
Japanese Lessons: Valentines

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HAPPY VALENTINES  ハッピーバレンタインデー

恋愛 (ren ai) -    romantic love 両想い  (ryouomoi) - mutual love 一目惚れ  (hitomebore) - love at first sight  本命チョコ  (honmei choco)  - chocolate you give to guy you like 手作りチョコ  (tezukuri choco) - handmade chocolates 友チョコ  (tomo choco)  - chocolate for your friends ラブラブで  (rabu rabu desu)  - lovey dovey  花束   (hanataba)   bouquet ホワイトデー   (huwaitodei)  - White Day  相合傘   (ai ai gasa)   - sharing an umbrella  恋人  (koibito)   - lover   (en)  - fate


片想い  (kataomoi)  unrequited love 失恋  (shitsuren)   heartbreak 悔しい  (kuyuashii)   painful 悲恋   hiren   tragic love 義理チョコ (giri choco)  obligatory chocolates 三角関係   (sankaku kankei)  love triangle  ほっといて  (hottoite)  leave me alone 


Japanese Proverb (kotowaza): 七転び八起き (nana korobi ya oki)

Let’s learn from kotowaza (Japanese proverb)

This sentence means that “whatever happens, you need to try again”.

七 nana is seven 転び korobi is from 転ぶ (korobu : to fall down) 八 here is eight but read as in 八百屋 (yaoya: greengrocer) 起き is the same as 起きる (okiru: to wake/rise).

Happy learning °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°  


Useful Links:


かっこいい/かわいい熟語のリスト A list of cool/cute Japanese compound words

  • 別腹(べつばら)→ (n.) having room for dessert even if one is full (lit. extra stomach)
  • 口寂しい(くちさびしい)→ (n.) the feeling of wanting to put something in one’s mouth (lit. mouth + lonely)
  • 食い違い(くいちがい)→ (n.) diverging or conflicting opinions (lit. eating + different)
  • 食い倒れ(くいだおれ)→ (n.) getting into debt by extravagance in food (lit. eating + bad debt/collapse)
  • 寝酒(ねさけ)→ (n.) night cap ⭐︎☽ (lit. sleep + alcohol)
  • 昼寝(ひるね)→ (n.) siesta, nap (lit. daytime + sleep)
  • 寝坊(ねぼう)→ (n.) late riser, sleepyhead (lit. sleep + someone who~)
  • 朝寝(あさね)→ (n./–suru v.) sleeping late in the morning (lit. morning + sleep)
  • 早起き(はやおき)→ (n.) early riser (lit. early + wake up)
  • 歩き回る(あるきまわる)→ (v.) walking about (lit. walk + turn)
  • 水遊び(みずあそび)→ (n.) splashing about (lit. water + play)
  • 長話(ながはなし)→ (n.) a long talk (lit. talk + long)
  • 話々(はなしばなし)→ (n.) small talk (lit. talk + talk)
  • 昔話(むかしばなし)→ (n.) legends, old tales, reminiscence (lit. olden days + talk)
  • 心強い(こころずよい)→ (–i adj.) reassuring, heartening (lit. heart + strong)
  • 猫好き(ねこずき)→ (n.) cat lover (lit. cat + like)
  • 猫舌(ねこじた)→ (n.) dislike of hot drinks or food (lit. cat + tongue)
  • 積ん読(つんどく)→ (n./–suru v.) buying books and not reading them (lit. pile up/stack + read)
  • 忘れ物(わすれもの)→ (n.) something you left behind, forgot (lit. forgot + thing)
  • 蛇足(だそく)→ (n.) useless addition, redundancy (lit. snake + legs)  ˉ̶̡̭̭ ( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ ) ˉ̶̡̭̭

Japanese vocab


Insects in Japanese

昆虫 [こんちゅう] - insect 虫 [むし] - bug 蜘蛛 [くも] - spider 蟻 [あり] - ant 白蟻 [しろあり] - termite 蝿 [はえ] - fly 蛆 [うじ] - maggot 蛍 [ほたる] - firefly 天道虫 [てんとうむし] - ladybug 蝶々 [ちょうちょう] - butterfly 毛虫 (hairy)、芋虫 (hairless)  [けむし、いもむし ] - caterpillar 蛾 [が] - moth 飛蝗 (green)、蝗 (brown) [ばった、いなご] - grasshopper 甲虫 [こうちゅう] - beetle 兜虫 [かぶとむし] - Japanese rhinoceros beetle 蝉 [せみ] - cicada 蜻蛉 [とんぼ] - dragonfly 蜚蠊 [ごきぶり]  - cockroach 蚊 [か] - mosquito 蜂 [はち] - bee, wasp 虻 [あぶ] - horsefly 蚤 [のみ] - flea 壁蝨 [だに] - tick, mite 油虫 [あぶらむし] - aphid 蜈蚣 [むかで] - centipede 蝸牛 [かたつむり] - snail 蚯蚓 [みみず] - worm 

Japanese vocab insects


Directions Hey guys, last time I made a post about location words, well this post is kind of an extension of that one - this time I’ll be focusing on directions!

  1. まっすぐ行く・まっすぐいく・masuguiku ・ go straight
  2. 左に曲がる・ひだりにまがる・hidarinimagaru ・ turn left
  3. 右に曲がる・みぎにまがる・miginimagaru ・ turn right
  4. 道を渡る・みちをわたる・michiwowataru ・ cross the street
  5. 二つ目の角を左に曲がる・ふたつめのかどをひだりにまがる・ futatsumenokadowohidarinimagaru ・ turn left at the second corner
  6. 一つ目の信号を右に曲がる・ひとつめのしんごうをみぎにまがる・ hitotsumenoshingouwomiginimagaru ・ turn right at the first traffic light
  7. 道の左側・みちのひだりがわ・michinohidarigawa ・ left side of the street
  8. 道の右側・みちのみぎがわ・michinomigigawa ・ right side of the street
  9. 北・きた・kita ・ North
  10. 南・みなみ・minami ・ South
  11. 東・ひがし・higashi ・ East
  12. 西・にし・nishi ・ West
e.g. A: Excuse me, where is a post office?        B: Go straight and turn right at the third corner. The post office is             on the right.        A: Thank you very much.        A: すみません。郵便局はどこですか。        B: まっすぐ行って、三つ目の角を右に曲がってください。郵便局は右            側にありますよ。       A: どうもありがとうございます。


Japanese direction phrases vocabulary


Why do we use the word ‘lent’ (貸す kasu) when we want to borrow something in Japanese?

The word ‘lent (貸す kasu)’ or ‘borrow (借りる kariru)’ in Japanese are quite clear. But it’s start getting confusing when people suddenly teach you to use ‘lent’ when you want to ‘borrow’ things in Japanese. So let’s clear things up!

These are the basic and they are clear as a crystal. 傘を貸しました kasa o kashimashita (I)lent the umbrella. 傘を借りました kasa o karimashita I borrowed the umbrella.


When you want to borrow something, people will teach you these sentence below and it’s start to get confusing. I want to borrow, but why I use the word “lent” instead? It’s because the natural English translation is different than the literal translation.

English translation for this sentence below would be “May I borrow your umbrella?”. Now check the literal translation below. 傘を貸してもらえませんか? kasa o kashite moraemasenka? Could I receive a favor of you lending the umbrella to me? 傘を貸してくれませんか? kasa o kashite kuremasenka? Could you give me a favor of lending the umbrella to me? The literal translations are not natural in English and therefore it’s translated as “May I borrow your umbrella?” which bring a lot of confusions to learner.

We hope this article helps to clear things up! 

Happy learning °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°  



Japanese grammar


Learn from Japanese proverb (kotowaza)

Today’s phrase is:

口が軽い kuchi ga karui

口 kuchi means : mouth 軽い means : light

Literally, it means that one’s mouth is light. Which means that someone is not capable of handling secret or like to gossip!

Happy learning °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°  



Japanese phrases


Summer vocabulary in Japanese

夏 [なつ] - summer 六月 [ろくがつ] - June 七月 [しちがつ] - July 八月 [はちがつ] - August 夏至 [げし] - summer solstice 海の日 [うみのひ] - Marine Day 七夕 [たなばた] - Star Festival お盆 [おぼん] - Bon Festival 山の日 [やまのひ] - Mountain Day 真夏 [まなつ] - midsummer 夏休み [なつやすみ] - summer holiday 日 [ひ] - sun 暑い [あつい] - hot 猛暑 [もうしょ] - heat wave 暖かい [あたたかい] - warm 晴れ [はれ] - clear weather, fine weather 日照り [ひでり] - dryness, drought 梅雨 [つゆ] - rainy season 雨 [あめ] - rain 雷 [かみなり] - thunder 湿った [しめった] - humid 動物 [どうぶつ] - animal 鳥 [とり] - bird 昆虫 [こんちゅう] - insect 魚 [さかな] - fish 蟹 [かに] - crab 花 [はな] - flower 草 [くさ] - grass 野菜 [やさい] - vegetables べりー - berry 果物 [くだもの] - fruit 西瓜 [すいか] - watermelon アイスクリーム - ice cream 海 [うみ] - sea 浜 [はま] - beach 砂 [すな] - sand タオル - towel 水着 [みずぎ] - swimsuit ショートパンツ - shorts Tシャツ - t-shirt サンダル - sandals 日焼け止め [ひやけどめ] - sunscreen サングラス - sunglasses キャップ - cap 傘 [かさ] - umbrella テント - tent 寝袋 [ねぶくろ] - sleeping bag 扇風機 [せんぷうき] - fan 焚き火 [たきび] - bonfire バーベキュー - barbecue  外 [そと] - outside 公園 [こうえん] - park 庭園 [ていえん] - garden 遊園地 [ゆうえんち] - amusement park プール - swimming pool ピクニック - picnic 市場 [いちば]  -  market place クルーズ - cruise 祭 [まつり] - festival 花火 [はなび] - fireworks 浴衣 [ゆかた] - yukata 風鈴 [ふうりん] - wind bell 釣り [つり] - fishing ハイキング - hiking キャンピング - camping サーフィン - surfing 旅行する [りょこうする] - to travel リラックスする - to relax 休む [やすむ] - to rest 水泳 [すいえい] - swimming 泳ぐ [およぐ] - to swim 肌を焼く [はだをやく] - to get a tan

Japanese vocabulary summer


Japanese lesson: Arguments

そんなに怒るな!(sonna ni okoruna) Don’t be so mad!
消え失せろ!(kieusero) Fuck off!
勝手にしてよ。(katte ni shite yo) Do what you want.
いったい何不満なのか言えよ。(ittai nani fumanna no ka ie yo) Tell me what the heck is bothering you.
いい加減にしろ。(iikagen ni shiro) Give me a break. 
ほっといて!(hottoite) Leave me alone!
これ以上論じたくない。(kore ijou ronjitakunai) I don’t want to argue anymore.
言い過ぎよ。(iisugi yo) You’ve said too much.

Japanese Lessons: Dere (デレ)

デレデレ  (deredere)  - “lovestruck” 

ツンツン (tsuntsun)  - hostile

 ツンデレ (tsundere)  - someone who’s high and mighty on the outside but loving on the inside, usually portraying their embarrassment with a rude phase that they don’t actually mean 

黙り (danmari)  - silent

ダンデレ (dandere) - someone who’s quiet and antisocial because they’re too shy to speak up and tend to be more socially awkward.

病んでる  (yanderu)  - sick

病んデレ (yandere) - someone who seems normal on the outside, but is ‘crazy’ on the inside, usually caused by fear and obsessive and possessive personality

クール   (kuru)  - cool/calm

クーデレ (kudere) - someone who’s calm on the outside, and usually speaks in a monotone, displaying a poker face, rarely showing fluctuations in emotions due to fear of showing weaknesses or being dependant on others

Japanese lesson: Valentine's day ♡

デート (deeto) - date 彼氏 (kareshi) - boyfriend 彼女 (kanojo) - girlfriend イチャイチャ (ichaicha) - flirt 口説く (kudoku) - to hit on 萌える (moeru) - to have a crush 愛 (ai) - love 恋する (koi suru) - to love 告白する (kokuhaku suru) - to confess 抱く (daku) - to hug 恋い乱る (koimidaru) - to be lovesick キッス (kissu) - kiss 大好き (daisuki) - I like you a lot. 付き合ってくれる? (tsukiatte kureru?) - Will you go out with me?

Japanese lesson #21: weather

Sky- そら, 空 (Sora)

Hot- あつい, 暑い (Atsui)

Cold- さむい, 寒い (Samui)

Storm- あらし, 嵐 (Arashi)

Rain- あめ, 雨 (Ame)

Snow- ゆき, 雪 (Yoki)

Windy- かぜがつよい, 風が強い (Kaze ga tsuyoi)

To be arid- かんそうしています, 乾燥しています (Kansoushtemasu)

Muggy- むしあつい, 蒸し暑い (Mushiatsui)

Sunny- はれ, 晴れ (Hare)

Foggy- きりがふかい, 霧が深い (Kiri ga fukai)

Cloudy- くもり, 曇り (Kumori)

• Note: sorry for the late lesson again :( Also, I’m pretty sure this is all you’ll need for weather…if I missed anything let me know :)


🌷 Asking for help with your Japanese, in Japanese 🌷

A hodgepodge of useful phrases I’ve collected that come in handy for language-exchange or tutoring with native speakers.

日本語で「 」って何と言うんですか にほんごで「 」ってなんというんですか。 How do you say “ “ in Japanese?
「a」は「c」と言う意味ですか。 「a」は「c」といういみですか。 Does “a” means “c”?
私の言っていることが分かりますか。 わたしのいっていることがわかりますか。 Do I make sense?
私が言おうとしていることが分かりますか? わたしがいおうとしていることがわかりますか? Do you understand what I’m trying to say?
これのもっと良い言い方があれば教えてください。 これのもっといいいいかたがあればおしえてください。 If there is a better way to say this, please tell me how.
「 」っていう表現は自然ですか? 「 」っていうひょうげんはしぜんですか? Does “  ” sound natural?
この言葉はこの文章に合いますか。 このことばはこのぶんしょうにあいますか。 Does this word work in this sentence?
日本語を添削してください。 にほんごをてんさくしてください。 Please correct my Japanese.  
とてもわかりやすい説明をありがとうございます。 とてもわかりやすいせつめいをありがとうございます。 Thanks for the very easy-to-understand explanation
とても詳しい説明をありがとうございます。 とてもくわしいせつめいをありがとうございます。 Thanks for the very detailed explanation.
入力ミスを指摘してくれてありがとうございます。 にゅうりょくミスをしてきしてくれてありがとうございます。 Thanks for pointing out my typo(s).  
添削してくれてありがとうございます。 てんさくしてくれてありがとうございます。 Thanks for correcting (that) for me.
勉強になりました。 べんきょうになりました。 (That) was educational/I learned a lot
助かりました。 たすかりました。 (That) was helpful.

If any of these is wrong, iffy, or could be phrased better, don’t hesitate to point it out!


Let’s Get Romantic! Kabe-DON!

If you’ve ever read a shoujo manga, or watched a romantic anime, you’ve probably seen kabe-don. It’s the doki-doki moment when a guy slams his hand/foot against a wall by the girl to confess his feelings. My explanations suck, so I’ve included a photo for your reference.

The word comes from かべ (wall) and どん (the sound it makes). Frankly, I have no idea where this part of Japanese culture came from, but it’s hilarious. I read an article that says the feeling of experiencing kabe-don is “exhilarating” plus, it makes guys look tough! Woo!

If you can find ‘em, there are some REALLY hilarious kabe-don Japanese vines out there. I’ll leave you with this one for now.

translation: could this be kabe-don?

                  It’s coming!


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