
Construction on Sunset


Luca•They/He•20s•Occasional Writer

there is so much discourse that boils down to "if someone doesn't want you to call them something, don't call them that" and it makes me feel insane that nobody can wrap their heads around this kindergarten-level shit


i hate the misconception that asexual=no libido, because No the fuck it doesn't

Asexual people can still get horny, we can still masturbate, we can still have and enjoy sex*

Asexually is a lack of Sexual Attraction not a lack of horny

AND That's not even getting into how asexual is an Umbrella Term and so some asexuals DO feel sexual attraction in certain situations like demisexuals and greysexuals

*Many asexuals don't like or want sex, myself included, but some do, we aren't a monolith that has the same opinions on everything


If you take the bus, wave to the driver and thank them as you're getting off the bus.

Being a bus driver is an underappreciated and difficult job but still very vital to society. They still have to do customer service and deal with rude and even aggressive passengers, and on top of that have to deal with traffic and other drivers all day (and let's face it, there's a lot of bad drivers out there who aren't considerate about sharing the road). All while providing an invaluable service of getting us where we need to go. Showing them some appreciation can go a long ways for someone doing such an important job that usually gets little to no recognition or thanks.

Fun psychology trick - if people see you being polite, they'll be more motivated to do it too.


In hindsight it's very insulting to be told that flunking out of college due to adhd is actually "quite common"

just like, if there's a history at your institution of disabled kids not being able to make it you realise that's your fault right. like why don't you fucking do something about it. i guess they tried to do something about it with me and it failed so they let me go. crazy. nice work. why should we try to do any better.

if there's a history at your institution of disabled kids not being able to make it you realise that's your fault right

mind opened

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