
I don't know anymore

@ashlehd / ashlehd.tumblr.com

Ashley, 20, NC
“There are two MLKs. There once was a man named Martin Luther King Jr. who actually lived and breathed. He was a radical who believed in the redistribution of wealth, argued for slave reparations and that wrote that moderate whites who didn’t speak out on racism were just as bad as the Ku Klux Klan. Seventy-five percent of Americans disapproved of that man when he was killed by a white supremacist in 1968. Then, there is the Martin Luther King Jr. that exists in the collective white memory. Through a complex combination of whitewashing, self-guilt and the intentional rewriting of history that absolves them of their hatred, they have painted a sanitized, impressionist portrait of a civil rights icon whose dreams were fulfilled by America’s unwavering commitment to justice and equality. Out of whole cloth, they managed to fabricate a fantastic hologram of King that is ahistorical, but still “based on a true story.” Their Martin was a lover, not a fighter. They remember a socially conservative, respectable reconciler; not an anti-establishment revolutionary. And, for their sake, his doctrine of nonviolent resistance was eventually reduced to simple “nonviolence.” This is the King they will remember this weekend.”

I found Hozier’s “Let’s Play” YouTube channel and it was just him playing Minecraft and trying to befriend the creepers but he always ended up dying.

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that this is only a dream.


what if we were little cats and we touched noses. what then?


graphic on screen torture of a woman is not provocative not metaphorical not deep women have made art and film about pain and sacrifice without falling back on a gross-out contest its not entertaining to see that its not compelling its actually one of the most tired things present in film today


I was so caught up in being palatable and conventionally talented that I forgot art is really about being gay and burning yourself with hot glue.


i dont self depreciate anymore. i am hot and sexy and my meat is huge and i dont care about anyone elses opinion on the matter except my own because i am the smartest person on earth


*at job interview* Oh yes, my criminal record? The only thing illegal I’ve done is absolutely KILLIN it on the dancefloor. Haha, just kidding! I have killed a man

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