
Queen Morgana

@sorceress-queen / sorceress-queen.tumblr.com

The rightful Queen of Camelot, Semi-Selective indie, Anon RP is accepted, 18+ content, Multi-verse, Multi-ship, Multi-thread; Inspired by BBC Merlin and arthurian myths; This is a sideblog 💜

My visions have always been plagued by death: I saw Camelot burning, my family bleeding, the old world crumbling—so many times—I tried to warn them, begged for help, strived to prevent the evil. They laughed at me, thought I was mad, said it was nothing. All right then. What my Sight had never showed me was who did it. Now I'm happily setting everything on fire, fulfilling my own prophecy. "It's you." I say to myself, "You are the omen and the plague".

[Cassandra: Theatre of tragedy, Anthony F. Sandys]
Anonymous asked:

Hello 🍀 if you're still taking prompts, would you like, please, to draw Morgana enjoying her magic? Like Merlin in the scene where he created butterflies, but she creates a glowing triskelion?

Yes, I would very much! Thank you for your lovely prompt, anon

(I still take prompts, I'm just very slow at filling them)


Early Morgana was whimsigothic(lilac and green, sheer fabrics, tiny jewelry, layers); later she indulged herself in romantic gothic(dramatic black, lace, corsets, magic pendants) 🔮💀

I like that her hem is tattered and dirty, that her cloaks are patched all over and threadbare, that her dusty boots are worn. This bears the mark of the miles of the forests she walked through, the dark caverns and heaths, the poverty of the hovels and forgotten ruins. She is still the queen in exile.

“Their mutual affection was based on similarity of character and outlook, and strengthened by the sense that the rest of their world regarded them as dangerous outsiders.” Sarah Bradford, Lucrezia Borgia: Life, Love, and Death in Renaissance Italy
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