
Genderqueer Disaster

@agonydearest / agonydearest.tumblr.com

Nik *forever 29 - They/Them/Theirs* mostly shitposting, but sometimes I write stuff

I don't normally do this but please if you can help us, I would be so grateful. My family is going through a really bad time and we're in danger of becoming homeless. Even if you could give just $5 it would mean so much to us.


Do not cite the deep magics to me, witch. I was there when it was written.

This isn’t old this is fucking XP

Wasn’t this like one or two generations ago

What generation are we on now

windows XP came out in 2001 (2001 was twenty two years ago) and its last update was put out in 2008 (2008 was fifteen years ago), since XP windowls has released Vista, 7, 8, 10, and finally the most curent windows version windows 11. so no XP wasnt one or two generations ago…. it was five generations ago…. and that is…. wow

That can’t possibly be right.


Listen I remember windows 98


I usually don't make posts like this but if you're suffering a mental health crisis, pleas please please remember that you aren't alone. If you can't talk to someone you know, be sure to use the Suicide Prevention Hotline. You can call, text, or even open an online chat. Don't suffer in silence.

The number and website are listed below.

Please share this post to help save a life. You never know if it will reach someone who desperately needs to see this.


Nine people i'd like to get to know better:

Tagged by: @bell-of-indecision, thank you so much for tagging me <3

Last Song: Gmfu by Odetari,6arelyhuman

Favourite colour: Dark red, violet, pink

Currently watching: Death note, ep6

Spicy/Savoury/Sweet: Spicy

Relationship status: Single

Current Obsession: Mbti types and cognitive functions.


Last Song: Yad by Erika Lundmoen

Favorite Color: I really like pastel colors, especially pastel turquoise and lavender but I also really like deep shades of red and blue and green and-

Currently (Re)Watching: Criminal Minds

Spicy/Savory/Sweet: All of them but in an extreme way. There are times when I only want to consume sweet food and other times when I only want spicy food and so on

Relationship status: Single

Current Obsession: Nature vs Nurture, gender differences in neurodiversity diagnoses, and writing this fic


Thank you for tagging me @ihatesnitches and @a-cloud-for-dreams!! ❤️ First off, I want to say that it was interesting reading your answers, @ihatesnitches, I hope you're enjoying DN so far, you can share your impressions on it if you ever feel like to (always open to talk about DN as it's one of my favourite anime series!) and I also enjoy reading/researching about MBTI types and cognitive functions so high five! @a-cloud-for-dreams, Yad by Erika Lundmoen is one of my favourite songs!! (and it's helped me with my Russian learning 😂), plus I also enjoy watching Criminal Minds! You guys are awesome for real ❤️ Okay so here's mine:

  • Last Song: Melting by Kali Uchis (because I was thinking about my S.O. 😂)
  • Favourite colour: I don't have one in specific but perhaps jade green 🤷‍♀️
  • Currently watching: I'm not currently watching anything, any suggestions?
  • Spicy/Savoury/Sweet: ALL OF THEM! I like to experiment with flavours so there's been times when I've combined them all, as in chocolate + spicy and savoury chips, don't judge me 😂
  • Relationship status: In a relationship with the love of my life (my S.O.) since 2022 ❤️
  • Current Obsession: 1) AI and all related to it, also AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). I'm majoring in physics (focusing on astrophysics), but my interest in AI is growing steadily, so I'm planning to get into that field as well, also I absolutely enjoyed coding when I was learning it, so why not? I'm aware that machine learning is increasingly employed in astrophysics research, and astroinformatics is also emerging as a significant area, so it's very exciting. I'm also extremely interested in the careers of the future emerging from the boom of AI, and not going to lie, I'm also curious about experimenting with AI and helping look for ways to AGI (Ne user moment 😂)

Hi @somin-yin! Thanks for the tag!

Last Song:

Favourite colour: Black, deep purple, rose gold

Currently watching: Night Court (the original from the 1980s)

Spicy/Savoury/Sweet: Savory

Relationship status: Single

Current Obsession: Aurikatariina videos. I was diagnosed with hoarding disorder over the summer and she's been a huge inspiration for me to get my shit together. Now I can't stop watching everything on her Youtube and Tiktok

TAGGING: @cashweasel and whoever else wants to play because I have no idea who is on this hellsite anymore after my hiatus


Oddly specific. Got a deposit for 6,837 today


fuck it, i never ever do those “reblog for X, this one really works!” posts, but this one doesn’t have any of that BS, this is just straight up wishing us good things; and then the comment doesn’t even say any of that either. Zero claims on this post, all positive vibes

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future you’ll love

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future you’ll love

Hell yeah I'd love a future with more money


Well I've got no other way to make rent this month so why not?


A locket ring which belonged to England’s Queen Elizabeth I. Representational image.


This wasn't just a regular gaudy piece of jewelry.

For a bit of clarification from a nerd, you can see the locket on this ring has two women pictured inside. On the bottom we have Queen Elizabeth I herself (left picture), and on top is an image of the queen's mother Anne Boleyn (right picture).

This locket would have had important sentimental value for the queen, as Anne was executed on false charges of high treason when Elizabeth was two years old. She would have worn this ring with pride throughout her life in remembrance of the mother she probably couldn't remember.

Not to mention, there were almost no images of Anne to be found almost anywhere around this time period; Elizabeth's father Henry VIII wanted to erase all traces of the woman he once tore the very fabric of English religion apart in order to marry. From the time of Anne's beheading in 1536 all the way until the start of Elizabeth's reign twenty years later, nobody spoke of Anne Boleyn. Even after Henry's death, his successors were first his son Edward VI who was born after Anne's scandalous death and died as a teenager, followed by Elizabeth's older sister "Bloody" Mary I, who's own mother Henry VIII divorced and tossed aside to marry Anne.

This ring was probably the only means Elizabeth had to feel close to her mother, especially when you realize that Anne had no grave marker until the Victorian's found the arrow chest she was buried in beneath the floor of the church in the Tower of London.

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