
My Manga Thoughts

@greatninjadragon / greatninjadragon.tumblr.com

Hello. I'm a Christian who's currently a cancer patient. Hoping I'll get better. I love reading manga, comics, and books and will sometimes talk about them along with any other interests I have.

For the Followers

This isn’t greatninjadragon, this is his sister @just-absolutely-super. I meant to post this earlier today, but things have been busy for our family.

I thought it’d be unfair if my brother’s followers didn’t know what had happened yesterday, because like me, I’m sure he’s met and befriended many lovely people on this website. And if our roles were reversed, I’d want everyone to know.

Garrett passed away last night.

I’m not sure how much he’s told you guys, but Garrett’s been battling cancer for a little over 3 years now. He fought the good fight, and he’s tried so hard to make it through this. But yesterday was the time for the Lord to call him back to his home in heaven.

He wasn’t in pain, and he was surrounded by his loved ones as he went. That’s a blessing in and of itself.

There were many things he was doing and wanted to do. He was writing a fanfiction and he told me he had so many ideas for it and didn’t know how to break it to those who enjoyed the story that he wouldn’t be able to finish it. He was even dabbling in an original story. Sadly, I won’t know how it will end either...

But he loved his fandoms so much, and was always excited for new material in everything. I’m gonna miss him so much, and I know he’s in a way better place now. I don’t know if I’ll end up deleting his blog or not--I kinda don’t want to, just because it’s one of the last things I have of him. I hope you all keep him and his family in your mind in the next few days.

That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for following him. I’m sure his big heart included you all too.


75% of writing is convincing yourself that your story is worth it

It is. In case you were wondering. Your story is worth the effort you are putting into it. It’s an amazing thing because you are writing it.


do you have any recurring themes with your ocs? anything that’s like, symbolic among the characters you’ve made? (ie if every character with a certain eye color tends to be evil, or if certain fashion in common has a meaning for the character’s fate or past)

theyre all gay


Parents are evil. Also, many of them pretend to be dumber than they really are.


Megalomaniac. Through and through. Almost every single one of them.

Main heroine in my fanfics is always a self insert lol

The ruggedly suave lady ex-villain, the uptight but badass noblewoman/royal who is also kind of a Hot Mess, the cinnamon roll nerd lady, the Relatable™ villain, the flirty lesbian with huge curly hair

I always end up with a sassbucket. It doesn’t matter how sweet they start out, they always end up full of sass.

Wings happens a lot. Feathered wings. Dragon wings.

They were created and established to fill in some gaps that the production studio forgot to fill.

most of my characters aren’t human. Some can look human but most part a full-fledged person. Nah.


I feel taking down the elephant beast was easier than the camel beast. Probably from experience or something. 

Also out of all the major side characters that help you take these beast down so you can go fight them, I’m actually looking forward to working with the Goron more than the amazon princess and charismatic fish prince.

Though I blame tumblr for that 


Quick One Piece 885 Manga Thoughts

“Of course.”

-Katakuri’s one weakness is not being calm. Considering that Luffy can get under Law’s skin that should be no problem. -Brulee has been reduced to a vehicle at this point. -Just your luck Luffy, you had to pick this island. On an unrelated note, Mr. Peanut’s stocks have drastically dropped. -Once again Sanji shows off his Shokugeki no Soma powers. -And of course a break.

Thoughts: I just wanted to riff the chapter, but it’s still great.


Quick Manga Thoughts Nov 10 (OP will get its own)

Boku no Hero Academia 159: It's finally over. Oh high Shigaraki.
Shokugeki no Soma 239: Prediction time. The rebels win this round but Eishi and Rindou show up to ruin everything.
Dr. Stone 35: You COULDN'T hit a guy with glasses.
Black Clover 133: Yeah like they would immediately drop a character like Zora.
The Promised Neverland 63: They're going to be covered in blood, sweat, tears, blood, and the smell of lizard when this is over.

dont underestimate the power of kindness. strength is not being cold hearted and aloof, it’s being amicable in the face of bitterness or gentle with those who need to be loved. so please, if nothing else, be kind.

Mistborn? What’s that?

It’s a series of fantasy novels that’s written by Brandon Sanderson. So far 6 books and novella detailing certain events and the fate of a character from the first book have been released with more to come out (hopefully).

The idea is the whole series is set on this world where certain people use metals to achieve some magical power in different ways. The authors plan is to divide the books out into different eras that represent a different subgenre of Fantasy. The first three (era 1) focuses on high-fantasy. The other three and the next book (era 2) are something of a steampunk/wild west theme fantasy set 300 years after the first. The next two eras will deal with (if it goes to plan) urban fantasy and scifi/fantasy.

They’ve recently became some of my favorite books and a good way on how to learn to make world building and magic systems. I could go on and on about these books cause they’re something of an obsession a bit for me.

There’s also the Cosmere but that’s it’s a part of but that’s a completely different beast all together.


Two franchises I really love and enjoy are Yugioh and Mistborn and then it hit me.

Vin would totally use Serena’s deck since it focuses on direct fighting, practically, and involves dancing even though the monsters are beating everyone up and getting stronger (though Vin would have some uber power level 12 monster in her deck). 

I could see them be friends despite Serena being a G/PG-rated character while Vin is hard R.


I hope the next Paper Mario goes back to having companions and they’re all enemies from more recent Mario games, like an Uproot or a Pokio

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