
The LongcrierCat In The Multiverse of Mania

@longcriercat / longcriercat.tumblr.com

Gwen Longcrier They/Them, she/her Pronouns Please Hi, I'm that Longcrier Person. I draw furry animal people and body positive things. I post my stuff sometimes and reblog things every once in a while. Hi, Tumblr~

no piece of teen media has ever accurately depicted the quiet psychological warfare of bullying. bullies on TV are always dumb brutes and not the evil geniuses of emotional manipulation that they are in real life. being given a wedgie and having your lunch money stolen is nothing in comparison to a classmate quietly creating a taboo against speaking to you that they intend to enforce against all the other kids. it’s nothing like continuous cutting comments from people you thought were being nice to you. that way that the work of one kid can make you feel like every person on earth silently hates you and that you are dirty, disgusting, worthless, creepy and useless. that you can have friends but many of them will not speak to you at school for fear of the social consequences on their end. how that damage lasts in any social setting for the rest of your life

you can’t even “tell a trusted adult” because you cannot begin to articulate the thousands of small transgressions you’ve experienced building to the horror of knowing your peers would like you dead. they don’t have to say it or hurt you physically. they have other ways of letting you know they’d prefer if you were worn fuel


I always forget this wasn’t a thing everywhere but my high school had a fun and innovative way to torment us in PE. They got heart rate monitors. It was this awful strap that went under the bra line and paired to a watch. The first day was great cause we got to set our resting heart rate. We did this by laying in a dark room and napping.

But then once a week we’d have to strap on these monitors and go running. The monitors were old tech and didn’t always pick up your heartbeat, so you’d have to use cold water between it and your skin to get a better connection, gods know why. Warm water never worked. After the day our watches would be collected and our efforts recorded.

The idea was that if your heart beat too fast you were supposed to stop, and if it was too slow you’d speed up. In practice this was ridiculous, staying in the green zone all class was ridiculously difficult.

Even people like me who were stubbornly resistant to running the mile couldn’t stand the horrific constant beeping and made attempts to placate the reviled machine. It was always fairly miserable. I had PE first thing in the chilly morning, dashing cold water on my skin before running around half awake was the low point of my week.

But for some unknown reason, the teacher insisted that no play could happen on these days. We were given the freedom to run all over campus but woe betide us if we tried to make a game that actually made this enjoyable.

We’d initiate games of tag only to get yelled at for not just… running. Any kind of play was forbidden. On one memorable occasion someone got a kickball and we started an impromptu soccer game with it.

If someone’s heart rate got too high they’d drop to their knees to wait out the shrieking of their watch so an extra element was added to the game of trying to win without going too hard. I remember being absolutely delighted, the thrill of that game still lives in my heart, hoping I could score a goal before my heartbeat betrayed me to the hated watch.

When the PE teacher found us we were soundly scolded and the ball was confiscated. Our happiness burst like a soap bubble and we turned our back to the enchantment of the green field and resumed slogging along in a grey haze as expected.


[ID: a comment by ein-kleiner that reads, "Maybe Americans don't exercise enough because we're all taught that exercise is miserable."]


I can't be autistic bc I'm actually great at understanding social cues!

[Cut to my POV, a Terminator-style overlay analyzing word choice and body language while over everyone's head a bar labeled Are They Mad At Me shows varying levels]


young artist posting your work online, heed my warning. im holding your face so gently in my hands, you have to stop caring about numbers right now and start caring about making the weirdest and most self-indulgent art you possibly can

STOP listening to the demon of capitalism and START listening to the angel of hedonism, i love you i believe in you keep making what you love forever ok?


"content creator" is a corporate word.

we are artists.


Artists, writers, filmmakers etc. can all survive without AI.

AI can't survive without us.

And yet the AI dipshits keep talking about how AI has made us all 'obsolete'... sure, cool story bro.


in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense that macklemore would happily release a free palestine song that is AS balls-out anticapitalist and antiimperialist as it is, considering in 2011 he won a grammy with a song all about being poor and spending your money wisely while still being cool and looking fresh, bemoaning blind consumption.

it was a small domino to start with, sure, but the trail is there.


and that person just happened to be the person who is currently the most celebrated rapper in the world, Kendrick Lamar! he was apologizing for winning over Good Kid, M.a.a.d. City!

“You got robbed. I wanted you to win. You should have. It’s weird and it sucks that I robbed you.”

funny enough, he did NOT apologize to the other artists, and two of them are Drake and Kanye, which is EXTRA hilarious considering how well that decision also aged.


This animation without the filter because it fucked with the framerate for some reason (this isn't the intended look otherwise, but bleh)

im sure most of you dont give a flying dick tit about godzilla shit but this model and now animation is the first thing ive made and was kinda proud of in a long time .


idk probably

im worried that the reason you're getting less attention than you deserve is that this looks like it was clipped out of a Movie, and not one of the lower budget ones

2,840,658 polys

i make my rigs myself

dont do this to me

Do it to them

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