care about your games

-but inside he really likes the fact that he got to be your boyfriend

-really grateful if you help him do his Port Mafia missions better

-Mori would ask him from where he got all the new ideas and he'll tell him proudly that his s/o is the  best at making plans

-the type to be addicted really fast w gambling so be careful with him

-really sweet if you don't play with him too much

Thank you for your request!

Anonymous asked:

Can you please do some hcs for Shinya, Mika and Crowley taking care of their sick s/o? Love your writing style <3

Hello! Sure thing!

Thank you for the compliment!!  

Shinya Hiiragi,Mikaela Hyakuya and Crowley Eusford taking care of their sick s/o

Shinya Hiiragi

-very chill about it

-he knows that you've got just a cold and it's going to go away on its own.

-doesn't pressure you into taking pills if you don't feel like it

-I feel like he's kind of a nature-pills lover.

-so yeah he recommends you to take natural things

-He'll get a few days off from his work just so he can stay with you in bed all day

-and takes care of you of course

-after all, we're talking about Shinya,the sanest one in the Guren Squad

Mikaela Hyakuya


-that's everything I have to say about his behaviour towards you all the time you're sick

-it's like he hasn't seen a sick person in 1000 years and you're the first one to meet him while being sick

-he goes to find you the best medicine in the world

-or should I say maybe only Japan? I don't think he will be that concerned to go in another country to find the medicine

-unless you're feeling really sick

-if you're feeling like that,then Mika will literally catch the first airplane and fly over to somewhere with the best medicine

Crowley Eusford

-he's a vampire,he really doesn't know what to do

-should he be concerned? Will the cold go away on its own?

-he doesn't know,so the first thing that pops on his mind is how he should give you the softest bed and blankets ever and extra cuddling sessions every night

-(of course he gives you extra cuddling sessions even when you're not sick)

-he loves you and he would love to properly take care of you when you're sick

-so he's going to go into the internet and search what to do with sick humans

-after all you are his precious human and he knows that humans can be sick which is unfortunate

Thank you for the request and I hope you'll request again in the future!

Anonymous asked:

what do you think urd, ky luc, and lest kart’s voices would sound like? like would they be deep, normal, raspy, soft, etc…? and what accent would they even speak with?


What an interesting request,I love it!

Sure thing!:)

Their voices (Urd Geales,Ky Luc,Lest Karr)

Urd Geales

-definetely a deep voice

-I have always imagined that Urd has some kind of deep voice but not really the attractive one,just the scary one

-like omg this guy is a second progenitor we should fear him

-as for the accent,I believe he would have a russian one

-I mean he lives in Russia so its kinda obvious why I believe that

Ky Luc

-normal voice for an insane person,I mean vampire haha

-his voice isn't really special,but I do believe his laugh is some crazy shit

-like hearing this vampire laugh would terrify anyone

-the accent hmm......I think he would have a french accent

-idk why he gives me french vibes

Lest Karr

-actually his voice is already in the S2 of the anime

-so yeah a childish voice as we heard from the anime

-as for the accent I think he would have a german accent

-like he is the King of Germany and he hears so much german everyday he's going to lose it

Thank you for the request and I hope you liked these!

They are just my opinions so there's nothing canon!

Anonymous asked:

so this might be a little vague but bare with me, do you think you could write abt uta, kaneki, or juuzou (separately ofc) from tg. nothing specific, it can be whatever you want <3

Hello! Thanks for the cute request!

I decided to make some soft headcanons with their s/o for them,I hope that's good!  

Uta,Kaneki Ken and Juuzou Suzuya being soft with their s/o


-a very specific kind of softness

-he has some sweet spots only you can activate for him

-when he's feeling creative,he will tattoo you as a way for showing love for his s/o

-if you don't like tattoos then it's fine too,he likes having you try masks on

-seeing you in masks made by him just pleases him so much

-if you compliment his skills at making a mask,he'll just melt on the spot

-I headcanon him as a kind of lonely guy so making compliments for him is a very intimate thing to him

-really likes it though

Kaneki Ken

-a very soft person to begin with

-like he isn't cold or anything,especially with you

-very careful around you and he doesn't want to make you mad

-likes to buy you flowers without an occasion

-surprises and gifts are a way to express his feelings towards you,his darling

-he loves you and he showers you with compliments of all kinds

-be kind to him,he's always stressed that he's not good enough for you

-poor baby

Juuzou Suzuya

-trauma boy,I have so much empaty towards him no words can describe how sorry I feel for him

-he kind of never experienced true love

-not until you showed up though,then he started to feel those weird things that he can't describe even now when you're in a relationship with him

-he likes cuddles.You can't change my mind

-he's always crawling on you even if you're at work

-he likes to show you off,always talks about you no matter that there's a serious meeting

-he will be talking about you because he loves you so much

-really appreciates the fact that you accepted him as he is

Thank you for the request and I hope you liked these!

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