


dora | 15 y/o | she/her

if your art style can’t accurately portray POC features, your art style is shit


All you really gotta do is put in a shade of brown (for black ppl), make sure the palm of the hands are a lighter colour, the facial structure can be different but don't make it look racist like the 20st century did, curly hair but you can really use any type. It's kinda easy- this is coming from myself as a black person. But there are different types of POC out there so im just going over the black one

There wasn’t yelling. There wasn’t fighting. There wasn’t “fuck you” and “I never loved you” and “I’m not going to miss you.”
There were two tired hearts. Still beating, but no longer in sync. Four eyes that never seemed to meet at the same time. Twenty fingers that no longer entwined. Two pairs of lips that hadn’t met in months.
So we said goodbye. We said we’d keep in touch. We said “good luck,” and we meant it. And it hit me:
I spent so long being mad at you, that I forgot you were human, too. That we were both flawed. That I loved you, I loved you, I loved you.
I still do.

“i’m sorry for not realizing you were doing your best”

“letting go of you was painful. I will never forget the way you made me laugh or the way you set my body on fire with the slightest touch. but I also have to remember how you stabbed me and kept pushing the dagger in deeper with no regrets.”

— you loved me once but not again (the art of letting go)


Typically, it is very rare for someone to actually be affected by a hex or to be cursed. While yes psychic attack is real it is extremely hard for to be effectively sent out and received. That is the easiest answer. It is real because we experience it as real and that is the bottom line to someone who is experiencing a psychic attack. The first thing to do when feeling like you might be hexed or cursed is to reflect on yourself. It is most common for your own thoughts and feeling to be the reason you feel or are dealing with what you’re going through. However, its easier to just point fingers and assume

someone is attacking us.

Here are some ways to protect and shield oneself from Harmful energy. I would not use the word negative energy as there are positives that we gain from negative energies. Harmful energies however are what we want to avoid and shield ourselves from. I feel it is very important for all new witches to learn this before they start practicing. These steps will also help prevent spirits from affecting you also.

Most commonly I have seen in groups are the associated Witches Bottle of Protection. While it is quite effective there are many ways to go about protection and shielding ourselves so I hope with this post it helps guide you to better protect yourself from all things that look in on you and your light. If you are interested in learning more about a specific item comment below and I can share spells and rituals for each one.

Before doing any form of work you should always Ground and Center yourself. Many have different approaches to this for themselves but here are a few options.

✨Grounding-Centering ✨

-Go through each Chakra starting with your Root. See its energy and give it a deep inhale/exhale. You might find speaking the Chakras mantra will help you Center.

-Imagine your energy pushing down into the earth like a rod. See and feel the Earth's green energy coming up around you coving you while you push your energy back into her so she can reuse your energy like she does ashes to make trees. A lot of witches find it most useful to push their hands into the ground to better connect during this.

- Go through each sense sight, hearing, smell taste, and touch. Going through the human sensory helps many witches come back to earth and be able to focus on their own body and feelings vs others around them.


Simpling put shielding is protecting your aura, yourself from psychic attack. The most commonly heard is the classic energy bubble visualized around oneself to shield ourselves. Other options can be but are not limited to..

Amulets- Most commonly made with jewelry pieces. This is one of many other options that’s a bit easier to use as you don’t have to focus on the visualization of it all day it does its job on its own. Take any piece of jewelry you have, cast a circle, and meditate your intent of shield on it.

Crystals- There are many crystals that are useful to prevent an Energy Vampire from affecting your aura. Snowflake Obsidian is known for preventing psychic attacks by taking the energy and transmitting it back to the universe where it can be transformed and refused.

Herbs and Oils- Our more green witches will be more familiar with this use. There are a ton of plants just like crystals that can be used to aid in this work. Mugwort, Rosemary, St. Johns wart, and yarrow to name a few. Tuck a few pieces in your clothing or in a jar to keep in your pocket or purse. Oils on skin or the bracelets which absorb them.


Always put your home as a priority in your craft. Your home is a sacred place and needs to be viewed as a temple. While we do the common home protection of locking doors and windows there are a few ways to take that protection a bit further with your craft. Warding is another form of shielding, but these are things you physically on your home or space to prevent Harmful Energy, entities, wayward or mischievous entities from coming in.

Guardians- Placed by the exits of the space such as Gargoyles, Poppets, Gnomes, or any other Statue.

Iron – You can also wear this one for shielding too but 3 iron nails driven into your doorways or windows. [Iron also repels Fae/Fair Folk]

Acorn- Simple old magic. Literally, place it everywhere and anywhere. I love to give an acorn to my son for protection as a subtle way of keeping a ward on him.

Sigils/Runes- Carve or write these on your door frames and window frames

Plants- There are so many plants that you can have by your doorways and around your home for protection. It is said if one dies it absorbed the Harmful Energy that was sent to you. Rosemary and Mugwort are my favorite.

Wreaths and Brooms- Hanging these in your doorway is another form of protection. Add in crystals and herbs to take it just a bit further.

Salt - You can have salt, eggshells, herbs and brick dust, etc a mixture of these herbs can help line your doors and windows.

Jars and Sachets. Again with a mix of herbs and other items can help ward the home. I keep some on the door handle or hung it above the door.

Crystals. Black Tourmaline is an all-time favorite for me here but again there are so many crystals you can leave around your home for protection. I would wrap with twin cinnamon sticks with black tourmaline and place it in each window and by each exit.

How do you need help with this?

What is your favorite way to sheild and protect yourself and your home?


Things That Aren't Witchy But Still Feel Witchy

  • Wild flowers
  • Mushrooms
  • Really huge fucking trees
  • The color green
  • Fireplaces
  • Cats, specifically ginger cats, they know things
  • Homemade cooking
  • Spring water
  • Being yourself
  • Cottages
  • Cobblestone paths
  • Mirrors
  • Turtles, there's just something about them, I don't know
  • Sticks
  • Brightly colored hair
  • Knitting
  • Dark under eye circles, I have them naturally, and it just gives me that aesthetic feel XD
  • Going to the pharmacy to get your medication
  • Old coins
  • Ink
  • Dirt
  • Clouds in strange shapes
  • Mason jars
  • Poetry
  • Diaries
  • Cleaning up your space
  • Freddie Mercury, Rest in Peace Freddie <3

Witchcraft as a Coping Skill

I use witchcraft to help cope with my mental illnesses. Here are some things that I do when I’m anxious, depressed, dissociating, or obsessing. Remember that Witchcraft is not at all a replacement for therapy, and never should be one!

  • Meditation, particularly outside
  • Using crystals as worry stones
  • Positive affirmations said with intent
  • Creating sigils for whatever situation is bothering me
  • Listening to “witchy” music, I really like those lofi playlists on youtube
  • Burning incense or herbs
  • Repeating mantras
  • Reading up on witch subjects
  • Cleaning up my altar
  • Casting a positivity spell on myself, which I feel like basically helps reinforce that I’m trying to calm myself down, the ritualistic act helps me to like, remember basically

Be Selfish With Your Witchcraft

I want you to be selfish with your witchcraft.

Cast spells for good luck and fortune.

Collect all those herbs and crystals that you want.

Incorporate witchcraft into everything you do.

Take time out of your day to work on your grimoire.

Bless yourself before you bless anyone else.

Play around with your magic and figure out what you like.

Take a witchy bath and do some self care.

Have fun. Let yourself have the time of your life. You deserve to love your craft.


Witchy Things I Want

I have so many wants, these are the ones that come to mind right away.

  • Homemade wands adorned with crystals and engraved with symbols and sigils
  • A ritual knife with a pretty design on the blade and the handle
  • A small silver chalice with pretty designs
  • Cauldron for incense
  • Glass containers that look magical by themselves
  • Crystals, so many crystals, they are just so p r e t t y
  • Herbal rack
  • Candleholders that I can paint my own sigils onto
  • A bell
  • Ethically sourced animal skulls
  • A huge garden of just witchy herbs
  • A coven, like, in person
  • A crystal ball (I don't even do divination that much, it's just for the aesthetic ngl)
  • Pretty bandanas for occasionally veiling
  • Broom specifically for cleansing spaces

Honey has a long history of being used in witchcraft and casting magic. Many cultures have a reverence for the magical liquid that is associated with life and abundance. Honey is powerful stuff and has a deep history with humanity. This little infographic I made barely touches the subject but is a good reference for magical working.

I illustrated and compiled this page

Visit my Instagram for more :)



Budget Witch Tip!

Use your cell phone screen as a black mirror for scrying.



You burn my soul on fire, don't tame it🖤🌙


If you’re seeing this, please take a moment to pray for yourself and your own mental health. May God comfort you in your misery, may He steady you in your anxieties, and may He strengthen you.

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