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[ header: fanart of bashir and garak embracing by quintotriticale. ]

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star trek archive + image description blog

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rivals

[ ID: Two gifs of Jadzia Dax and Kira Nerys. Dax sits at a computer in Ops and Kira stands behind her, leaning over.

In the first gif, Dax gives the computer a disbelieving look as Kira asks, "How'd you find it?". Dax raises her eyebrows and replies, "I'm not sure. It's more like it found me."

In the second gif, Dax turns her head towards Kira and smirks, their faces almost touching. Dax continues, "Just lucky, I guess." Kira leans back slightly with a small smirk of her own. /End ID. ]


[ ID: An edited version of the "yeah so i went to go visit my friend" meme, a simple comic featuring a conversation between two cartoon people. In the first panel, both people are smiling. The person on the left says, "yeah so i went to go visit my nana", and the person on the right interrupts with "nana visitor". In the second panel, the person on the left furrows their brow and the person on the right has been covered by an image of Kira Nerys from Deep Space Nine. /End ID. ]


tbh garak was real for this, i also want bashir to dress sluttier

Might delete this later as I genuinely hate how this turned out, but I wanted to have a shot at the Swiss cheese tunic. It's so ridiculous and I do think Julian can be convinced to do some ridiculous stuff lol


id: Julian wearing a green tunic that has giant hexagon shaped holes in it. He's saying "you had to have realized, that I could never wear this in a respectable company right?" The drawing is based on the first image which is a excerpt from a book. The text says: Garak indicated a headless mannequin just inside the door. It had on a gaudy green tunic with large and rather revealing holes sewn in the front and sides. It looked like nothing so much as a jigantic green swiss cheese, Bashir thought. "It's perfect for a doctor," Garak said with a smile. "It's so revealing," Bashir said. "All of your patients will see how healthy you are, which in turn will give them greater faith in your medical abilities." "Uh I'll have to t think about it." end id.


i love leeta with all my heart but she took kukalaka and never gave him back to julian why is the world so cruel

you would deprive him???? of teddy?????


after jake and nog got it back garak stole it but its fine he made a little bow


ID: first reblog shows screencaps from DS9, one showing Julian smiling wistfully and the next showing his worn brown teddy, Kukalaka, sitting on a shelf.

Next reblog shows black-and-white fanart. Panel one is Garak holding Kukalaka up proudly, smiling big as a speech bubble shows he's talking about the ribbon now around the teddy's neck. The next three small panels show Garak holding the teddy out to Julian, who swiftly grabs it and then is shown holding it up while smiling, a heart between him and his bear, as Garak walks away, his job done. Final panel is a slightly more detailed style than the rest, showing Julian from the shoulders up holding Kukalaka close, both arms holding the teddy to him, eyes shut. / end id


Could draw nothing but Kira Nerys this weekend


[ ID: Two digital drawings of Kira Nerys from Deep Space Nine, both on a pale grey background. Kira is a thin, white Bajoran (humanoid alien) woman with characteristic nose ridges, a silver cuff & lobe earring on the left side, dark-brown eyes, and short, slightly-spiky red hair.

In the first drawing, she is shown from the knees up, facing forward with her hands resting on her sides and smiling slightly. She is wearing her typical red Bajoran militia uniform.

The second drawing is full-body. She is standing at a slight angle, her left hand on her hip and her right arm by her side. She is raising one eyebrow and looks annoyed. She is wearing civilian attire: a red crochet vest over a green shirt with the sleeves pushed up, and light-brown baggy pants with a darker-brown belt and boots. /End ID. ]


Can I say something a little controversial

Actually nevermind. I was going to say that kirk and spock definitely were doing weird freaky butt stuff together but my phone autocorrected it to "smirk and cock" when I wrote it out initially and I think thats a lot funnier

Cock... Smirk .... And boner


[ ID: A screencap of Spock, Kirk, and McCoy from the "this simple feeling" scene in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Kirk is holding Spock's hand, and McCoy is standing behind Kirk. /End ID. ]


Haha, hey man, wouldn't it be crazy if after a lifetime full of nightmares, you showed me I can dream? If you saw the good in life and I could trust you, that your joy didn't come from ignorance, but wisdom beyond my years? If somehow, despite your nature (or perhaps because of it), you were the most constant factor in all of our lives? The most stable? Permanent?.. Immortal?


tears of the prophets 👁⚪️ (prints) here's a little wind-down paint from this week!!!

[ID: Artwork of Kira from Star Trek Deep Space Nine. It’s a portrait of her looking slightly up, face ahead with a concerned expression. One of her eyes is a pure white circle, the other is normal. There are two hands reaching for her face. She’s against a sky-blue background. End ID]



[image id: a digital painting of data startrek, wired in to some sort of interface - a few panels of synthetic flesh and parts of his scalp have been removed to allow access to the digital workings underneath, lit up with periodic red and green lights. he is seen hunched over in 3/4s view, face turned down but half-lidded eyes turned to the viewer. his expression is passive but knowing. the background is largely dark, but you can make out a tangle of other wires around his outline. end id.]


boimler my beloved……


[ ID: A digital bust drawing of Brad Boimler from Star Trek: Lower Decks, a thin white man with short, gelled-up purple hair. He is in Starfleet uniform (2380s), a high-collared red & black jacket with a white accent. He smiles toothily, his eyes closed. There is a spiky/star-like yellow shape behind his head, and the background is otherwise white. /End ID. ]

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