
It's ya girl, Plumeria

@big-sis-plume-ria-blog / big-sis-plume-ria-blog.tumblr.com

It's ya girl, Plumeria. Don't mess with my brothers and sisters and we'll get on just right. Mess with my boss and we'll get along GREAT.

Mun's thoughts on UltraSun and UltraMoon?


((I haven't looked into it much but it seems okay enough! I mean, yeah, It might be a money grab at people who are still clinging to the previous games/who are deeply into the new anime, but it'll at least be good and add some more depth (hopefully!) To the Alola region))


I've been off training real hard lately, but I'm back at it again with the whole ask blog thing. So hit ya girl up with some questions!!


*sniff* big sis? I lost my grandmother today and....I'm so sad and I really don't know what to do anymore...


Yo, I'm sorry this is late, but your big sis won't let be sad, fam. The key is to keep their memory in your heart, and to remember them. Ain't no one truly dead if you keep their memory alive, right? But at the same time you gotta let go of all those negative emotions. Be glad ya had the time you had with them, not that ya lost them.


P: Omg this is so amazing....I'm actually gawkin' at how well ya drew me!!!! And look at Guz!!! And that art style, I'm in awe... ((I'm actually crying this art is so amazing))


I had mock interviews today and some dumbass decided to pull the fire alarm... and it's it's So fucking cold outside rn and I had a dress on too.... can u drop kick them for me sis?


First I'm gonna ask them why they pulled the fire alarm bc I'm a curious little shit...BUT HELL YEAH, I WILL MESS THAT GUY UP BC INTERVIEWS ARE SO STRESSFUL AND YOU SHOUKDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT TWICE


(Warning spoilers) So how does it feel that team skull works with the Ather Fondation (Not sure if to ask this but....)


I feel....Betrayed. I'm was angry at first, wanted to kill Guz for what he'd done, but now...I think I can forgive him, given time.

Anonymous asked:

47B Back from the dead Big Sis! Got lost in the Hoenn wilderness, but it's good to be back! Did I miss the protagonist and their shenanigans?

W'sup, fam? And yeah....You missed a bit

Anonymous asked:

Omg, I love Guzma so much ♡ He is so cute and hot. Best boy

Yeah, I love that trash boy too. Idk about hot, but he is best boy.


Plumeria, how do you stay so in shape? Grl you look amaaaazing. What's your workout like?


Okay, listen up and listen up good-100 push-ups-100 sit&ups-100 squats-10KM Running (6.2 miles)That's it. That's the key


Sup, Plumeria. I know i'm a little late but, how was your valentine's day? What did you do? Who was your valentine?


It was pretty good, actually. Thanks for asking. I spent the day eating all the chocolate I got from my many grunt admires. I gotta admit, while I have no feelings for my sibs, their infatuation has it's perks...I didn't have a Valentine. Call me mean, but I turned everyone down so I wouldn't have to share my chocolate :/

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