


• They/them • 22 •

we got into our airbnb last night and saw this photo in the kitchen cubby

went to sit outside for awhile and the man himself arrived to greet us

he was hands down the best host I’ve ever met


This is the conservative/christian sign for abortion. This is the sign used by those who are pro-life. This is a sign that is sexist, that demonizes abortion, that is anti women’s autonomy and female rights. It declares fetuses as full babies someone is throwing away. This sign can be genuinely triggering to deaf women who have had abortions.

If you want to go full-neutral, you can finger sign abortion. 

Or, the scientific version (pregnancy-remove) that is considered the leftist way –


Do not spread the pro-life version. Conservatives specifically try to push their ways to sign things as the default. You are unintentionally helping overpower deaf women’s rights advocates.


On one hand, I am loathe to spend money on something as fleeting and useless as a tumblr post. On the other hand, I want to make everyone look at this picture of my cat:

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