
@vryblk / vryblk.tumblr.com


The bottom line is this: We are Black men who are proudly gay. What we offer is our lives, our love, our visions … We are living and walking with our heads held up high! Axé! <3


Grieving Person in Lakota Tradition

In the Lakota tradition, a person who is grieving is considered most wakan, most holy.

There's a sense that when someone is struck by the sudden lightning of loss, he or she stands on the threshold of the spirit world. The prayers of those who grieve are considered especially strong, and it is proper to ask them for their help.

You might recall what it's like to be with someone who has grieved deeply. The person has no layer of protection, nothing left to defend. The mystery is looking out through that person's eyes. For the time being, he or she has accepted the reality of loss and has stopped clinging to the past or grasping at the future. In the groundless openness of sorrow, there is a wholeness of presence and a deep natural wisdom. Via. Elder Harriet Tubman Wright | thewrightresort.com


Sacred Partner/ship/s


Synastry, also known as relationship astrology, involves the comparison of two astrological charts to determine areas of strength and weakness in a relationship. Synastry is a valuable resource for people who want to examine their relationship with another person based on aspects between each person's birth charts.


This deeply seeded need to mend what is broken in our family tree is something we all carry within.


There is almost always a karmic debt to be repaid before they could say they are truly happy together.


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