
A Quick FAQ

Hello! This is the tumblr blog for Aurora, a fantasy webcomic that updates MWF. Sometimes I post other things that breach containment.

You can read the comic HERE.

If the site is misbehaving, I have the whole thing mirrored starting HERE. The latest page can be found at this post HERE.

I get a decent number of asks that either I’ve already answered or I can't really answer for various reasons. Let's round 'em up and categorize them for efficiency and future reference!

What program/tablet do you use for the comic?

I use Clip Studio Paint EX. It’s great, but a little expensive. The drawing tablet I use is a Huion H610PRO.

Can you tell me everything there is to know about {thing/people in world}?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: No, because it's likely that, if it doesn't matter to the story, I haven't fully worldbuilt it out, and I don't want to lock something in that might become a problem later as the story develops. I'm writing a story, not a wiki, and to an extent I want to keep my options open so I can come up with Cool Stuff in future without opening up plot holes. And if it DOES matter to the story, we're most likely gonna find out anyway, making this Potential Spoiler Territory.

What kinds of things exist in this world? Does {thing} exist in this world?

Same as above. I'm writing a story, not a wiki. If it matters, we'll see it eventually. If it doesn't, it's probably not super fleshed out right now. I don't want to lock in absolute answers to questions I haven't fully considered. Also, on the most basic level, this universe works totally differently from reality, so there’s no reason to expect that familiar things from our universe would have easy parallels in this universe.

Can you give me details about the language of this world?

No, because I didn't build an actual conlang, because I tried once and got bored in five minutes.

Why doesn’t {thing in world} conform to the real-world laws of physics and/or thermodynamics?

Because it’s a fictional fantasy world, and I didn’t spend years working towards my math degree so I could spend my relaxing writing and art time doing more math.

Can you give me spoilers?

No. What? No.


for reasons arcane to me I've spent the last couple weeks sporadically reading through the corpus of tie-in D&D comics and I'll tell ya the experience is fascinating

there was a canceled 2010 run written by John Rogers. the guy who wrote Leverage. and you can REALLY feel the Leverage energy whenever the characters open their mouths

the writing and art quality of these things swings wildly from run to run, as is the nature of serialized comics, but shockingly there was an official comics-code-approved AD&D comic series back in 1989 that's. weirdly charming??

like I was not expecting the 1989 comics-code-approved earliest version to be one of the better adaptations of what D&D feels like at the table

D&D is by its nature a setting with no consistency in its overall tone but it's still always fascinating to see parts from the Grim Gritty Angst division get crossed over with the Doofy Kids Cartoon Where Normal Human Children Get Isekaid By A Rollercoaster


for reasons arcane to me I've spent the last couple weeks sporadically reading through the corpus of tie-in D&D comics and I'll tell ya the experience is fascinating

there was a canceled 2010 run written by John Rogers. the guy who wrote Leverage. and you can REALLY feel the Leverage energy whenever the characters open their mouths

the writing and art quality of these things swings wildly from run to run, as is the nature of serialized comics, but shockingly there was an official comics-code-approved AD&D comic series back in 1989 that's. weirdly charming??

like I was not expecting the 1989 comics-code-approved earliest version to be one of the better adaptations of what D&D feels like at the table


for reasons arcane to me I've spent the last couple weeks sporadically reading through the corpus of tie-in D&D comics and I'll tell ya the experience is fascinating

there was a canceled 2010 run written by John Rogers. the guy who wrote Leverage. and you can REALLY feel the Leverage energy whenever the characters open their mouths


for reasons arcane to me I've spent the last couple weeks sporadically reading through the corpus of tie-in D&D comics and I'll tell ya the experience is fascinating


I recently stumbled on Aurora while binge-watching old trope talks, and immediately spent like four hours reading all of it. I am both shocked and annoyed that Erin is my favorite character. HOW did you make that egotistical milksop my favorite character?????


he's like if a sad wet cat refused to admit it was wet or sad


Your last trope talk pushed me over the edge: I've started Leverage, and I've already gotten through the first season, which I do not regret in the slightest. Favorite character is Elliot, obviously.

So, thank you!


excellent, the plan is working


point of clarification: did the collector reverse the healing process she had already started, or just stop at the point she had gotten to when zuurith told her what she wanted?


She stopped it. It'll settle back into being dead rock almost immediately, but it's bubbled up in a few inconvenient places.


I’m afraid to start reading your comic because I know for a fact I’ll get sucked into a void for an hour and be unable to do anything.

Love your work on OSP, I’ve been familiar with your content for a year, give or take. OSP in general has stirred up little hyperfixations in the dome.


from what I've heard an hour might be a conservative estimate

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