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20 | MDNI
Anonymous asked:

if you do smut promts #10 and 39 for vinny hong 🫣🫣


 “Clothes.  Off.  Now.” + “What the fuck?  Do that again.  I liked it.”

Clothes.  Off.  Now.” The three word command Vinny gives you almost immediately after coming home from a long day of work stuns you for a split second but once you see the tense expression on his face, you decide to indulge his desires and strip out of your clothing for him. You just couldn’t help yourself; seeing Vinny so worked up always tugged on your heart strings and you wanted to do whatever it took to make him feel better.

Anonymous asked:

HELLO, I'm here again, you're "soon-to-be favorite" anon. I'm happy that you liked my first analysis and I'm also surprised that Tumblr didn't cut it, wow what a nice day, let's see if I'm lucky even this time. Today I'm gonna write the last thing about Vinny, and then I'll start with the other characters, so hang in there, I know you probably don't want to see the name Vinny for at least an entire month but this will be the last one, I swear. Again, sorry for my English and LeT'S BEGIN-

Today I'm gonna discuss his LOVE LIFE, or better, how he would be in a romantic relationship and how his personality would affect that (this is my personal take and if you disagree with something then say it, CRITICIZE, I like constructive criticism). Also I've read all the Korean chapters and on Instagram/YouTube they always put new translations so I'm a bit ahead of you if you haven't, that's why some things may sound..weird.

(I'll explain how Vinny would be in a relationship with his unhealthy coping mechanisms [anger, depression as you said, other things I'm gonna write here] and how he would be in the same relationship with healthy coping mechanisms, kinda character development, more or less. Sorry if it's too complicated.)

P.S.- Shit this is far longer than the last one oh my freaking God-

- IN GENERAL, in a romantic relationship I think he would be a bit of a ..jerk. I mean, have you seen how he treats his mother(or his friends)? He LOVES her, but he cares about her in a jerkish way. Like he always scolds her/gets angry at her because she doesn't take care of herself. Yeah there's also the fact that she's very sick so of course he would behave like that, he's worried, but still I think he could be totally capable of treating his lover in that way too. Despite this, I can see this romantic relationship in two ways: he has a soft spot for you but treats you like everyone else with little differences (tsundere), or he has a soft spot for you and treats you better than the others(big protective bear). If I'm being honest, I love the tsundere trope so that's why I'm a bit(a lot) oriented towards that, but I can see Vinny being even a big protective grizzly, so...you choose what you think suits him more;

-(Now let's get real)AT FIRST I think he would dismiss genuine praise/help and be excessively defensive. He has built a wall around himself to not let others hurt him so it will be a bit difficult for him to be in a relationship. Around them he'll also tend to repress his emotions, like he has this irrational fear that if he gets angry around/with them, they'll get scared or end up hating him so they'll leave. That's why he'll vent to other people unconsciously(or blow off some steam with a good ride on his bike), like he's in a bad mood because of something that happened between him and his lover(not necessarily, maybe he's just in his depressed mood but doesn't want to talk about it to them), and instead of go talking to them to solve things like in a good healthy relationship, someone will accidentally make him angry and that's it. CONGRATULATIONS, now you're Vinny's punching bag, here some bandages. Let's say it, this is not healthy. He is a really supporting boyfriend, but won't accept the same support from his counterpart, and that's really sad. I can see why he does it, he has lived like this since the start, it's an habit, this is how he copes and it will be hard changing that.

(In stressing situations, same thing, he will use distancing strategies to cope with it, and get angry at other people)

I also think he wouldn't be completely open with his lover because of his trust issues. Remember, the world hurt him, and I think he has a pessimistic view of people in general. He uses anger to protect himself. So if you get in a relationship with him, that's amazing, this means he trusts you to an extent, but if he opens up to you, that's like Jackpot bitch, TREASURE HIM and don't stab him on the back, pls. If you help him, he will become a completely different person, trust me.

-PDA. What's PDA? Something to eat? Alright, a t f i r s t, he would suck at this, really, and he wouldn't even try to be better at it, like why he needs to do that? You know he loves you, no? Just staying with you it's a great display of affection. Honestly, he would start to be more "affectionate" when he feels threatened by another human being, preferably, a male human being. God, you can feel his murderous aura from a mile away, i mean, he's so JEALOUS, not possessive, but really man calm down. This stems from his LSE, he feels inferior, he thinks you deserve better but paradoxically he doesn't want you to leave him for someone else, but if you do, well: Depression has entered the room. When he's alone with you I don't know, I don't think it's that different, maybe a bit but still.. it's new to him, so usually it's you that initiate things, and he'll be pretty embarrassed.

But as your relationship progresses, and you'll hopefully help him cope with his feelings and insecurity in a healthy way, he'll show his strong-willed personality, and he'll be more clingy.

-He's a pretty serious guy, so if he opened up to you, you've got a ride or die for life. He's not someone who would have multiple relationships, but rather someone who has ONE relationship and sticks to it, so if he's with you, it means he wants to stay with you for INFINITYⓇ.

-He's an introvert, doesn't really like people and to him saying hi = punching someone in the face...so.. yeah. Despite this I think he's open to new experiences. Don't get me wrong, he likes routine but if you wanted to do something different, he would be okay with that too. In this regard he's really balanced. I also think he doesn't mind crowdy places; as long as people leave him alone, he's pretty resilient. Just don't choose places too expensive, he can't afford that. But even here, you'll be the one to initiate things, or at least at the beginning.

-Further into your relationship, he'll be hella passionate and so intense oh my god. Even though he didn't necessarily show it at the start, he felt (and feels) strongly about you, the only difference is that now, he doesn't even hide it. Vinny is intrinsically driven by passion, and when he feels passionate about something/someone, he gives his all. He values his relationships, friendships and family. He won't hesitate to help a loved one in need. He's also very straightforward, and will express his thoughts and feelings(when he'll surpass that defensive and repressive period and gets better), even when you don't share them. And he excepts his lover to do the same, he likes a good discussion, someone that has strong opinions and that is ready to defend them, that's sexy. Honestly, he's not easy to be around, and he knows that. At first he was repressing himself around you, and in some ways he was easier to deal with(but in so many ways he wasn't), but now that he won't hold back anymore..wow, he sure experiences the full range of human emotions very VERY deeply. He'll probably have a tendency to be "moody", but don't tell him, it annoys him. During these moments maybe he's just processing or brooding over something, just leave him alone.

-Is he shy? I don't think so, he's just easily flustered, and ONLY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE RELATIONSHIP. Kisses, cuddles, holding hands, these things are new to him and he doesn't know how to process them. With time he'll get better, to the point where he'll be the one to show affection more often(maybe even being a tease). But here comes a question-

Is he touch-starved? Does he crave affection? I don't know man. I mean, his mother was and is very nurturing and caring, so probably he wasn't neglected at all. But we don't know that honestly, maybe he was because of all the jobs his mother had to do, she's a single mom, so imagine how busy she was back then(house,work,sickness), that's not her fault of course. Maybe he does crave affection. Maybe he'd like to feel loved by someone who isn't his mother, because seriously, only two people really care about him (Sung and his mother); Jay, Dom etc are just casual friends, they care about each other but it's kinda different, unfortunately.


Okay, AT THE BEGINNING, his primary love language would be Quality Time. People with this love language are looking for quality over quantity, that's why he would give to his lover his undivided attention, actively listening to them, spending a lot of time with them, doesn't matter where they go, he just needs to be with them. Physical Touch isn't his primary love language here because right now he sucks at PDA, and he's not that affectionate so... no, even though he's very.... physical; the same goes for Words of Affirmation(I mean.. that's self-explanatory). Last we have Acts of Service and Gifts...mmmmh- Now, Acts of Service kinda suits him, it can be his "secondary" love language- doing nice little things for them, without making 'em notice, because he's too cool for that; then we have Gifts- If he were rich *sob*, he would take the time to pick up a gift for them, but not always.

After a lot of time, I think his primary love language would become Physical Touch(can you even change your love languages??who cares, this is fanfiction, I do what I want), you know he'll be far more affectionate(more kisses, cuddles, holding hands, s e x). He'll prefer physical expressions of love. His "secondary" love language this time would be Quality Time.

-This honestly doesn't have anything to do with this(kinda), but after Vinny's character development... I think he'll become pretty bored. He would need an outlet for his new found passion. Yes he loves cycling, but apart from that? Does he have any hobbies, I mean, r e a l hobbies? Is beating up other people a hobby???(Sorry but cycling is no real hobby boy) He'll become so restless that he'll start to explore, and thanks to his lover, he'll find out that he's a really creative person. So he'll start drawing, playing an instrument, god imagine Vinny with a fucking guitar, that would be so HOT- I see him as someone who knows how to play an instrument who writes his own melodies, and he's a fucking prodigy at it(eat this Jay). I HEADCANON THIS, YOU ALL CAN'T STOP ME

You're so sexy for this ask, I just want you to know that. Again, under the cut!

Anonymous asked:

ayo we need more vinny hong content 😩

I'm on a roll with all the dad headcanons 😩

— Would die for his kids without thinking twice, he's so protective of them. He is attached to them from the day they were born. Even if he was in a daze about his upcoming fatherhood before that, the moment he held his newborn in his arms, he's immediately smitten.

— Vinny really wouldn't want kids until he knows he'd be able to give them the life he wanted. Because of this, when he does eventually have his own kids, he spoils them a bit more than necessary while also being weirdly strict.

— He didn't really have a lot of fond memories as children, which is a mistake he won't bear repeating with his own children. He will be there for all of their big events, helping them with their homework, and teaching them necessary skills.

— At one point, it becomes a routine for your family to go somewhere during the weekends. Not only for the kids but for the two of you as well. Sung is happy with looking after the kids for a night so you can go out together, never say that Vinny stopped being romantic after having children.

— He's... a hypocrite, do as I say not as I do. Mostly because, yes, he was a huge delinquent as a teenager, you cannot expect him to outgrow all of it. Sometimes, he uses brusque words around the house, the kids would mimic those, you'd have a word with him, he'd have a word with the kids.

— Then rinse and repeat when he accidentally stubbed his toe the next day.

— Actually doesn't want pets if he has to take care of kids? Like... he already has two children to worry about, he didn't want to worry about a pet as well. Every time the kid wants to adopt a pet of their own, he always uses the "you can do it when you have your own place" excuse and then makes it up to them with their favourite food.

— Also doesn't want a lot of kids, two at max as well. Aside from financial problems being an issue for having many kids, he also pretty much nearly passed out every time you went into labour. He heard you scream and he was ready to fight the doctors. The stress does not do him good, please, no more.

— I really like the idea of Vinny with a daughter, since she'd be his little princess. He actually likes the idea of having sons better than having a daughter, mostly because he's rough around the edges and worry he'd misstep with his daughter.

— The first time she went out on a date, he kept staring at the front door, waiting for her to come home. It's funny to watch how much he fusses and worries. He really didn't want to be one of those dads who acted irrationally protective but he overthinks anyway.

— You'd have to temper him and distract him but it won't work for long, as soon as she came home, he's back to worrying dad mode again. There's no helping your man.

— Definitely used the line "Everything you'll do to her, I'll do to you" before, it's so bad.

— Would never raise a single hand against them, no matter how angry they made him. Whenever his anger got the better of him, he'd simply leave to cool his head, you as the more emotionally attuned parent can deal with them.

— He'll never allow his kids to treat you the same way he acted towards his mother when he was younger. It was incredibly stupid of him back then and after years of dealing with his emotions, he knew it came from a place of misguided anger.

— He'd discipline them instead of you, but he also wanted to figure out what led them to speak like that in the first place. If his kids had albinism, too, he'd be extra careful with situations where bullying might happen. He knows he can't control other people's kids, but he will teach his children how to defend themselves.

— Somehow, children, in general, are weirdly taken to him. The younger and nicer ones, the ones with innocence, not malice. They think he looks so cool. His children's friends would constantly gush about how cool their dad looked whenever he picked them up.

— Also, add a bonus, the teenage friends of kids when they are older would talk about how he is so fine as well. Really, this man ages so well, it embarrasses his kids whenever someone mentioned how good looking he is.

— Back when the kids were younger, it's a pretty common sight for you to see them falling asleep in a pile on top of their dad. Honestly, seeing his baby pictures alone would make you get a baby fever. He has the prettiest eyes you've ever seen and the cutest cheeks.

— He's no better with teenagers than he was with toddlers. However, he argues with his teenagers much more often, which is one of his huge grievances and you had to help him work through it. This mostly stems from his protectiveness of them, however, he does get better with it.

— At the end of the day, they all love each other, and all it needed was him actually communicating his issues while they let him know about theirs. Even until later on in his life, Vinny is not the most open guy, talking doesn't come to him naturally, but he tries so hard.


Can you please write more for Vinny? (I love him so much 💖✨ Maybe some NSFW hcs? (I see him asexual, but what do you think?) Or him with a plus size so? Whatever, I just want more Vinny content 🙏🏻💍

Love you and your blog ❤😘 Thank you! ✨


Nyx avatar, you're an intellectual, I see.

He can be asexual but have sex anyway as long as he's not sex-repulsed since asexuality is a spectrum, not a sexual identity.

I think in Vinny's case, he'd have little interest in general since he has other things to worry about. If he has a significant other, that's another matter entirely.

Anonymous asked:

i beg you for vinny crumbs because you are amazing in writing and i genuinely mean that in the most genuine way i can

I must feed the Vinny fans 🤌

“Thank you for walking me home again,” you smiled up at him, warmed by his caring.

The two of you were only linked by your pinkies, but Vinny didn't mind you swinging his hand back and forth. If anything, it had him smiling.

Just a little.

While you wanted to reassure him that he didn't have to come, you knew Vinny had been worried since the last time he caught someone harassing you on your way back.

Had it for him not coming to get you that time, it'd have gotten ugly. Then again, even if you told him he didn't have to come, you didn't think he'd listen. He was stubborn in his own ways, even more when it came to your safety.

“No problem... besides, weird guys around here,” with that said, Vinny took your entire hand into his, squeezing lightly before allowing you to swing back and forth again.

“I’ve been trying to learn how to defend myself, you know,” you proclaimed proudly, “I can defend myself now.”

Vinny looked a little skeptical at that, but unwilling to dismiss the idea. Even if he had none of the official training, it took years of cultivating experinece with street fighting to get where he was. What happened to you only occurred a week ago, he didn't even want to take the physique advantage your attackers might have into equation.

Even then, he wanted to humour you. “Do you now? Where did you learn it from?”

“Dom taught me,” that was more reassuring, “so did Jay,” much less reassuring.

However, Vinny wouldn't ruin your fun... yet. “What did they teach you?”

“Dom taught me how to pull a punch and how to kick, he also pointed out where to aim when I defend myself,” your list soothed his anxiety better than expected, maybe he could expand upon that.

Vinny’d prefer it if you left the heavy lifting to him, however.

He wanted to contemplate what he could add to what you already learned, but the missing information concerned him. “What about Jay?”

“Jay taught me where to attack,” you smiled brightly at him, weirding Vinny out a little.

“Didn’t Dom already teach you that?” Vinny was puzzled, to say the least.

You nodded in return, “Yeah, but Jay knew where to stab without—”

“Hold on a minute,” Vinny stopped the two of you in your track, “stab?”

You frowned, confused by his reaction. “Yeah? With a knife? I think Jay is going to become a doctor so—Vinny?”

Only a few times before did you see Vinny this pissed. The most recent one was when he threatened the group of thugs for harassing you. However, that time ended in a fight because one of them stepped too far. Before you knew it, one of Vinny's fists already collided with the guy's jaw.

It would have been impressive if you weren't standing in the middle of the commotion. At that time, you were more concerned about saving your own skin than what was happening to the thugs.

Seething, that was the word, “I can’t believe he taught you to—”

“Vinny, it’s fine, I use knives to cook all the times,” you pat on his shoulder with your free hand, “you don't have to worry so much.”

Vinny calmed down with your reassurance, but it didn't help that the more he looked at you, the more absurd the idea of equipping you with a knife became. He guessed, if you had to defend yourself, then a weapon would be good.

But a knife? That would go wrong very quick, he knew, he had encountered more than a fair share of knives from opponents wanting a cheap upper-hand. From that experience, he also knew how easy it was for him to disarm an inexperienced opponent with a knife.

That wouldn't even be the worst of it, he'd use it against them if possible. It worried him to think about what would happen then, a knife would be no use. No, he'd need something stronger.


“C’mon, let's go,” he began to walk again, dragging you along with him. “I’m going to get you a taser.”

“Wait, what?

Better get you something that might knock your opponent out in one go than leaving it to chances.

Anonymous asked:

heyo it’s anon🦎 I’m kinda new here. But I would like to request something for our lovely Vinny.

So you know when they go with Mr Nam on a training trip. Well can you write about Vinny and reader sharing a tent together like Shelly and Jay did. Maybe sharing feelings or spicy stuff😏.

...I almost tagged this Lookism?

Vinny only blearily came to his senses after you closed up the front of his tent. Seeing you this late at night roused him awake, even if it took him a minute to snap into clarity. “What... are you doing?”

At least, he had the common sense to scoot to the side when you shuffled in, even if he did nothing to assist you with making it comfortable.

“I thought you'd be lonely out here, I came to keep you company,” you snuggled underneath the blanket, trying to claim your own area in the limited space.

Vinny stared at you for a moment where he tried to process what had happened, and then another to determine his next move. It boiled down to him wanting nothing but sleep to recover from the arduous practice. Having you here might make that a problem.

You were distracting in both good and bad ways.

“Go back inside, sleep in a proper room,” he grumbled and turned his back to you when he flopped back down, pointedly pulling the blanket with him when he did.

Anonymous asked:



ONE OF YOUR WRITINGS HAD MY TOES CURLING 🙈... can i take up vinny's offer for a one on one beach trip 😳😳



I still smile every time I see this ask, anyway, hope you're doing well! Sorry for the wait!

It was hot and he hated the heat.

It was hot and he hated the heat but he had to stand on the sun-filled beach with you by his side. Because only the thing that mattered was that he was there with you, all other bother became trivial when he had you by his side.

But it was hot and the sun was blazing down on his skin, burning his complexion until he scowled at the ray of sunlight radiating the world around him. Yet, he couldn't even open his mouth to complain.

Not when he set his eyes on you.

He admitted to staring a bit longer than normal when he saw you in the swimsuit, two pieces with strings at front and side. He wondered what would happen if he tugged at them. Nothing fit for public display, probably. Yet, he was curious anyway.

Enough that when you walked up to him, he didn't even notice that he was stuck in a trance from staring at you. Only when did he see your smile up close that he noticed it was embarrassing for him to stare that much.

  • how did you make vinny hong so whipped? // windbreaker

Disclaimer: I’m only reading up to season 2. Some of these might not reflect Vinny’s development. I mostly avoid writing to him because of the similarities to Taehoon and I planned to write a lot for Taehoon.

— Okay, Dom said it, you’re dating a simp. Your man is whipped and literally, everyone within the five miles radius sees it. He literally goes from the fierce menace of society to the gentle protective grizzly bear. No one knows how that is possible, but Vinny truly has the biggest soft spot for you. Especially if you were dating him back before he got the delicious character development. 

— Generally, he tries to keep you away from his school life. If possible, he will separate any ugly sides of him from you. But he’s not good at it, and you probably saw more than enough beforehand. It’s not easy for him to open up, he works to confide in you because he knows it’s not good to swallow his feelings. This gets exponentially better after he joined the crew as well.

— He’s really protective, like, really. Doesn’t matter whether if you’re older than him or not, you’re going nowhere near his old classmates or even going to bike races if possible. Will do everything he can to steer you away from any bad influences they might bring. Arguably, he is not the best seed himself, but he knows there are others who are far worse and he’ll do anything to prevent them from approaching you. 

— Vinny got into fights often enough for it to be worrying, but he never fights in front of you. Something about it both feels and looks bad for him. Even if you had seen him fighting a handful of times before the two of you got together, he doesn’t want you to see him looking like that after you did. Mostly because he knows you worry when he gets hurt.

— On another note, if anyone ever uses you against him, they will not even get the chance to see the daylight of the next morning. The only time when you are given the chance to see Vinny going berserk is when someone used you to bait him. You had to stop him from turning those guys into past tense because he was smashing them with a pipe.

— He knows you deserve much more than him, especially when it comes to romance. The two of you rarely get the chances to go on any proper, romantic dates, and he gets in troubles too often for you to not worry. However, he does try, anything else you want him to do, he will do it. Because life is too depressing and seeing you smiles deal with at least 80% of his problems.

— Despite his appearance, he was really shy at first with the handholding. He went from letting you holding on his sleeve to holding pinky fingers with you. While he no longer got shy with it now, if someone teased how you got him wrapped around your fingers, he’d literally explode. And yes, he will go for the sneaky forehead kiss. Believe that he didn’t want to be that chaste, but if he went beyond that in public, he’ll turn as red as his hair.

— King of giving you little tokens and trinkets he got randomly. Like, they are mostly cheap or deformed ones, but when he found out you kept them all, he literally died on the spot. Why are you so cute

— You holding on his arm while he’s holding on the bike as the two of you walk home together? Divine. Wonderful. Outstanding. You riding his bike and looking cute doing it? Even more outstanding. His only regret when it comes to competitive cycling is that he can’t have a backseat or even rear foot pedal for you. Any additional modification adds unnecessary weight or complications, so you didn’t want to bother him either. 

— No matter how tired he has been the day prior, he always calls you before he hits the hay. Even if he went to a race until late at night, he will text you to let you know he arrived home safe. On the off chances that he forgot about it, Sung did the task for him and alerted you that he came home that night. 

— Talk about his home… yeah, you have the key to his place. Mostly so that you can pop in and out easily without having him there to open the door. He lives alone so he has much more freedom too, even if his place is nowhere near as nice as your house. With you around, he does try to clean up more as well. One occasion he actually woke up to you cleaning the house for him, he went from thinking he was dreaming to straight up panic mode.

— Something about you taking care of him makes him both happy and uneasy. He has too much pride and doesn’t like relying on people, but doing those domestic tasks with you… it hits him in the heart he doesn’t know he has. Buying groceries and washing the sheets should not make him feel that giddy, yet here he is.

— Another thing on the budget date list with Vinny is the two of you sharing the headphone. He is not the best conversationalist, not for the lack of trying with you. But sometimes he only wants to spend time with you and doesn’t really know what to talk about. You can only talk about yourself to a point before you run out of things to talk about as well. That’s where the music comes in, silence can get really awkward, but music is just fine. 

— Yes, you pretty much share playlists at this point. If you have similar tastes, then you would have no problem meshing with him, but in the case your tastes are different, he doesn’t mind switching back and forth between what he likes and what you enjoy. Heck, he even finds new favorites among yours and vice versa. 

— He rarely, if not never, snapped at you. Grumpy at worst and sulky at best. He can’t even ignore you whether if he wants it or not, one look at whatever puppy dog eyes you have, he caves faster than an ill-constructed building. Even if he’s angry, he’d never ignore you or push you away. He would actively feel worse if he tried that, to be honest. And he tried so hard to stay mad at you.


labyrinth // illumi zoldyck

tw ⇢ stalking, obsessive behavior, dub-con, toxic relationship, violence(?), emotional manipulation kinda, implied captivity, porn with plot, unprotected sex, fingering, begging, childhood friends to lovers, illumi being delulu just as every character i write

wc ⇢ 6.8k

a/n: god i am weak for this man

The forest was your home, your little sanctuary. You'd practically grown up there, spending countless hours exploring its lush greenery and hidden trails. It was a place where you could escape from the grueling responsibilities and expectations placed upon you as a young assassin-in-training. And throughout all those years, you had always shared this special place with the only person who truly understood you and allowed you to be yourself: Illumi Zoldyck.

Anonymous asked:

Wow! Your blog is amazing! Thank you for your job ♡

Can you please write smth about reader comforting and supporting upset Vinny? I just want hold his hand, hug him and kiss his cheek gently, he deserves the world ♥

I like Lookism too and sorry for my bad English, I hope you can understand me 🙏🏻

What soured his mood stuck with him even when Vinny arrived at your school's gate to walk you home. Intimidating as he was normally, the foul expression he wore on his face as a mask worsened everyone's perception of him.

Not that he cared. Not that any of their opinions mattered.

But he didn't like seeing how your expression fell when your eyes set upon him. "Is something wrong?"

He shrugged and gave you a noncommittal grunt. Not really in a talkative mood, he was. Thankfully, you understood his silent request and dropped the topic. It was a blessing how easy you caught up with his mood sometimes, he'd not know how to navigate himself otherwise.

"Do you want to hear about my day, then?"

An offer for distraction, one he took up willingly. Albeit, with only a grunt.

It worked either way because the tiny progress put a smile on your lips. You dipped your head in understanding, "Okay."

While he was unwilling to detach his hands from his own pockets, you hooked your hand on his arm readily when he proffered it to you.

The action was infinitesimal in comparison to everything that was going on with him, but the smoothness of the transition comforted him all the same.

If anything else went wrong, he might lose his accursed mind.

Hearing your recital about your day was a pleasant change of pace. It distracted him from his own problem, even when you talked of mundane, uninteresting topics. In truth, he couldn't care less about your classmates, whose names he couldn't remember.

But it was nice to hear about things you cared about, it made him forget about his own troubles. Even for a moment.

By the time the two of you stopped at the front of your gate, his tension had lessened. However, much of it remained, allowing his unwillingness to speak of what had happened.

He'd tell you, in time, but for the moment, far too much was bottled up inside him. It would be the worst thing to happen if he exploded in the wrong direction. Your direction.

Again, you stared up at him with those eyes, inquiring and worried. However, you respected his wish for silence again, to his relief. When you reached up for him, Vinny leaned in easily, craving for comfort in your hands.

You didn't kiss him, not the way he expected. Instead, you cupped his face in your palms, the tenderness of your gesture melted him. Melted whatever wall he was putting up, even if there remained the barbed thorns behind the ice.

"Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" Softly, you asked. "Even if you don't want to talk..."

For the first time since the day began, Vinny smiled. Such fondness was reserved only to you. "It's fine," he breathed out quietly, "I... I just need to work a few things out, I'll talk to you when I'm ready."

His reassurance did little to dissipate the anxiety in your eyes, but it gave you a definite ending. That was the most he could offer at this moment. "Okay," you sighed, "I'm only one call away."

"I know," and as he said that, you tugged him into a hug.

His arms wound around your waist willingly, eased into the embrace where solace can be found.

It was laughable, in a way.

How sometimes he thought this alone could help all of his problems go away. As it was, they remained even after he slipped out of your arms, but the weight in his heart didn't feel the same.

Lighter, now.

Community Label: Mature: Sexual Themes


— Joker, Vinny Hong, Jay Jo, Dom Kang, Owen Knight x f!reader

cw. size kink, riding, creampie, cervix fucking, belly bulge, mild choking, squirting, mating press, dirty talk, degradation + pet names, praise — rbs are appreciated | m.list


You slowly lower yourself onto him holding back moans, making his thick cock twitch wrapped between your walls, his thick head touches your sweet spot as you try to take more of his length.

Fuck” he gasps licking his lips, his girth buried inside your pussy makes your belly swell, “so good, now bounce for me” he orders wrapping a hand around your throat.

You nod before lifting up and lowering yourself back on him, your hands on his big pecs as you bite your lip and throw your head back.

Joker bumps your cervix raising his hips when you sink back down tearing a desperate sob from your puffy lips, “fuck it, take it all” he demands grabbing your ass and bouncing you to his will.

His thick cock slides out of your folds completely before he forces it in with one thrust making you scream, “fuck, so big…” you blab as you meet his hips, finding a steady rhythm as your cream gathers at the base of his shaft in a white ring.

You thrust well onto his cock trying to rub your hard nub before slumping onto his chest in pleasure, your body trembling as you come, your slick walls fluttering around his cock as Joker pushes into you, more and more roughly before releasing his load against your aching cervix.

Community Label: Mature

Sexual themes


Skateboard 2

Wind breaker

fem bodied reader | smut | pwp | jayjo/reader | vinny/reader | wooin/reader | joker/reader | owen/reader | all characters featured are 18+

author's note: This is a slow-burn story, but don't worry, it will have smut. I actually want to speed things up so we can have those kinds of scenes. btw, I want my story to have action as well, so yeah.

✧˖° — windbreaker men

✧˖° — mdni, smut, description of not safe for work content.


toxic trait is thinking i could make him fall for me after one convo <33


@sugardollie-907 asked me about the rest of the 'ads' i made for my pinned post and masterlist so here's my ✨showcase✨ of the ones i didnt use.



7 | 🔞

summary: Joker starts having dirty thoughts about you cw: fembodied!reader, smut, imagined sex/daydreaming, light size kink mention, p in v, male masturbation briefly mentioned, all characters featured are 18+ wc: 1.4k an: im bout to implode fr.

It starts out as an innocent crush. Between just Hyuk and Wooin, the two have an extensive contact list. Joker knew that at some point, he would end up taking an interest in at least one of the girls they brought around; he just didn’t think it’d happen so soon. 


Summertime: Billy Hargrove One Shot

18+, explicit sexual content. Minors DNI

Word count: 3.2k

A/N: I had a request for some Bills and my writing brain has been shit lately so I’m moving over an old one shot from wattpad. @billysbot I hope this is okay for now and I’ll get to your request asap. 🤭🖤


Summer. Fucking finally. The warm night air hits your face as you walk outside towards the cooler searching for something to help you relax. Parties weren’t always your favorite thing but it was a good way to kick off the summer. A nice time to relax and one of the only fun things to do here.

You check out the scene, a crowd of people around the keg stand, a group by the fire, and a few girls fighting for the attention of Steve Harrington.

He is one handsome guy. You watch as he runs his fingers through his fluffy brown hair, the girl directly in front of him reaching out to touch it, giggling flirtatiously as he gives her a sweet smile. Even after graduation, Steve always threw the best parties in Hawkins.

You suddenly hear a shout from your left as you grab yourself a beer, popping it open.

“The keg king has returned!” a guy shouts in the distance.

Tommy. You roll your eyes, the noise from the party already starting to give you a slight headache. I need more alcohol.

“Billy Hargrove, what did we do to deserve this?” another loud voice booms, followed by a laugh.

The name catches your attention and your head whips around to see him standing there with a bold smile on his face.

He looks about the same. Tight denim clinging to his muscular thighs. He turns and you catch a glimpse of his ass, his jeans showing you every curve perfectly.

That ass. You quickly finish your beer, this time reaching for the whiskey, pouring a bit into your cup before walking a little closer to all the commotion. The crowd is loud as guys and girls alike come to welcome him back.

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