
Hey, I'm jackdaw!

This is my main blog, where I reblog fun stuff and also my stuff. If you're looking for exclusively my writing and art and potentially anything else I make, you might want to check out my art and writing sideblog.

I have pretty eclectic interests, but you'll see a lot of art, flowers, cats, and Danny Phantom here. Especially Lost Time. :)


i think all yogurt needs to be labeled as to whether or not it has fruit bits in it, like orange juice is with pulp. for autism purposes

I'm now curious if people don't like the chunks because I NEED the chunks otherwise I get overwhelmed with the sheer enormity of goop. Need those chunks so I feel like I'm eating food.

thats FASCINATING to me because this is very much a post made from an anti-chunk mindset. i HATE the texture of biting into a piece of wet old fruit. i live for the goop. i literally never even considered that it might go the opposite way


let's settle this:


Here is a picture of J.R.R. Tolkien looking at some flowers in a greenhouse. Apparently, he was the worst person to take walks with because he liked to stop and observe every tree he passed very carefully. We can only assume that he did this because he was waiting for them all to reveal their true Ent nature and speak to him. Ents do speak slowly, after all. They were probably between words while he was watching.


for anyone who hasn't gotten access to the feature yet—discord is testing out a new feature that tells you when a user was last online. it's visible both in DMs and in servers. the activity tracking seems to be done client-side, and closing/refreshing the app will refresh it. all users, even those who can't see the "recently online" status yet, currently have this activity shared.

if you're like me, you probably don't want everyone you share servers with or DM to be able to have this level of access to your activity. there is currently no setting that allows a user to turn off this feature. I've changed my status to invisible for the time being, and I sincerely hope that this feature is either rolled back or becomes opt-out


Not enough Danny Phantom fics capitalize on the second hand embarrassment that is Lancer trying to be "hip" and "connect with the youth". I want him to have a serious moment of somber advice and care for his students interspersed with godawful long-dead 80s slang, and when someone tells him he's pretty cool for a teacher he gets OUTRAGEOUSLY excited over the fact that the "teen lingo" books are working


Alright one more then I’m probably gonna take a nap

The rule is this: no powers. Yugi’s cards have no special powers, and Light has the Death Note, but it doesn’t do anything. So they can hit each other with their objects, but Yugi can’t just blow everything up with Exodia, and Light can’t just write his name.

Alternatively, Light just doesn’t have any writing materials.


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