
Will scream at those invading my space

@13flowersandfoxes / 13flowersandfoxes.tumblr.com

Currently in school for wildlife ecology.
Exhausted as fuck

Mythbusters is great because Adam Savage will be like “Could Sir Arthur have built a surface to air missile with Middle Ages technology? Probably not. Anyway here’s how to make a bomb.” And Jamie will be like “If all goes well this will not blow up instantly and kill us.” And the three other guys are trying to see if you could kill a person by throwing an egg really fast.


im sorry for reblogging this again but this tag has obliterated me

For anyone who’s wondering, that is a yellow spotted box fish. And they love human attention and have the personalities of small puppies. Also, if you stress them out they release a toxin that kills everything around them.


Prison guards: Iroh? Escape? Ha! That weak, senile old man couldn’t escape if we rolled a red carpet to the door!

Iroh alone in his cell:


I saw the video and thought "that guy looks like Jack Black", then I scrolled down to read that. Yup, sure was Jack Black. Also yes, the above is actually true, his mother Judith Love Cohen did indeed help create the abort-guidance system that rescued the Apollo 13 astronauts.


Wait does this mean people are unfamiliar with this iconic post


Here’s an enlarged response to the “Reblog if you know how to cook, even if it’s just ramen” post…

Yup, I can cook. Pretty well, too, though Food Network has nothing to fear. My preference is for one-pot stuff like stews, daubes, eintopfs, tajines, chilis, goulashes, curries - oh, and sauces for pasta (there’s a really simple one below.)

That way all the peeling, chopping and stirring is done before the lid goes on and the stove is turned RIGHT DOWN. Now wash up. Leaving a clean kitchen will make you just as popular as being the one who did the cooking. Possibly more so. Then go do something else for a couple of hours - TV, gaming, Tumblr -  until it’s time for dinner. Check once in a while (set a timer if you have to) to make sure things haven’t gone dry*, give it a stir to make sure things haven’t stuck to the bottom.

*We have a Doufeu (from French doux “soft/gentle” feu “fire/heat”)…

…which is a casserole with a recess in the lid that holds water. The difference in temperature makes the steam inside re-condense and drip back down to baste the food. It will take hours and hours to boil dry, because of physics - which means we can go out for a walk, and if that November walk involves a local pub that’s just had a nice new wood-burning stove installed in the corner, well… :-)

New Le Creusets like the one above are hideously expensive, but older Le Cousances like this one pop up at garage sales and are well worth finding.

We have this design, in orange enamel, which @dduane found on eBay. Everyone goes on about putting ice in the lid recess, but since it becomes water in no time I think the ice-cubes are used just to show better in photos.

Forget about the whizzkids on Food Network. Ultra-Simple Cooking 101 is not rocket science. Boil water in a pot, put chopped meat and/or veggies into the pot**, add a bit of salt and pepper, put the lid on, turn the heat down and check once in a while until the things in the pot are soft enough to eat.

**Lightly frying things like meat and onions before they go into the boiling water makes them even nicer, but that’s Ultra-Simple Cooking 102. Traditional Irish stew (depending on whose granny you ask) doesn’t even bother.

They will have mingled their flavours together. They will smell nice. They will taste nice. If there’s a lot of liquid, you have soup. (Throw rice or small pasta like orzo into it for 10 mins.) If there’s less liquid, you have stew (buy some crusty bread for gravy-dunking and plate-wiping.)

Either way, you have cooked a thing all by yourself. You know what’s in it. There are no dodgy additives or stretchers that belong in a chemistry set. Eat it and feel mentally and physically satisfied! Then freeze the leftovers (if there are any. I sometimes have to cook extra so there will be.)

Here’s that really, really simple pasta sauce:

Guys, why does this only have two dozen notes? This pasta sauce recipe is delicious! (Yes, I’ve only made it once, but that’s mostly because mine is an Alfredo household (well, jarred Alfredo, every time I make the real stuff, I sweat butter the next day))

Ten years on and I’m a bit better known for foodie posts, so here’s this one again. 

The pasta sauce recipe is just as good now as it was then. :->


"We're gonna be talking about the BOOBY! We'll be talking about the WOODCOCK! Do you think that's FUNNY, Butthead? Do you find it AMUSING that we'll be talking about the SWALLOW? Yes, we're also gonna be talking about the DICKCISSEL, the BUSHTIT, the COCK-OF-THE-ROCK, the SHAG... and we will DEFINITELY be spending a LOT of time talking about...GREAT TITS!!"


From a clip from the new quiz show Rob Beckett's Smart TV from the episode containing David Tennant :D (Thursday 18.4. 9pm on Sky Max) Watch the clip here :).

Rob Beckett, reading a question: David, Peter Davison's Fifth Doctor famously wore-

Josh Widdicombe: It's his fucking father-in-law!

David, laughing: Imagine if I get it wrong!


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