
yarr yarr mothafucka


overwatch&ace attorney trash

every fall teenage girls are like.. “oh , im gonna enter a place of business and order a product which is offered by that place of business because i like the flavor of it” and honestly? how dare they. that’s so annoying. why can’t they buy the beverage that i, a smart man, would prefer to drink

Probably because they’re generally indifferent to the flavor of it and rather use it for in group/out group signalling like the giant basic bitch wall-decorations-from-target early childhood education/nutrition hive mind they are.

dude shut the fuck up lol

ok i spend all day with teenagers and am paid to educate them and let me tell you most of my girls may love leggings (comfy) and iced coffees (yummy) but i have never, NEVER, seen thirty of them spend a solid month all playing the same boring goddamn video game or had to pry them off their tablets and phones the day some ugly-ass overpriced sneaker drops try and get a group of teenage boys to all stop making the same fucking meme reference all. goddamn. day. then, and ONLY then, can you talk to me about hive mind


Can you imagine being a middle or high school teacher when Pickle Rick dropped.


concept art of kristoff has him with brown skin….elsa looks like a real villain rather than a copy of her sister…WHHYYYY WERE WE CHEATED

this makes me so fucking mad imagine being a concept artist making bomb ass designs like this only for them to get shot down for…..this


fanfic titles be like “we have not touched the stars (nor are we forgiven)” and then you look at the tags & the first one is “anal fisting”


Wasserspeier am Freiburger Münster


What it feels like to chew 5 Gum


I want to know the exact conversation that lead to the creation of this abomination

Ye olde German architect: “ok, it’s time to put in the rainspouts and last night I was out with the lads and Hans had too much and the point is I had the FUNNIEST idea…” *Holds up drawing*

Ye olde German Architect Supervisor: * snorts beer out of his nose.* “YES. BUILD IT IMMEDIATELY.”

That’s gussy babe

Sooooo I just came back from studying in Freiburg and went on a tour of the Münster with a historian who knew all of the insider secrets and the story is even better than you think. 

It took more than 300 years to build the Freiburger Münster (1200s-1500s), so they went through a lot of architects and people who paid those architects. Some of the patrons were dicks and one of those dicks lived in a house right next to the Münster. The asshat kept demanding they work faster and changed his mind every five hours about what he wanted and THEN he refused to pay the architects because he wasn’t happy with what they’d done. 

That really pissed the builders off so in retaliation, the head architect built the butt gargoyle facing his house so that every morning for the rest of his life, when the dick looked out his window at the Münster, he’d have to look at a gargoyle butt.

So, the defecating gargoyle is a big fat “fuck you” to someone’s dick of a boss that has survived 500 years and two world wars 

This is better than I possibly could have imagined, thank you


gonna go start bar fights so I can get a cool facial scar 

This one time we filled a glass forty bottle with gasoline and threw it in the bon fire. It exploded into my face and now I have three not so cool scars on my face

And two broken teeth

what did you expect to happen 

The Lord to protect me

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