

@smokeandblueroses / smokeandblueroses.tumblr.com

More or less my online grimoire. (Semi-Hiatus) Sigil requests: Closed.

My Services

🔮Sigils – 1 for $7, 2 for $10 ✨Dream interpretations – $5-10 depending on length 🕯Emoji Spells – $5 each 💎Posts – I’ll create a tumblr post about a deity, herb, crystal, witchy subject etc. $5-15 depending on query, length & amount of research needed. I source everything.

💫I use PayPal. Prices are in USD. 🌙Help a queer witch of color survive 🌞Send me a msg if you’re interested

Please consider supporting me! I am an unemployed, chronically ill queer witch of color, I could really use some help getting by.

Please boost this post.


Psa that your witchcraft is tailor made to you. You can obviously adopt practices from others that you like, but your craft is your own. It can be as messy or as organized as you need/want. It can be inconsistent as fuck, or scheduled. Never feel bad for the way you practice. Witchcraft is meant to be tailored to each individual


✨❤️ Attracting Love Spell ❤️✨

Creating a love spell can be a powerful way to manifest your desires and attract your ideal partner. 

Here are some steps to help you create your own love spell:


🌹Rose petals 


🌹Rose quartz crystal

🌹Red candle

🌹 Incense (jasmine, rose, or sandalwood)


❤️ Begin by cleansing your space and yourself. You can use smudging herbs or burn the incense for this.

❤️ Set your intention: Before you begin any spell, it’s important to know exactly what you want to manifest. Take some time to think about the kind of relationship you want to have and what qualities you’d like your ideal partner to possess.

❤️ Light the red candle and the incense.

❤️ Hold the rose quartz crystal in your hand and focus on your intention for love and passion.

❤️ Sprinkle the rose petals and cinnamon around the candle, forming a circle.

❤️ Visualize the energy of love and passion flowing into the circle and charging the ingredients.

❤️ Let the candle burn down completely, and let the incense continue to burn for as long as you like.

❤️ Thank the universe, your tools, and any deities or spirits you called upon for their assistance.

❤️ Close your circle or protective space.

Remember, love spells should always be created with pure intentions and respect for free will. It’s important to never try to manipulate or control someone else’s feelings. Focus on manifesting love and happiness for yourself, and trust that the universe will guide you to the right partner.

With these steps, you can create a powerful and effective love spell that aligns with your personal intentions and desires. Best of luck in your magical endeavors!


🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞


With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕

Blessed be. 🕊✨


🍃Money Spell Jar🍃

This really works! Right after I made this we did our taxes and we are getting so much back, I got a raise and so did my partner. Believing in it is the key to it working.


  • Fools gold
  • Green jade
  • Tigers eye
  • Bay leaves
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Moon water
  • Every single loose piece of change from the house.

Shake this jar daily before work or going out of the house. Keep it on your alter.


I don’t post a lot about witchcraft anymore but here’s a little snippet for you.

If you’re the kind of person who can get goosebumps from listening to music - even if it’s just technical and not emotional - use that to your advantage when you’re feeling like you can’t visualize or feel magic around you.

Close your eyes as the music is building; feel the tingling sensation build and open in the moment it all releases. In the same vein, use that in spell casting. Build your intention during the interval of goosebumps and release it in tandem.

I’m sure many people already do this, but I think it can really help for those that are feeling disconnected. It always reminds me that there is magic in the mundane, and that the mundane is there to fuel however you want to wield magic.


Spirit Check-In Spread

This is just built to be a good general spread to check in with your spirit companions and/or guides! The 6th card is a bonus card draw.

  1. How are you?
  2. What's on your mind?
  3. What do you want to tell me?
  4. What do you want/need from me?
  5. What can I do to strengthen our bond?
  6. (Bonus card draw) Is there anything else I should know?

Emoji spell for extreme good luck for the next two months


Likes charge. Reblogs CAST

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Tarot spread for the upcoming autumn equinox, a time to reflect and rest. Looking at your year so far and what's coming in for you.

You can also find journal prompts for the autumn equinox here

🌙 Yio

@ID: Autumn Equinox:

  1. Overall energy this year
  2. Accomplishments this year
  3. What is currently growing this year? (something you are aiming to achieve)
  4. What do you need to release?
  5. Where can you shift and adapt your energy?
  6. How can you stay motivated and use this new energy?]

Bringing Out Your Inner Dragon

This was something I crafted alongside my dragon companions that I thought others might find valuable. It's designed to utilize the energy we associate with dragons, find that within ourselves, and bring it to the surface for a boost of confidence, self-control, and awareness of our inner power. This can also be used in a dragon copinglink kind of way if desired.

What You'll Need

  • A candle
  • Dragon's Blood/Breath Incense
  • A bathtub
  • Any meditation tools you prefer (I'm using an accupressure mat and prayer beads)
  • Optional: Anything dragon-y you'd like to include to help create the atmosphere! This could be things like dragon figurines, ambient music, wearing special jewelry, whatever helps get you into that headspace. If you add more candles, just make sure the main candle stands out from the rest.


  • Start drawing your bath. Add whatever bath salts/melts/bubbles you like, just keep in mind you'll be putting your head under the water later. Set the ambiance.
  • While the bath is filling, light your candle and incense. In whatever words feel right to you, call dragon energy forward into the space to help guide you. Any dragon guides/companions/etc you'd like to invoke can also be invited here.
  • Imagine the bath like it's the fluid inside of an egg. Your egg! Let your wash clean you inside and out, then sit back and relax. Close your eyes and focus on the breath. You're in this egg, slowly forming and gathering yourself. This is the time to think about what being a dragon means to you, what it looks like for you specifically, the precise way that your dragon energy feels. Take as long as you need to answer these questions honestly.
  • Once you're ready, submerge yourself (if you can't submerge your whole body don't worry, just try to get your head.) Take a few beats to really center this idea in your mind, then emerge once you're ready to "hatch." Drain the bath and dry yourself.
  • From this point forward, treat yourself as if you are a dragon! Do what feels right, move and express yourself freely. Speak or roar if you want. Just let it come out the way it wants to. (Try to avoid eating anything, though, since that's very grounding and we want to maintain this headspace.)
  • Once you're ready to wrap up, it's time to meditate again. It's fine and normal for your mind to wander, just gently try to keep at least a piece of your focus on the breath. We're letting this energy sort of settle into place. If you've invoked any dragons to assist you, feel for what messages they have for you.
  • Time to wrap up. Wiggle your toes, open your eyes, and start grounding. If you'd like to extinguish your dragon candle, be sure to thank it before doing so. Thank any dragon helpers and leave them some kind of offering as a thank you.

If you try this, let me know how it goes for you!! I'd love to hear peoples' results.


Crystals, and Stones For Cursing

A lot of the time, you see crystal references that refer to favorable metaphysical properties of the stones, but in this list, we are going to be looking at more negatively associated properties that could be used in your magickal working. These properties are brought out from the stones primarily when used in situations that use their kna in excess or metaphysical properties that we would associate with more negative aspects of being.

  • Amethyst: To cause oversensitivity to spiritual kna and to cause illusion.
  • Lapis Lazuli: To cause illusion, oversensitivity, detachment, and ungroundedness.
  • Opal: To cause bad luck and greed.
  • Quartz Crystal: To cause kna overflow.
  • Selenite: To cause kna overflow.
  • Flint: To cause conflicts.
  • Pyrite: To cause illusion, bad luck, and greed.
  • Obsidian: To cause overwhelming emotions and conflicts.
  • Diamond: To cause binding on a physical or spiritual level, betrayal, bad luck, and greed.
  • Blue Lace Agate: To cause people to confess to their actions.
  • Celestite: To cause detachment and ungroundedness.
  • Jasper: To cause aggression, anger, and overbearing control.
  • Tiger’s eye: To cause arrogance, pride, and egotism.
  • Pearls: To cause bad luck, sadness, and depression
  • Emerald: To summon harmful entities.
  • Agate: To turn your enemies against themselves and to cause confusion.
  • Turquoise: To cause corruption and decay.

A list of Wordcraft abilities

Not many people will be able to understand what Wordcraft is. To remedy this, I have compiled the list below along with a few alternative ways to define Wordcraft. Please note that this list is not definitive. There are always going to be more powers and abilities that have yet to be discovered.

Alternative ways of defining Wordcraft:

- The writer’s witchcraft

- Word witchery

- The magic of words

- Eloquent Enchantment

List of Wordcraft abilities:

- mimicry of powers and abilities of characters (limitations of physics do apply)

- creation of paper charms (aka petitions, wish cards)

- character communication (bibliomancy)

- potion creation (energetic infusion of described potions into water or liquid)

- spell casting (using books as inspiration for incantations to create change. Can also be off the cuff casting)

- verbal empathy (the ability to tap into knowledge of a person by reading or hearing their words)

- magical storytelling (can write stories and works that create magical effects)

- persuasion (some Wordcrafters are extremely persuasive and can lace their voice with magic to charm people)

- spell writing (can take any spell and rewrite it into pure incantation form. Can also create new spells for others)

- Reading magic (by reading a book, a wordcrafter can intuitively pick up the type of magic held within.)

In short Wordcraft is all about fluidity and words.


A sigil is a type of symbol used in magick. The term has usually referred to a type of pictorial signature of a deity or spirit. In modern usage, especially in the context of chaos magic, sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioner's desired outcome.

basically a form of art in a way in which inscribed or painted symbols are considered to have magical powers

I personally don't fully burn them to activate them ; I just burn the edges but sometimes I burn the whole thing so yeah lol.

you can always get more creative ;3

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