
Rae Writes


For all my writing purposes

Sts!! If your OC's were in a studio ghibli film which one would they be in??


GAWD i love Ghibili films~

Rae would definitely be interested in being in Spirited Away. Or Howl's Moving Castle.

Rhovan would probably like Howl's Moving Castle as a setting. I think i recall seeing some alchemy type magic in there. Potions.

Oooh! Or in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind! He'd be good at helping with the poison jungle i think.

Miu would wanna be in Kiki's Delivery Service.

Avari might be in Nausicaa. I'm not sure exactly what she'd do but i feel like there'd be a good role for her in there some where.


Happy Storyteller Saturday! Which of your OCs would you most like to grab by the shoulders and vigorously shake?


I know it's not Saturday but i didn't even realize i had messages to answer tbh! And now i'm gonna answer what i can lol

I'd probably shake Amelin by the shoulders cause she is one of the main OCs in The Tiamat Chronicles who has hardly shown me about herself and it makes it hard to plan Act 2 accordingly. Especially since it kicks off so much of the rest of the series, or is meant to. But all i know is that she's insecure about her position in the world but she has to gain people's respect and i'm like "WORK WITH MEEEE HEREEEE". She's frustrating.


Happy Storyteller Saturday, Pretty! 5-Player Dungeons require a Tank, Healer and 3 Damage Dealers (dps), which 5 OCs would you choose for the ultimate dungeon party?


God I miss Storyteller Saturday!

Alright, I think I'd have Rae (tank), Rhovan (Healer), and the dps OCs would be Avari, Miu, and Naida.

Though Naida could possible be swapped in as a tank too I think...might depend on the type of foes within said dungeon.


[Image ID: A series of tweets by twitter user ayah at rosewatwr

Arabic love poems are on another level remembered a line written by forouq jwaydeh “and if the devil was to ever see you, he’d kiss your eyes and repent” like come on

“I would split open my heart with a knife, place you within and seal my wound, that you might dwell there and never inhabit another…” -Ibn Hazm

“My lips and fingers were pens on her flesh./ I memorized her in every alphabet and memorized my memories until they multiplied…” -Adonis

“They asked “do you love her to death?” I said “speak of her over my grave and watch how she brings me back to life.” -Mahmoud Darwish

“Through her, in a rush of musk and saffron, beauty falls into disarray.” -Ibn Al-Arabi

“I long for your hands, two doves that shade the blazing of my longing.” -Maisoon Saqr

“When I love/I become liquid light.” -Nizar Qabbani

“Awake with me all night she whispers, “You are my angel. Beneath your skin an angel hides. Let’s plunge into the deep again, my love, and leave to others the height and breadth of all the kingdoms of the air.” -Adonis

“Your eyes are like palm-groves refreshed by dawn’s breath Or terraces the moon leaves behind.” -Badr Shakir Al- Sayyab

“From the base of her neck to the arch of her eyelids her beauty has made a slave of me.” -Adonis

Not gonna lie, some of these would make great inspiration for writing prompts

“Not it!”
They all spoke the phrase in unison, the cacophony of languages rising and falling together like instruments in a symphony.
Yoshihiro rolled his eyes. “We can’t all not do it,” he complained.
“Why not let Ji-hoon?” Shun suggested, shrugging. “It’s his mess.”
“It can’t be Tan Shun who suggested something so sensible?” Mohammed joked. “Someone has bugged our line.”
“Shut up,” Shun replied with good-natured humour.
“No, no, Momo could be right about that. Since when does logic and Shun go hand in hand?”
“Fuck your frog, Ambrose,” Shun shot back, rubbing his left eye as it began to water again.
“She’s a horned toad, and I’m not her type.”
Shun snorted with reluctant mirth.

Very little snippet from chapter 15, which I’ve finally got back into writing after a stupidly long hiatus. First time almost all my idiots are together in one scene and this level of chaotic energy is pretty normal for them, so god help me further down the road when they’re all together and trying to derail the plot with their nonsense lolol

Lemme know if anybody wants taking off, I know it’s been forever since I updated otl



Illthdar - Guardians of Las Review!

@illthdar​ generously sent me a copy of her book, Illthdar, Guardians of Las earlier this semester and I finished it the other day! It took me a while to finish, not out of lack of interest, just because I’ve been busy. Here are my thoughts!


“Illthdar: the land that logic and reason forgot. A place where every fairytale exists, and not in harmony. Pulled there by a mysterious force, Zercey Stamos learns that she is part faery must join the Order of Mana. The religious protectors of the sacred crystal are fighting to save everyone from mana waste. None of the displaced humans or aliens can leave. The Order does not want them to leave.”


This book has excellent world building and characters. A lot of thought clearly went into the development of Illthdar and the diverse cast; there’s a lot to the planet of Illthdar and I expect even more will be revealed in coming books. The magic system is well-constructed with clearly defined limitations, which I always appreciate, and is fun! The different types of magic and physical appearances depicted in the book create what I can best describe as visual interest (not sure what the right word is for a book). Each character had a distinct personality, motivation, and voice, which is especially important with a relatively large cast. Garcia used classic tropes while adding unique twists and traits that helped them come to life rather than feeling canned. The writing is skillful in terms of sentence structure, active voice, etc, and uses artful prose appropriately.


As for critiques, the pacing in the beginning felt a little fast to me and I would have liked to get a better sense of Zercey as a character before going to Illthdar. A few of the descriptions confused me or didn’t give me a clear picture, though overall they were clear. The shifts in POV felt too fast for me at points. A range of emotions is represented throughout the book, but I think at times it could have been pushed further, especially considering some of the situations the characters are in (though I am sensitive and dramatic so my taste may not reflect most people’s thoughts). I also would have liked to see more of an arch in the plot; I expect the purpose of this book is setting the world and characters for the rest of a series, which it did well, but I felt there could have been a clearer rising action and climax. Still, the book maintained my interest.


This book was fun, well developed, and had refreshing representation. While I have critiques, I would absolutely recommend it for fans of fantasy or anyone looking for an interesting, semi-lighthearted read. I look forward to the rest of the series!

Link for Purchase:

($12.95? That’s damn near free, can’t afford not to buy it!)


Now is a great time to buy Illthdar: Guardians of Las. Why? Because the profits of all purchases of it between now and the end of August 2020 will be donated to Gendered Intelligence.

In response to Jk Rowling’s anti-trans statements, as well as the need for change highlighted by the black lives matter movement. As an advocate for change, I am always prepared to use my platform and privilege to amplify great causes and support underrepresented groups.

Why is Gendered Intelligence important? They’re a not-for-profit organisation in the UK that, among other things, provides support to trans people of colour.

If you’re unable to help support the cause, I do hope you will join me by signal boosting and sharing the news so that as many people as possible can help contribute.


Interview with E S Barrison

For those who might have missed it, here’s the video from the interview between E S Barrison, as part of the launch party for her book: The Mist Keeper’s Apprentice, discussing my own book, Illthdar: Guardians of Las.

This Thursday, June 11th, at 8 AM EDT, I am going to be interviewing Author Rachel Garcia (@illthdar) live on my Facebook page as a part of the MKA Launch Event!⁠ ⁠ Come join us as we talk about her book Illthdar: Guardians of Las!⁠ ⁠ Do you have any questions for Rachel? Leave them below! We’ll try to answer them during the interview!⁠


the suffering never ends

This is the real process

Resources for you!

Character Ideas:

Character Design Ideas:

Naming Help:

Creating Background/backstory:

Character Interactions and putting your character into your world/story:





Hey you! Happy Storyteller Saturday! If your character was an Animal Crossing/Video Game NPC, what item would players give them to befriend them?


Happy Storyteller Saturday! Thank you for asking!

I’ve actually never played Animal Crossing, although i’ve wanted to cause it seems up my alley, so these answers may not be on point.

Naida, it’d probably be peaches. Shani would want metal ores. Yulian would accept wooden figurines, Aden would take books.

Raemina would want crystals and/or candles. Rhovan would accept rare flora.


Hey ya’ll! Everything has been rough all around with COVID-19, a lot of people are struggling, myself included. I work in food service catering and guess what isn’t really a big demand right now lol. I’m currently getting no hours at work until further notice when things eventually go back to normal. I have no clear idea of when that is and I’m, humbly, asking for assistance in affording just one of my bills and I’m promoting my commissions in hopes of easing that burden.

I’m, specifically, opening up Waist-up(thigh-up cause dem legs)/Medium shots, as you can see above, for a flat rate of $20 dollars. Please message me for any questions or if you are interested in a commission, i greatly appreciate any assistance.

Please reblog

Please commission this artist, she is absolutely fucking AMAZING!

This isn’t technically writeblr but I just want to get this out as far around as possible


Storyteller Saturday! In Scooby Doo, Velma says Jinkies, Shaggy says Zoinks and Daphne says Jeepers. If your OC had one-word catchphrase, what would it be?


Happy Storyteller Saturday! Late again, i don’t have an excuse really, just that i am a tired human.

Catchphrases! I don’t see any of my Tiamat Chronicles OCs having any catchphrases but that could always change, some of those character personalities are still very jelly-like, not quite solid just yet.

However, we do already know that Raemina has hers! Spirits! Used typically in absolute surprise or in a “come on you have got to be kidding me right now” kind of vibe.

AND THEN, with complete surprise to me, Rhovan kind of has one and it is hilarious to me because of the disaster elf that he is. “Yikes.” especially used when whatever disaster is happening is NOT because of him and/or Loui.

Thank you for asking!

Anonymous asked:

Happy Storyteler Saturday! Sorry this is late, its been a rough week. Character figurines are popular now, if one of your OCs was gifted with a small figurine of all your other OCs, what would they do? Would they keep any? Would they trash them? Would they dip them in acid and laugh as they melted?

Happy Storyteller Saturday! I’m sorry your week was rough! I hope it went better this time around! I apologize for being late as well cause SAME.

Let’s see, i’m gonna use my non-Tiamat Chronicles OCs for this one.

Rae would keep all of them, she’d be confused as to why these are being gifted to her but the act of gifting is an important one to her culture and thus she will cherish them.

Rhovan would be a bit weirded out. He’d feel too bad throwing them out so they are most likely going straight into some form of storage and out of eyesight. He’d have the same energy as that kid who was “gifted” an avocado lol

Miu would put every single one on display and make up stories for them.

For shits n giggles i’m throwing Ephyra in here as well. With this gift of figurines she will adore them and love them and her crew will most definitely catch her playing with them multiple times.


Happy Storyteller Saturday!! If your OC's had to switch bodies with another OC for a whole day, who would they most and least want to be switched with?


Happy Storyteller Saturday! Sorry i’m a week late!

Body switching! Let’s see...Naida would be most comfortable with Shani in her body and least comfortable with Captain Euric, she’d be disgusted at the thought of him inhabiting her body but then use the situation to her advantage to mess with him.

Shani would also be most comfortable switching with Naida and would definitely strut the body loool She’d be least comfortable switching with Asher, her brother. He’d hate it too ‘How do you see anything from down here?’ but jokes on you Asher, you’re spending the whole day in the forge, say hello to sore muscles and, possibly, blisters.


Happy Storyteller Saturday! What was your wip's cast like when they were younger? Are they embarrassed about who they used to be? How have they grown?


Sorry I didn’t get to these last week!

Naida and Shani were normal kids, they ran around and had fun! They aren’t so much embarrassed by their childhood antics but they do think about things that they wished were different. Shani wishes she’d spoken up more whenever someone said something she didn’t like. Naida wishes she had spent more time with her parents.

As for growth, Shani does speak up to defend herself and others, no longer feeling like she needs to be small to be liked. Naida makes sure to remind those in her circle what they mean to her, usually through gestures.

Aden was a quiet kid. And bitter. He’s embarrassed to reflect on the bitterness and how he focused it onto a younger Yulian. Yulian was a handful as a child, always running off and getting into trouble, then getting OUT of trouble and he regrets nothing!

Aden and Yulian are extremely close as adults and work well together, Aden knows to look at certain events objectively to see the big picture and Yulian uses his charismatic forces for good lol

Thank you for asking!

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