
☆ Just as shitty ☆

@beatvenueyani / beatvenueyani.tumblr.com

Selfship(g8dess) and art(acornsnoysters) blogs are side blogs, so euhm yea ᕕ( ͡͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )ᕗ || 21+ ||  || I don't even know, dude. Call me Yani or Buni or Bunnini or Oyster. I reblog a lot of shit and don't tag anything unless asked to, so if you wanna unfollow that's alright.

A Vulcan named Stork works at the Terran adoption agency. Parents always request that he be the one to deliver their child to them.

It’s years before anyone explains it to him.

People keep gifting him robes with long white birds on them.

The fun thing is he would understand why people were getting him outfits with storks on them. That’s a word, it’s his name, straightforward. All the humans get him the same gag gift, but like, they’re putting effort in at least. This is a genuinely nice outfit. Stork will be a walking zero-effort pun sometimes, rather than waste a perfectly fine robe.

It’s fine. This is a readily comprehensible human illogic. Exactly the kind of thing he expected from moving to Earth.

Six years in he finds out about the stork bringing babies.

Stork has a good long meditation session about this myth, his name, his job, the outfits, the whole shebang (or whatever Vulcan concept is the equivalent).

And he decides he’s honored by it, in a humanly illogical way.

The humans are asking him to do what is after all his job, and specifically requesting him for the joy his name brings them on top of an already agreeable and satisfying task. He has no objection to engendering positive emotions in others. Harm hastens the heat-death of the universe, Surak teaches, so happiness must logically slow it down. 

Plus, Vulcans of his generation love puns. There were two decades of punning competitions in colleges across the planet. So when he realizes that he is a walking zero-effort pun, and that the humans also love the pun, he is all for it. He is the Joe Cool of the entire Vulcan population in his city. 

And via this pun, the humans are including him in a cherished and traditional myth, by casting him as the literal bringer of life and the expander of families. 

There’s no downside. Stork wears his robes, pins, keychains, and other bird-related tchotchkes with genuine pride. 



For real though working together with some human social workers, a Vulcan would be an excellent caretaker for children in an adoption center.

Child has a meltdown? Imagine Stork, perfectly calm and unbothered, approaching the kid and saying “You appear quite upset, Eliza. If you would please allow me to relocate you to the ‘bean-bag-chair,’ we can discuss the source of your distress.”

A Vulcan educated in medicine and child psychology would be endlessly patient with a kid with behavioral issues. Stork wouldn’t get or upset or frustrated. After all, these are children with medical and psychological conditions. It would be illogical to blame the child or to not treat them with the appropriate care.

Even if the a little one was having a bad day or was just overtired, Stork wouldn’t get angry. He might even be a calming presence. Any new kids acting out would learn real quick that they’d have better luck trying to arm-wrestle a Klingon than get a rise out of Stork.

Not only that, Vulcans live much longer than humans. Imagine Stork looking virtually unchanged as decades pass. Kids he’d helped years ago would turn up fully grown, maybe there to adopt their own kids, and run into Stork, looking almost exactly as they remember him.

And he’d probably remember them too. “Welcome back, Eliza.”


“…Harm hastens the heat-death of the universe, Surak teaches, so logically happiness must slow it down…”

Will reblog every time it crosses my dash 🖖🏾

star trek heritage post (November 14th, 2020)

Periodic reminder that the compiled tag I use on AO3 is “Stork The Vulcan (fanon)” and so far there are 5 fics featuring him:

  1. Heed The Stork
  2. There’s Always A Chance and
  3. Not Logical by MarlinSpirkHall (hi)
  4. What Stork Brings by AfterIWake @mousedetective
  5. One (1) Daily Shoulder Pat by Android_And_Ale @android-and-ale

Various iterations of this thread ^ have also been bookmarked under the tag for future reference 🖖


MC who was sad that they didn't get to see the Solar Eclipse so Beel and Belphie decided to recreate it for them.

-MC, wearing sunglasses and sitting outside the HOL-

Lucifer: MC! What in the nine circles are you doing out here?

MC: I'm watching the eclipse.

Lucifer: We don't even have a sun in the devildom

MC: Shhh! It's starting!

Beel, Wearing a cardboard cut out of the sun: *Standing still*

Belphie: *Wearing a cardboard cut out of the moon, passes by Beel*

MC: Hell yeah


for my birthday yesterday me and my friends went to a very high production haunted trail and i was so happy and gleeful that most of the actors did not try to scare me because i would see them and smile like i was seeing my favorite most beautiful puppy in the whole wide world


i accidentally napped and had a dream (nightmare?) where a new update for stardew valley released where everything was the same except on a random day in year 3 Evelyn would just straight up die. There was a whole cutscene that started in her house where she collapsed, and then transitioned over to the hospital where Harvey gave George and Alex the worst news of their lives. However, they got to speak to her where she said something along the lines of "Yoba will protect me, and I am sure he will let me watch over you."

Alex and George would not talk to the player for more than a few words for a full season after this event. George would spend most of his time in the bedroom, so if you had less than 2 hearts with him, you could barely ever speak to him.

And Alex... oh my god, poor Alex. If you were married to him during this event, he just stayed in bed all day. Otherwise, if single, he would just stand on the beach most of the time, staring off into the ocean. If you tried to interact with him, it would just say "Alex is grieving... Better leave him be."

There was also other NPC dialogue like mayor Lewis saying "I haven't seen the community in this state of mourning since your grandfather passed..."

there was also a glitch where you could make Evelyn live forever and there were entire guides for the "immortal Evelyn glitch" that got patched out in the next update. If you tried to perform the glitch after the patch, mr. Qi would tell you that "hey, it happens to all of us. We can't prevent it, and neither can you, no matter how hard you try."

Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons players:


Life hack: If you don't know what to draw? Draw pokemon but redesign them to be themed/based on/inspired by Lunala!

I drew my team and co this time. Though I'm considering doing it again with other random Pokèmon. I just LOVE Lunala's color palette and I love drawing space things 🥺💖✨✨💞


ever since my gf and i moved in together a couple years ago i've been semi-regularly executing something i call a "prank night." this is something you want to do frequently enough that it's not a special occasion, but spontaneously enough to make it a prank. the set-up for a prank night is simple

  1. listen to your partner and take note of a couple things she's putting off doing, as well as a couple things she's been wanting
  2. wait for a day when your partner is out of the house for work or errands
  3. tell them that you'll be playing videogames/hanging out with the guys/doing very little all day. this way her guard will be down

now you can execute the four core aspects of the prank night

  1. act of service. complete a chore or task that you know she's been dreading. doing the dishes/cleaning the living room/making an appointment/doing the groceries, etc.
  2. lil gift. flowers, chocolate, anything that you know she wants but hasn't felt justified in getting for herself
  3. sustenance. a charcuterie board, a homecooked meal, her favorite snack, or a fancy cocktail can all work
  4. fourth, final, most important, when she gets home you sit her down and eat her out like she's your last meal on death row

The Look On The Girlfriend's Face Will Be Awesome!


Thanking the artist who made Belphie look this hot 💕✨



(Art belongs to Solmare & has been edited by me)


hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???

i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)

oh, Sisyphus! i got you


the boys club would often tease Asher for his height (lightheartedly ofc)

Tamarack absolutely loves the fact that there is a boy who is more in the same height as her though, she finally doesn’t feel alone for being short!

Qiu however has never seen a boy his age that short before, and he thinks its the cutest thing ever.


happy that we're raising awareness but you can't make a post about this without mentioning that they collaborated for the sole reason of combining their last names like this


Big fan of all those other purple links and how “Associated prime” is untouched.


Environmental storytelling

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