
The Bolla


The new bollabol blog

Love that you can see the cogs turning in the cat's head when its person is showing it how to pot the black. The cat is Looking and Understanding! And then it does it! Perfect little helper. 💜💜💜

Cats love to be Included in their human's activities. Kitty here has successfully participated in the Knock Balls Down Holes Game and feels very pleased about it.


A clam with pearls inside.


Haha, notes are so disturbed to learn that pearls form inside the tissues and not just lying inside.

So how do y'all feel about the fact that pearls have nothing to do with sand? Bivalves deal with sand all day long, of course grains don’t get “stuck” until they have to make a pearl. That was the assumption centuries ago and just continues to be spread by the jewelry industry as a plain old lie.

The formation of a pearl is to smother and permanently seal the parasites bivalves contract from all the animal feces they process :)

(which to me is very cool and if it grosses you out you should reconsider because biologically speaking it’s the equivalent of a trapped evil spirit)


It's that time of the month: the Foliage & Flowers Brush Set is done!

I was asked to make more decoration brushes and so I'm delivering nine more. These are free and Clip Studio compatible only. You can edit the size and color, too, as usual!

Thanks again for your support! 🫶🏿

Oh, I forgot to mention, two more things:

The edge of the base brushes invert depending on your stroke. And if you add a border effect through the layer property window, you can add a cute & clean edge that matches your decoration. 🌜

Also: if you want to have plain & untextured fill, just make sure the main & sub colors match. It'll get rid of the ombre completely. This works with all past decoration brushes btw.

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