
spooky noises

@greenlakegalpals / greenlakegalpals.tumblr.com

29, They/Them, reverse 1999 brainrot horny for crazy teeth lady

A real thing that happened is me as a teenager.

I had what turned out to be a dangerous walking pneumonia, for a week, but the manager at Burger King wouldn’t let me off.  My breathing was very loud and ragged.  I was coughing on and breathing on the food.

I wasn’t allowed to leave.  I was told if i called out, I was fired.

So Im shuffling around wheezing loudly swaying with my high fever as I work drive thru by myself, and a paramedic walked in to order dinner.

He goes ballistic, My friends.  He demands to see the Manager.  he chews him out at the top of his lungs so the whole restaurant can here.  Guys working the back came up to watch.  Customers staring and thinking hard about the infectious food they were eating.  Dude losing his shit about how infectious I was and all the people management had been endangering for days judging from my breathing and I needed to be home on antibiotics RIGHT NOW and the health Department was going to hear about this.

I went home.  i got the week off.  Didn’t even need a doctor’s note.

Getting friends management doesn’t know to do this WOULD WORK.

Same manager not letting me take my influenza home a year later  despite repeated vomiting?  Threw up in front of customers.  Customers demanded money back and started threatening the manager with lawsuits.

I got to go home and got time off until I stopped vomitting.

GO AHEAD and THROW UP in front of Customers.  THEY will Complain.

Don’t be shy.  

They are supposed to let you stay home when you are sick.  Stop protecting management. (Hiding how sick you are protects management).  They are abusing you.  Let them reap what they sow.


“Emile Corsi” is not real. anything claiming to be done by an artist named Emile Corsi is ai generated art, it does not exist. what’s worse is that the person behind this “artist”, these “artworks” is that they are falsifying the historical record. these images are not from the 1800s; they were not generated until just a few weeks ago… this is intentional misinformation folks

here’s an article that talks about it and gives some tips on how to identify ai, beyond the member’s only wall it goes on to tell us that research is the biggest tool in pinpointing misinformation from ai art to radical claims in the news cycle. even just simply looking something up is enough to help counter misinformation

Since this is partially walled (it requires a free account to view the entire article, but I know how low the bar is on the internet)

The full text:

A recent image has been doing the rounds on social media on Tumbr and X that caught my attention. It claims to be a painting called Bastet by Emile Corsi, 1877. At time of writing, it has thousands of notes across various blogs and tweet threads.

The thing is, it’s not real. No artist named Emile Corsi existed in the nineteenth century. Even the header of the blog that shared it originally, Shuttered-Gallery, admits “artist never existed in reality.” But of course, most people aren’t checking before reblogging. And they’re shocked when they are told it’s actually AI-generated.

Now, cards on the table: I’m not against AI art as a whole. However, I am against spreading misinformation, and I would count slapping a fake artist name and date on an AI generated image and not disclaiming its AI origins in the original post as pretty blatant intentional misinformation.

When people discuss identifying AI art, you might see advice online pointing to specific traits in the artwork: look at the hands, people suggest, because AI has trouble identifying hands.

“How to tell that this is AI generated: — The skin is “painted” in a different style from the rest of it (very smooth, brushstrokes are hardly visible) — The cat face is a VERY different style from the rest (hyper realistic with a much tinier brush than is used anywhere else in the painting). Also if you zoom in, the gold thing draped over her leg doesn’t actually start anywhere, it just kinda blends into the gold background.”

This is all good close looking, the commenter clearly has some good visual literacy skills. These are the kinds of oddities that a trained eye will pick up without realizing it. So it’s true, but the thing is that as a guide for identifying AI art, it’s not good general advice.

I clocked that Bastet was AI generated immediately. This isn’t a brag, more a slightly embarrassed admission that I’ve spent thousands of hours looking at nineteenth century academic painting. Hundreds of those have been spend looking at Orientalist art specifically. All of those hours have coalesced into my brain into a vague cluster-property of what nineteenth-century academic painting looks like, and Bastet did not fit the bill.

But I’m an Art Historian, and the average person isn’t going to spend the time that I did to look at hundreds of nineteenth century paintings to develop that pattern recognition. Frankly, I probably would have been as useless if the AI had depicted Sumerian sculpture or Song dynasty painting, because I have little expertise in those areas. The thing is that even without clocking those hundreds of hours building up area expertise, there are still good habits we can practice when encountering images online for identifying AI art misinformation.

The better the AI gets, the less we can rely on specific visual “tells.” Even the advice to look at hands is outdated by now with new iterations of AI technology producing perfectly lovely hands. Looking is not enough.

The thing that would be enough? Research. A simple Google search reveals that there is no such artist as Emile Corsi in the nineteenth century. No auction records, no Wikipedia, no books. Art Historians and art lovers have lovingly catalogued so many popular painters, there is no way that a Tumblr or an X post is the first anyone online has heard of this artist.

So the solution must be to do research before we share art online unthinkingly. This would be especially important in countering the spread of misinformation. You might not want to check absolutely every image you encounter, we encounter hundreds in our day-to-day life, but if an image was attached to some radical claim, that might be one to check.

Not that people are willing to do this for important news, of course, so maybe it’s asking too much for them to do it for silly art posts online…


a few reminders because i’m tired and angry

  • fandom is a hobby, not a form of activism
  • adult women aren’t inherently creepy for being in fandom and having hobbies apart from raising babies and doing taxes
  • the vast majority of people pushing back against the worrying trend of instigating harassment over fictional characters and relationships aren’t incest supporters or pedophiles, actually
  • liking a m/f ship doesn’t make someone a dirty heterosexual invading your space
  • preferring gay ships doesn’t make you ‘’woke’’ and good
  • no one owes you a disclaimer that they are a good person who recognizes that their favorite fictional villain’s actions are evil and that they don’t condone those actions irl
  • liking a fictional villain is in no way comparable to advocating abuse/murder/genocide/etc and you’re a fucking idiot if you believe that
  • just because a woman is attracted to a fictional villain doesn’t mean she’s promoting toxic relationships or going to end up in a toxic relationship. assuming women can’t tell fiction and reality apart stinks of internalized misogyny 
  • some rando’s a/b/o fanfics have none of the level of influence that popular tv shows and movies spreading propaganda have
  • no one owes you a detailed description of their traumas and mental health problems
  • abusive relationships are not the same as enemies to lovers ships
  • y’all need to chill the fuck out over people, relationships, actions and events that don’t actually exist and learn how to enjoy and discuss them like normal people
  • fandom is a hobby, not a form of activism

feel free to add more



people make fun of the "oh you only hate her because she's a WOMAN" crazy feminist mentality but yeah actually you guys do only hate her because she's a woman a lot of times. for every hated female tv character there's ten male tv characters who are a million times worse and still given at least the "intriguing morally grey character" treatment if not straight up praise. for every hated female celebrity in real life there's one hundred famous men who have done worse and don't get half the hate she does.


thinking about schneider again and how she has truely been through A LOT.

ultra religious catholic family from 1920's italy, born as the thirteenth child, in a storm, her mother remarried(divorce is NOT seen so highly in those times especially when youre ultra religious roman catholic, wouldnt be surprised if she was blamed for that). seen as a bad luck. slap in some religious trauma where she wonders if god hates her.

outright neglected and malnourished because there were too many mouths to feed family and very little food to go around in a country so extremely impoverished at the time. then her family moves to chicago usa of all places, now she has to deal with racism ontop of being an immigrant girl who didnt speak a lick of english. had to learn it by force, had to find odd jobs to support her family. considering shes based off a showgirl, very possible that was one of her many jobs to keep herself and her family afloat. so add sexism and the very real and common threat of sexual harrasment she nost likely dealt with. then she goes into bootlegging, though its helping her family..... this brings gangsters and cops and rival bootleggers who dont like competition.

so she had to defend herself and her families future. she had to sacrifice her own principles. shes not a killer, shes not a cold blooded unfeeling murderer. she loves and feels so deeply, especially for her family that she HAD to do the unthinkable, went against everything she was raised to be just to support them. even if it meant killing and lying and blackmailing.

oh and dont forget the religious trauma that made her think next to nothing about herself. she thinks herself as a sinner, cursed and left by god. the way she talks about herself obviously imply she thinks she deserves punishment.

i cant stop thinking about this girl


I'm already seeing people fight over whether we're "allowed" to ship Peruere and Clervie....

Guys you do know that you can grow up alongside another child and not see them as a sibling right? And that children can have crushes? And that children grow up to be adults who can then develop romantic feelings? Right? Right?


I've mentioned this hundreds of times by now, but as person with real-life siblings it irks me that fandom discourse looks at two romantically-coded characters of the same gender (and it's ALWAYS with characters of the same gender) and scream they're "sisters" or "siblings."

Just admit y'all have no idea what sibling relationships are like and move on already.


Rich People: "I want to price gouge and plan obsolescence without having to worry about competition. Government, enforce my patents."

Rich People: "I want firepower to uphold my enormous wealth. Government, hire police officers with taxpayer money to protect my property from thieves and trespassers."

Rich People: "I want a source of cheap labor. Government, enforce laws against victimless actions in order to put people in prison so I can exploit them as slaves, then brand them with criminal records so they'll take any low wage job that's offered to them in the future."

Rich People: "There are homeless people existing who are not generating profit for me. Government, hire police officers with taxpayer money to arrest them for loitering, and use taxpayer money to build hostile architecture."

Rich People: "Homeless people are eating food that my business discarded, which doesn't generate profit for me. Government, hire police officers with taxpayer money to guard the dumpster."

Rich People: "Marijuana is competition for me as a pharmaceutical CEO. Government, ban marijuana."

Rich People: "I build weapons. Government, create wars and buy my weapons with taxpayer money."

Poor People: "I can't afford what I need to live. Government, financially assist me, require my employer to pay me more, or limit rich people's ability to increase prices."

Rich People: "Stop relying on government for everything and taking people's freedom!"


but being genuine & not jokey for a second you Need to make yourself a safe person for transfems. every time you support the witch-hunt of a trans girl you are signaling to every other trans girl you know that you will ruin their life if they say something you don't like. you have to put aside kneejerk disgust reactions and simply block people if they post something that upsets you. this is not worth risking their safety


"well one genocide is better than xyz genocides" Have you ever considered that Palestinians are not your sacrificial lambs. have you ever considered we deserve to live just as much as you do

It legitimately makes me feel insane to watch people go back and forth with each other about “harm reduction” and the “lesser evil” because harm reduction for who? Lesser evil for who? Why do I have to watch my people get slaughtered and constantly worry about the safety of my own family and listen to you individualist bootlicking liberals cry “But what about ME”


I’m a teacher assistant for spanish grammar and the professor was explaining epícenos (single gendered words that encompass masculine and feminine beings) and he was using iguana as an example and he said: “there is only one gender… iguana” and i had to mute my microphone


“there is only one gender… iguana”

Attached image is a cartoon iguana surfing with a speech bubble


What I need for White Americans (ppl in general really, but I'm talking to the U.S.) to understand about Americans of Color is that You don't know Us, but We know YOU.

We've spent generations upon generations of our entire lives learning YOUR social norms, forced to assimilate to YOUR idea of society. We live and learn entirely separate cultures, but we also learn from birth what it means to have to cater to Whiteness in America. It's why I can name so many famous movies with white casts, but most white people didn't even know where "Bye Felicia" came from. It's why I was raised to professionally Code Switch from childhood, but grown white people struggle to even grasp the basics of the grammar of AAVE. It's why people who speak different languages think they have to give up their own mother tongue just to function in this country.

It's why you all are so uncomfortable with the idea of people of color questioning and rejecting what seems "normal" to you- and to be honest, I actually think older white generations are better at admitting this than younger ones. It's because what you know as normal is usually not "normal"- it's White. Whiteness is just as loud as any other presentation of race in this country, you just don't see it that way because everyone else has been forced to maintain your comfort. The entire system is built around it, and you don't even know it.

It's why it frustrates white Americans of some marginalization- queer, disabled, neurodivergent- because you do not have access to the "norm" as it is shown to you. But that frustration- literally everyone of color (who shares those identities btw) lives under that understanding.

Idk, I didn't really have a direction. I just think it's wild how so many conversations require this... Constant Verbal Leveling of the Playing Field simply because Whiteness blinds white people to what things ACTUALLY look like out here.

Yes, it's okay for white people to reblog. You are the target audience to consider these things.

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