
All fucked up with nowhere to go


tired, nerdy and done. 23/female/teacher?

Bucky knew exactly what Steve was going to do, both in relation to Peggy and Sam, and that’s why he said he’d miss him. He’d miss his best friend, his teammate, and the Steve he knew, but he wasn’t about to stop him from grabbing the happiness and peace he’s wanted all his life. He’d just miss having him around is all. Nobody can convince me otherwise.

Anonymous asked:

purge of 2002? of 2012? what ARE those?

Oh, how quickly the past is forgotten. 

They are part of the reason A03 is a thing now. Not the whole reason, but part of it. 

The Great Purges of 2002 and 2012 are when ff.net got a wild hair up their ass about THINK OF THE CHILDREN and nuked any fic posted on there that was explicit. Thousands upon thousands of nc-17 smutfics were lost.

It’s what led to the creation of alternate hosting sites for smutty fic…AdultFanfiction was the one I went to…but thousands of fics would never be recovered. 


Shit like the Great Purges and the Strikethrough of Livejournal eventually led to fans banding together to create A03, which I would have absolutely KILLED for when I was 15.


Back up ao3 was created by fans?

It’s…right on the main page. 

I love this because I will bet you that persefv has read that bit we are all so inundated with hyperbole and advertising that says that the consumer is somehow in charge of whatever product they are shilling that we all just assumed this was another sales tactic.


But we’re not even… selling anything…  *quiet sobs*

No ads. No subscriptions. No data selling.

We are the definition of “what it says on the tin.”


Is there any way to spread this info? 


Nonprofit, so that nobody could ever say, “this isn’t making enough money; it’s getting shut down.” (See: Geocities, Quizilla, Figment, G+.) With lawyers involved and a firm awareness of the legalities of fanfic, so nobody would decide “we’ve gotten a nasty letter from a megacorporation with lawyers, so we’re hiding because we can’t afford to face a lawsuit. (Jedi Hurtaholics, Trevizo’s Millennium site.) With teams, so that an argument between co-mods didn’t result in the destruction of a whole archive. (Gryffindor Tower, Detention.)


It is by fans, for fans. Fans do all the coding. All the legal paperwork. All the abuse/tos violation complaints. Fans make all the choices about policies. Fans decide how to run the fundraisers. Fans write the blog posts. All the volunteer staff are fans; all the people who train them are fans. Fans wrangle all the tags. 

(And the other OTW projects, too. Fans manage the entries at Fanlore. Fans run the Open Doors project. Fans publish Transformative Works and Cultures.)

EVERYONE WORKING FOR THE OTW LOVES FANDOM. Wants it to survive. Wants it to be awesome for everyone.

(Knows that it can’t be awesome for everyone; some approaches to fandom just clash hard. But they strive to minimize those clashes as much as possible, because they love fandom.) 

AO3 is not some company that decided, “we’ll make a site for fanfic and then…” I don’t know what people are thinking is the reason. Money? Data harvesting? Tax shelter? Amusement and pity?

Nope; AO3 was fans saying, “Livejournal sucks; we’re tired of this fucked-up ‘rebuild every three years’ garbage; WE NEED TO OWN THE DAMN SERVERS.”

That’s the “of our own” part of the name. OTW isn’t a “them” running the site “for us.” It’s “us” making places for “us” to share what we love with others of “us.” 

Nonprofit, so that nobody could ever say, “this isn’t making enough money; it’s getting shut down.”


All of this hard work is dependent on them maintaining non-profit status


At this point we can stop with the whole “it’s just a meme thing” These people obviously believe it means exactly what 4chan said it does.

shout out to the pissy jerk who lit my asks up like two months back because “you people want everything to be a supremacist symbol”


Shit i had no idea it was a white supremacy thing. I honestly thought it was one of those cool hand gestures like a shurg or something. The internet really should expose racist shit like this more often instead of promoting it as a trend

Jeez. No. Listen.

The hand symbol of forming a ring with your thumb and pointer finger has been around since Ancient Greece times. It had different connotations, often associated with love and kissing, back then. Throughout the centuries and cultures, it has meant different things. In France, I believe, it is a symbol meaning “worth nothing.” In many Mediterranean countries, it is a vulgar sign involving someone’s anus. In Arabic cultures, it can represent curses and evil eyes.

About 200ish years ago in English culture, it started to become a symbol for OK, derived from a comic strip that said “orl korrek” (all correct). That’s been its basic meaning since for English speakers. It’s mainly used by divers to signal that things are okay under water. The circle game has been around since the 1980s. The 👌 symbol is the hand sign for the letter f and the number 9 in American Sign Language (ASL), and has been since the language was first invented in the 19th century.

When did this whole white supremacy thing start?

2017. On 4chan.

So what is ACTUALLY happening is that neo-nazi internet trolls have taken another common and generally good symbol and given it a negative power. If it continues to grow as such, then yes, you should probably stop using it. But for the love of God, do not start jumping down people’s throats if they use it. Currently, it still is mainly used as the OK symbol or as a meme reference.

It is not racist shit. Yet. Please, do not let it become such a symbol.


Repeat after me: - Veganism is not affordable - Veganism is not cruelty free - Veganism is not the best choice for everyone

Repeat after me -I’m an idiot and wrong. -Veganism can be made affordable. -Veganism is fucking cruelty free. That’s what it’s all about. - Veganism is the best choice for everyone, if everyone did it. -I’m a fucking asshole for making this completely wrong text post and should shut the hell up now.


Exploiting undocumented immigrants, and other workers is cruelty free? Nearly 500,000 children as young as six harvest 25 percent of US crops.

But I guess brown people don’t fucking matter. 


People are literally starving in South America because all the Quinoa crop is being exported mainly for white vegans who want to live “cruelty-free” but don’t care about brown people as much as they do about animals.

plus, 4 of the 8 most common food allergies (soy, wheat, peanuts, and tree nuts) are common vegan substitutes.

o shit

i would literally starve to death if i couldn’t eat cheese or meats because my body cannot process nuts as they are too rough on my intestines and cause inflammation

Veganism is incredibly expensive depending on where you live, mostly if there are no local farms near you. Plant food prices skyrocket, and food deserts exist. Veganism is not even close to cruelty free. You cannot be cruelty free in this country (USA) unless you 100% grow your own food because we use slave labor to pick it. Plus this doesn’t factor in all the harm being caused by the transport of your food, by the truck that carried it around. Veganism is not the best choice for everyone, because some people cannot survive off of a plant based diet. I had tried for a good while, and my chronic illnesses spiked from it. Plus the constant monitoring to make sure I was receiving adequate nutrients triggered my ED to hell and back. Veganism is a great way to start lowering your negative effect on the planet, but that is all it is, a starting place. Your work is not done just because you became vegan and you do not get to throw stones at others because you still live in a glass house. Furthermore - it is absolutely possible to lower your footprint while still consuming animal products - you just have to be selective about what kinds and where they are sourced from. I have a permaculture based garden planned out for when we get land that actually has a smaller footprint than the typical vegan who buys everything at a store does.


Actually, none of us can survive on a plant-based diet. We cannot manufacture B12, and the so-called “plant-based” sources of B12, it turns out, don’t produce it in a form we can digest.

B12 is found in all animal products.

Additionally, although humans can manufacture taurine (only found in meat), not all of us can manufacture enough taurine. This is why some people get sick when they go vegetarian.

To survive on a vegan diet you need to artificially supplement B12 and possibly taurine. Period.

A diet that requires artificial supplementation is, by definition, unhealthy. And while the cost of vegan B12 supplements is low, when you’re already paying more for your food… Taurine supplementation, if you happen to be one of the people who needs it, is another added expense and hassle. A few vegans have also found it necessary to supplement carnitine, which is considerably more expensive. Oh, and most vegans don’t get enough calcium and end up with bone problems. Many are also Vitamin D deficient, especially if living at high latitudes, if dark skinned, or if religiously using sunscreen. And Vitamin D2 (plant derived) is not as easily absorbed as D3 (which ONLY comes from animals), so you need even more of it.

Then there’s protein.

I personally cannot properly digest nuts. I react the way lactose intolerant people do to milk if I consume pistachios, walnuts, or pecans. Almonds are actively toxic to me. Hazelnuts mess with my brain.

Because I am on thyroid medication, I am not supposed to consume large quantities of soy, as it can make my thyroid worse, throwing off my dosage. I can have some, but I cannot use it as a major protein source. This is also true for trans men (the phytoestrogens intefere with testosterone therapy), cis men with low testosterone (same reason) and women with a family history of breast cancer (elevates risk). Excessive soy consumption has also been linked to early puberty in girls (Again, phytoestrogens) and reproductive/sexual problems in both sexes. Eating a bit of soy is fine, but tofu should not be used as a meat substitute except for the occasional meal.

This limits my access to non-animal proteins to beans and grains. If I was gluten intolerant as well (I’m not, but it’s in my family), it would be a real problem. The only dairy substitute available to me is rice milk (and rice causes many of the same problems environmentally as raising beef).

Oh, but it’s better for the environment, right?


In addition to the already-mentioned quinoa, we’re cutting down rain forest in Mexico to grow avocados. Rice production is almost as bad for the environment as factory-based beef production for similar reasons. Also, plant-based foods, esp. fruit and fresh vegetables, are more likely to end up being wasted.

Studies indicate that if we all gave up meat tomorrow, all 7 billion of us gave up animal products forever, the good side would be the reduction in antibiotic use and greenhouse gas emissions.

How about the bad side?

1.3 billion people would lose their jobs overnight. 1.3 billion. 987 of them are poor.

Another thing that Ban Eating Meat Tomorrow types forget is that veganism is not necessarily the most effective use of farmland.

Uh, what?

The statement that if everyone switched to a vegan diet we would need a fraction of our current farmland assumes all farmland is created equal.

It simply is not.

I suspect that a lot of this perspective either comes from city dwellers who have no clue about farming or from people in the US breadbasket where there is a lot of high quality farmland suitable for raising food for humans.

The last global census in 2008 said that at that time, if all 6 billion people went vegan, it would need 3,068,444,911 acres of arable land. At the time there was about 3,212,369,959 acres of arable land: That is to say land suitable for raising crops humans can eat.

However, we’re building on, or otherwise destroying, arable land at the rate of about 1% a year and the population has grown.

We literally do not have enough arable land to feed everyone a plant-based diet.

And there are parts of the world that have a worse proportion of arable land to land only suitable for pasture than the US. Scotland comes immediately to mind. People in these places would have to import most of their food. I’m not sure Iceland could survive without eating fish.

If we all gave up eating meat tomorrow many of us would starve. I’m not exaggerating or being alarmist.

I’m also not criticizing people who choose not to eat animal products (just please make sure you get the required nutrients).

I am criticizing the “I don’t eat animal products and nobody else should either” crowd. Because it’s not that simple.

Also, bluntly, vitamin B12 deficiency can cause mood disturbances and paranoia…

But again, if you have to consume artificial supplements for whatever reason (unless it’s a personal absorption issue) your diet is not healthy.

Sorry, it’s just not.

Reblogging again for added info

Vegan leather is plastic

Vegan fur is plastic

Vegan wool is polyester, which is plastic

Leather, wool and fur are biodegradable. Plastics are overall worse for the environment and don’t go away for hundreds of years.

Also, in order to ensure adequate yield for human consumption, pesticides are often used. Animals still die.


Taking a break from tumblr

Hey guys, i'm not gonna be on tumblr for awhile. Everything is fine, i just feel im spending too much time on here instead of getting stuff done.

See you around!


Pride & Prejudice (2005), dir. Joe Wright


We don’t talk enough about how part of Jane falling for Bingley is that he thinks Elizabeth is DOPE AS SHIT and openly loves hanging out with her. Cute nice boy has taken Netherfield at last? Great! Cute nice boy who would legitimately be super stoked if Elizabeth ended up being a spinster aunt who lived with them and taught their children to embroider their cushions very ill indeed as long as she kept laying down sick burns? MARRIAGE MATERIAL.

Post-book Mr. Bingley is ALWAYS excited before parties where Elizabeth will be in attendance, because he knows she is going to make some very unexpected jokes and he will be in STITCHES and also in AWE and yay for loving and supporting at least one of your in-laws.


incredibles 2 spoilers but im not over the fact that they literally named their main villain “evil endeavor” and i still cant decide if i hate that or love it

Right? Like, they took very careful precautions not to have anybody put her full name together before she was revealed to be the Big Bad, but then at some point soon afterward they finally said her full name, Evelyn Deavor, and I was like


John Mulaney’s next bit: I was walking down the carpet at the Oscars and everyone started cheering, I thought I had finally made it. Then I looked around and there was Captian fucking America.

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