
motion = emotion

@jules-hough / jules-hough.tumblr.com

dancer, actress, artist, musician, producer, and most importantly: mama to luca. "this is your life, are you who you want to be?" *RolePlay Blog Only

What would you tell yourself ten years ago to make you a better person today?

Probably to just be myself and not mold myself into what I thought other people wanted me to be. I didn’t learn the whole freedom of not caring what others think until a few years ago when I attended a Tony Robbins seminar. It makes a world’s difference. Now I’m just my crazy, goofy, wild (not that kind of wild!) self 24/7 without holding back!
Anonymous asked:

Do you miss competitive dancing or are you happier acting?

I do miss it but right now, I’m very focused on acting!
Thaaanks! That means so much coming from you! I still think y’all killed it back then. Apollo really did the Paso justice, Frankie killed it!
Of course, babe. I know Apolo saw it and was so impressed as well! We couldn’t have asked for a better performance of our dance! Frankie has been killing it! I can’t wait to see you guys in action in person next week! It’ll be so amazing to be back in the ballroom!
after spending the past week trying everything I can to dance like you.
Girrrrl, you were amazing!! You pulled it off and did it even better than me! I was so proud!
When is it socially acceptable to start watching Christmas movies? Not asking for a friend. Asking for me, because Love Actually.
I’m back in LA so I say YES and come on over so we can watch together!! It’s not too early for Christmas cookies, right?
Okay so, I’m sitting on set (it’s my last scene) and while I wait I’m binge watching a show someone got me hooked on. It’s called MasterChef. I keep seeing all this delicious food that I want to try and make. All I have is marshmallows though. What’s your favorite dish?
I love trying anything new that’s healthy! Or putting a healthy twist on something that’s god a bad rep for being junk food! Even though Luca is a healthy eater and loves his healthy foods, he does love tacos and pizza! So if I can make those healthy, we’re both happy! How about you?
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