
fake geek girl

@lockhartsss / lockhartsss.tumblr.com

sarah. i like glitter and video games. dumb cloti cunt.

Anyways, Tifa is a heroine so jot that down.

Tifa being a heroine takes absolutely nothing away from other characters in the game. I don’t understand why this is such a big deal.


It’s not a zero-sum game. There’s not a finite amount of heroine to go around. Tifa’s not stealing heroine points from Aerith when Nojima calls her the heroine. It’s ok. Tifa is the heroine. Aerith is the heroine. Both of them are integral to the plot and both of them affect it in meaningful and relevant and different ways. It’s such a reductive way to look at the story and a disservice to both characters to try and dismiss either one of them in an effort to lift the other.


OTP Bingo! Because we know the Antis or the Fandom Police or the ‘Normal’ people, whatever they’re calling themselves now, are salivating in a corner hoping for a fresh field for their nonsense. Idk what they’re expecting. This fandom is 1) Older than most of them and 2) Freaky as Fuck and proud of it.

And here’s a blank template version so we can all have our fun. Looking at you, Sephcloud stans


I borrowed your template and made a version for Tifa hate lol.

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