
Here we Are


I dont even know how I became obsessed with BUGHEAD. ❤️ And now obsessed with James Valdez 😍
Anonymous asked:

What did you think about the choreography for Seventeen? I loved the slow dance!

The choreography melted me into a sentient puddle of emotion, anon. That’s what it did. 💕

I can’t overstate how much I loved it, hahaha. And I would kill to know how much input the faves had, if this was really tightly planned or if there was room to play and improvise a bit.

But regardless: EMOTIONS! The slow dance. The dip. Just holding each other. Her hands in his hair, his hands on her waist. On their knees kissing. I mean. 💕✨😂

You know, I read a book last night. Really? Yeah, it’s about this girl and this guy, and they’ve got this really weird vibe thing going on, but there’s all this drama, ‘cause the girl’s got this ex-boyfriend who turns out to be none other than the guy’s brother.
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