
🌜Lady Morgana🌛


Hereditary Eclectic Witch. Correspondences/spells/herbs/ect. Message or ask with any spell or info requests 😊

Hi there! I’m starting to practice tarot but I want to make sure I’m going about it properly. Is there anything I need to do with my deck before a reading (like cleansing, a small ritual, etc.)? Also do you have any advice on the best places to buy crystals and other witchy items? Thanks so much!



Normally with a new deck, I cleanse it to get rid of all past energies. Then I consecrate it to claim it as my own. Then I'd sleep with it under my pillow for a few days to connect with it. 😊

Unfortunately I don't have many suggestions for where to buy crystals and supplies because I usually buy local.

Hope this helps!


How does one charge water with the moon? Are there specific steps one must take or things that are absolutely 100% necessary to do? Certain supplies needed? Etc.


Not really! Get your water in a clear closed container. Chose what phase you want to use. Each moon phase will imbue your water with different properties. Then leave it outside. Some have said that you need to put it out when the moon is up and bring it in before the sun comes up, but I don't usually bring it in until morning and have never felt there was an issue!

Hope this helps!


Hello! , So yesterday I bought a sketch book, to do my grimore, But the problem is that I don't know how to get started , like the first thing to put in it , I need some advice , can you help me ?



Your BOS is supposed to contain information and spells that you need. I'd start with:

  • Correspondences (days, moon phases, crystals, herbs, etc.)
  • Any info on your path or deities you work with
  • Any info on holidays you observe
  • Any spells you want to keep on hand
  • Any spells, chants, prayers, etc that you have made

Hope this helps! ❤


My boyfriend is really good at divination without consciously trying- gets signs, dreams, intuition, etc. I feel discouraged in going down the divination path as I don’t receive any of these things. Will I get better with practice, or am I just not made for it?



Sometimes we can just have a form of divination not work for us. I'm terrible with runes! But that doesn't mean ALL divination is not for you. Take a look through this list here of different forms of divination and try some out! You may find one that works for you. Some people may have a natural knack for it but that doesn't mean you should give up. Keep practicing!


Spell to Compel Truthfulness

Think someone might be acting evasive? Brew up a bit of truth oil, and use it to compel this individual to be honest with you. If you regularly encounter people who are less than truthful, you can blend this in advance and keep it on hand for just the right occasion. If you do prepare it ahead of time, be sure to store it in a dark colored glass bottle.

You will need:

  • 4 oz grape seed or jojoba oil
  • 1 oz sandalwood oil
  • 1 oz pure vanilla extract

Blend the oils and extract together by pouring them into a bottle and swirling it gently in a clockwise motion. As you do, say:

Truth be told, no more lies

Now it's time for honesty

Telling the truth will set you free

To use this oil on someone you think may be lying to you, add a small amount to your fingertips, then shake their hand or touch their clothing.


Found in Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch by Patti Wigington


By June, much of spring's rain and unpredictable weather has drawn to an end. It's when the days get warmer and our gardens begin to bloom in earnest, and it's also the season of the summer solstice. This is a time of powerful sun energy, and we can celebrate the magic of warm days and long hours of light.

At this time of year weddings and love go into high gear, flowers are abundant, herbs pop up everywhere, and the trees are full of fruit and leaves. Spellwork in June focuses on all the magical sum power that makes things grow and flourish, from our garden to our heart and our spirit.


Found in Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch by Patti Wigington


I've seen this article going around social media. A lot of people are upset. Feeling this article is disrespectful and discriminatory towards the witchcraft community. It's full of personal assumptions and opinions that she formed after reading one single book.

I would love to hear some of your thoughts on this! What do you think??

If this bothers you as much as it has others in the community, feel free to sign the petition to address the article!


Hi there I’m a baby witch and I had a question about omens! Earlier today while pulling into my work I wasn’t able to park in my normal spot and had to park across the parking lot from my store. While walking up I came across a large black bird (I think a crow) head. I didn’t see a body but it looked like it died recently there were feathers scattered all over but no blood. I would have never seen this if my normal spot wasn’t taken and I’m curious about what (if any) meaning this may have.


Hello! 😁

Crows have long since been considered magical and many ancient societies viewed them as a death-bringer, or at least a bad omen . However, from what I've found, a dead crow can be interpreted as good news! It's said that finding a dead crow is a sign of good luck. “Death” or another unpleasant incident has been overcome.

I didn't, however, find anything specifically about a crows head.

Hope this helps!


I have a lot of things in my grimior but have no idea what to put in my book of shadows expect some sigil things. What do you recommend I put in it?


I recommend that you write out the different processes of how to make sigils. The different methods to design them, ways to charge then and activate them. (If you need help, I can offer some resources and books)

Keep notes of different sigils you make and their purposes. How was the outcome?

Also take note of any sigils you find that you've used or want to use.


The Promise of Spring - Imbolc for Secular Witches

I am the spark before the fire From winter’s cold, I do inspire I am the promise of the Spring I am the tiniest of flames
-Kelliana, “Brighid’s Flame”

As we begin to come to the end of (an unseasonably warm) January, a tiny candle flame appears on the horizon. The beginning of February is marked by a number of “signs of spring” holidays, among them Candlemas, the Feast of St. Brighid, Groundhog Day, and of course, Imbolc.

Now, depending on where you live, Imbolc (or Imbolg) and the Feast of St. Brighid may be celebrated sort of interchangeably. In Ireland, the day is called Lá Fhéile Bríde and it is as much a celebration of an old Gaelic festival halfway between the solstices as it is a celebration for the nation’s other favorite saint. 

The religious and spiritual significance of the holiday is very entwined with the traditional activities we often see depicted online. The reed crosses, the dollies, the ceremonies, the offerings of oatmeal and milk - all of this is wonderful, but it can leave secular witches feeling left out in the cold.

So what’s a witch to do?

The main importance of the holiday, apart from venerating the blessed Brighid or the unconquered Sun, is hope. The glimmer of new beginnings, the warm hearth in the midst of winter, and the promise of renewal with the coming spring. It is a time to evaluate where you are, to determine what can or should be cleansed from your life, and to begin planning your way forward.

If you’re inclined to divination, cast your fortune for the coming season. Contemplate your path to personal growth. What obstacles are in your path? What is holding you back from flowering and how can you either conquer it or work around it? Where would you like to see yourself this year? What changes do you need to make?

Take a day to focus on self-care. Winter darkness can be hard on those of us with depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder (amongst other things). A day spent doing things that make you feel happy, healthy, and fulfilled can buoy your spirits and help get you through that winter slump. Have a home spa day. Watch your favorite movies and eat your favorite foods. Curl up with a good book. Or, if you’re socially inclined, have an outing with friends or loved ones. Visit a favorite shop or cafe. Go see a movie. Plan a date with your sweetie or your bestie. Reconnect with yourself and with the wider world in a way that brings you comfort and joy.

Start on your spring cleaning projects. It’s a bit soon to begin airing out the house, despite the January warm spell (thanks a lot, climate change), but you can still begin clearing the clutter. Organize a closet or plow through one of those projects you’ve been putting off. Scrub down your kitchen and/or bathroom - they ALWAYS need it - or clean out the fridge. Do a few loads of laundry, or just pick up whatever clutter is keeping your space from feeling relaxed and harmonious. If you’ve been saying you’ll get around to it, consider this your Round Tuit.

If you’ve got a green thumb, start planning your spring planting. The gardening catalogs are starting to show up in mailboxes, and they can be treasure troves of inspiration. Places like Seed Savers and Burpee will even send you a free catalog if you just want to have a look. Look back on last year’s garden. What worked? What didn’t? What do you want to try growing again, and what new and exciting plants would you like to try?

Start a new project. If you’re crafty with yarn and textiles, make a stashbuster project with the odds and ends you’ve got sitting around. If you’re a maker of shiny things, pick up that special piece you’ve been waiting to work with and make something gorgeous. Brainstorm ideas for new artwork or sculpture or costuming. Fill a few pages in your sketchbook. Fiddle around with some writing prompts and see what happens, or pull out that old piece you’ve been meaning to finish. Find a creative outlet and let the ideas flow.

And if you can, watch the sun rise. There is nothing quite like the light of dawn on Imbolc day. There’s something peaceful about it. The sun seems to wink at you through the early morning clouds, as if to say, “Soon.”

Happy Imbolc, everyone!

Imbolc is celebrated Feb 1-2. Now is the time for new beginnings and new ventures!

Blessed Imbolc 💛


Hello again! If I am trying to charm one of my pieces of jewelry to make me calm, how would I go about it??? Thank you


Hi!! 😁

So to make a charm, you first must cleanse the piece. If you can, run it under water. If you can't, bury it in salt. While you do this, chant something along the lines of "I clear thee! I cleanse thee!" Or any other meaningful words to you.

Then you need to charge the jewelry. Leave it outside or on a window sil to be charged by the sun and moon for at least 24 hours.

Lastly, imprinting your jewelry for it's purpose. The simplest way is to be really clear in your mind, body and spirit what you want. Then take a deep breath and hold the piece in your hands to your heart.

I found this calming chant that you can recite:

I am peaceful, I am strong

Though my dark may seem so long

For day must follow every night

Everything is alright

I am always safe from harm

The Goddess holds me in her arms

Then simply and plainly state it's purpose. Example: "I task you with bringing me calmness and peace of mind."

"So shall it be."

I hope this helps!! ❤


Hi, I'm a baby witch and also a college student. I have a lot of trouble setting up a stable altar due to my traveling back and forth (my university is a 3 hour drive from my home and I go back for about 4 months out of a year). Do you have any tips on creating a portable altar?



If you're travelling back and forth, you should totally make a portable altar! The most common type are small ones in containers like Altoids cans. You can put in a tea light, representation for your deity or the elements and any other small things you want.

OR you can make one a bit bigger in a box or a suitcase. I've seen ones like this that include candles or battery operates candles, a chalice, book of shadows and pens, representation of the elements and your deities, crystals, a wand and even a small besom.

The best thing about altars is that you can make them in a million different ways! Find a nice box and put in the things that are important to you and your practice!


hi! im a baby witch, and i was wondering if one of my drawers would be a good place for an altar?



Totally! That's a great idea and you're able to tuck it away when you're done! I would just caution you to be very careful if you're using any kind of open flame. Safety first! 😁


Hey! I hope you are doing well! Do you know any spells to bring happiness to someone else? I would really appreciate if you could answer. Thanks!



I am well. Thank you! Hope everything's going great for you as well. ❤

I do have a spell but as a disclaimer, I just want to say that in some traditions it's frowned upon to perform magick on someone without their consent. So just make sure that you ask your friend beforehand if it's ok that you do a spell for them!

You will need:

  • 1 royal blue candle
  • Photo of the person you want to bring happiness to

Set out your candle in front of you and the photo on the far side of your candle, away from you. (Looking from the top, it should be: photo, candle, you)

Close your eyes and visualise the person laughing, being happy, smiling, anything good you can think of.

Then open your eyes and stare at the candle. In the background, make sure you see the photo of the person from behind the candle.


Happiness and glee, make their anger flee

Long-lasting and forever, make their happiness ever so clever

Everlasting and joyful, this spell will last

Make their happiness come up fast

When you feel you've raised enough energy, visualise all your happy energy going to your chosen person.

Let the candle burn down or snuff it out.

I hope this helps your friend find their happiness! ❤


the advice you give newbies like me is always so down to earth but also insightful. people like you who are wise AND kind are hard to come by, and it’s been a real inspiration along my own path. thank you for being you!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words ❤

I always believed that you should share your knowledge and use it to help others...so that's what I'm trying to do!

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