@shrimpcolour / shrimpcolour.tumblr.com

i am here to post on the supernatural webbed site. taylor, 21, she/her
Anonymous asked:

i'm sure every person on phtumblr is asking you but what was the context of sweetie comment?

dan asked phil to help him take the butt chair to the uber, phil said he’d carry the plant and then he said phils said have fun at work sweetie


s1 is just. i love you grainy unfocused shots of cemeteries and foggy roads no one travels. i love you john’s journal as a bible. i love you sam driving the impala casually with dean sleeping in the passenger seat. i love you dark motels with neon signs and dusty libraries with huge lore books. i love you side character serving as a mirror to the winchesters. i love you cleaning guns and wounds and sharpening of knives and gas stations and flip phones and laptop stickers. i love you small towns where time stands still with something unknowable and hungry lurking in the shadows. i love you angry psychic kid sam and dean trying his best with a leather jacket too big for him. i love you looming presences of john and mary. i love you homemade and flawed equipment. i love you horror and tragedy and blood. i love you dramatic lighting and silhouettes. i love you folklore and local legends. i love you -


"cant boycott McDonald's because it's my comfort food"

"cant boycott Starbucks because it's convenient for me to eat breakfast there and I need my little treats uwu"

"cant boycott Eurovision because I like the music"

damn. cant do shit. almost like it means nothing to u

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