
The tea is that when George RR Martin includes the rape of a 13 year old girl and Pat Rothfuss writes 100+ pages of boring fairy sex it’s “just sex” and they still get considered part of the serious fantasy canon, but when a female fantasy author does it suddenly it’s “gratuitous smut” and their books can never be considered Serious Fantasy Literature™️ because they wrote about female orgasms and powerful women finding love, and their readers are derided for enjoying the sex scenes and wanting the romance because only Stupid Silly Women™️ care about these things and besides, haven’t you heard that the only accepted literary sex is unhealthy sex that is Painful But Somehow Still Hot™️ because the only valid, serious type of relationship involves a man abusing a woman for the delectation of a male audience!!


broke: The Great British Bake Off has no conflict

woke: while The Great British Bake Off is refreshingly devoid of the usual man vs. man conflict, it is filled with conflict of other varieties, notably man vs. self (the contestants vs. their knowledge of baking) and man vs. nature (the contestants vs. the time limit)

Man vs. the forces of evil (the contestants vs. Paul Hollywood)

Man vs. the author (the contestants vs. the expectation that they work with spun sugar in a tent outdoors on a hot day)


idk can we stop…treating a.ce disc.ourse like it’s some haha funney cringe compilation or whatever the fuck because it fucking destroyed the entire ace and aro communities. there is no solid aspec community on tumblr anymore (which was by far the biggest number of aspec ppl). exclusionists took our community and fucking smashed it to pieces and y'all treat it as this fucking stupid joke when they traumatized, gaslit, and abused an entire group of queer people back into the closet. fuck every single person who doesn’t take that seriously.

My personal experience is just that, but it’s really indicative that I have watched almost every single ace and aro person I know, irl and online, actively recloset themselves as a direct result of the consequences of The Disc Horse™

I watched irl queer groups disintegrate bc a few ppl who got into leadership positions used that to make the space hostile towards ace ppl (among others as well), saw friends go from being loud and proud aces n aros to actively avoiding any mention of it and letting ppl assume their sexuality. I myself, having been IDing as ace for 10 years at least, have in the past couple since this whole “"discourse”“ came into being, actively and intentionally stopped telling anyone at all that I’m ace. To put that in some kind of perspective, I am incredibly out as trans and will actively out myself pretty constantly except to total strangers I will never see again. I feel safer telling ppl I’m trans than ace. Especially in queer spaces. It’s fucked me up so much I didn’t even quite grasp how much but today my therapist asked me for the first time about like romantic relationships and I physically could not say I am aro and ace. Completely incapable, utterly frozen, and I just kinda let her believe what she will. Ironically the fact that I’ve gone from being willing and ready to tell ppl I’m ace as just another facet of myself to entirely unable and unsolicited to tell anyone, is probably a thing one might want to talk w one’s therapist about.

This has really fucked not just the community at large but fucked up individual ace ppl in so many ways. It’s not something “funny” or remotely harmless, it’s absolutely devastated us.

like even if you believe that ace people aren’t truly oppressed or what the fuck ever can you maybe realise that when i, a Confirmed Lesbian who will share that identity with anyone who stands still to listen for two minutes:

a) will no longer tell people i am ace until months into a knowing each other & even then am completely prepared for rejection, bc that is what my online experience has taught me to expect.

b) am more afraid to tell queer people that i’m ace than straight people - genuinely! i am more concerned that queer people will react badly to that than straight people!

can you maybe then accept that somewhere along the line we fucked up? can you accept that whatever your belief is on what the experiences which, as a community, ace people share - & boy oh boy do i wish you would listen to us about that - the real effect that all of this has had on individual people is unacceptable? bc it is not acceptable, not at all, & i am so tired of keeping my mouth shut about it

“The need to feel safe, in particular, is often treated as childish and absurd—but only when coming from people who have actual reason to feel vulnerable. Asking to be recognized as your true gender? It’s all in your head. Asking for accommodations for illness and disability? You’re too sensitive. Recounting experiences of dehumanization because of your race or gender? What an overreaction. But those who want to make the country “safer” by securing the borders against people they perceive as outsiders are never painted as whiners or cowards. The police officers killing unarmed folks in a moment of panic are not mocked for failing to keep their feelings in check. When someone wants a deadly weapon, their desire to feel safe becomes a rugged and real and sexy conviction. The easiest way to ignore something is to call it an emotion, yet it’s also the easiest way to defend something if you’re the kind of person whose emotions are taken seriously.”

so if tumblr goes through with this adult content ban, i think i’m gone.

i’m not gonna post all my other accounts publicly, but i’ll be reaching out to some of my mutuals over the next few days to connect elsewhere, and if i follow you then you’re welcome to do the same


In case you’re not aware, Tumblr has recently announced that on the seventeenth of December they’ll start purging all porn and porn-adjacent content on Tumblr.  Why does that matter to LWU, you ask?  Well, they’re using their bots to identify it, and we’ve all seen how well THAT works.  One of my Wander posts even got flagged as sensitive for no apparent reason.  What I want to do is reassure you all that I’ve taken steps to back up all of the content on LWU to my hard drive using a tool I was recommended a couple weeks ago.  I’m going to continue to do so on a regular basis just in case, so there’s very little chance that my stuff will be lost.

I’m using this one!  It condensed my entire blog as of November 20th into one 4.36 gigabyte folder.


Any notes on how to use it? I can’t figure it out.

Okay, so here’s how to do this.

First off, go here and make sure you have Python installed.  For Windows it should be the very bottom link, the x86 MSI Installer.  You don’t have to do anything but install it.

Second, go here, and click “Clone or Download” (the green button on the right).  Select “Download ZIP”.

Make sure you have WinRAR or 7zip or something installed that lets you extract zip files.

Next, make a folder on your desktop.  I named mine “Tumblr Backup”, and in the following instructions I’m going to assume that’s what you’ve named yours as well; replace “Tumblr Backup” with whatever you name yours if it isn’t.

Drop the zip file you downloaded into Tumblr Backup.  Go in and extract it; this should create a folder called “tumblr-utils-master“.

Open your Command Prompt.  If you don’t know how to find that, click your start menu button and type “CMD”, which should give you this:

That should open this:

That frog over there is blotting out my profile name on my computer.  Whatever your profile name is when you sign in (e.g. “Max” or “Snugglebuns” or “froglord69”) is going to be in that spot on the address path.  If it instead says something about Windows and System 32, that’s okay, what I’m gonna tell you to do will go to the right place either way.

Next, input this command–keeping in mind that the parts in bold should be changed based on your profile name and what you named the folder on your desktop:

CD C:\Users\froglord69\Desktop\Tumblr Backup\tumblr-utils-master

There!  Now you’re in the right folder!  Next, enter this command, replacing the bolded bit with your own blog name:

tumblr_backup.py yourblogname

You should see this:

Then just…let it run!  It took less than five minutes for my computer, though it will vary by processor and connection.  Once it’s done, you’ll have something like this:

That “index” opens in an internet browser.  It’s basically a webpage stored directly on your computer.  Some pics of mine:

So…not pretty, but it’ll save the content of your posts.  Hope this helps!

Spread this so as many people as possible can see it

Mac users:

  1. Create a folder somewhere convenient and name it something like ‘Tumblr Backup.’
  2. Download the script as described above. Save it to the folder you just created. Double click it, and it extracts in place.
  3. open a terminal.app window. Terminal.app is located in your /Applications/Utilities folder. Usually, just typing command-space to bring up the spotlight window and then typing in ‘term’ and hitting return does the trick.
  4. If you are not accustomed to UNIX command prompts, do not be scared. You got this.
  5. At the ‘$’prompt, type in ‘cd’ and then space, and then drag and drop the decompressed tumblr-utils-master folder onto the terminal window. The path to that window should appear. Hit return.
  6. Boom. You’ve switched to that folder. Type ‘ls’ to make sure. Should look like a list of the folder’s contents.
  7. Type ‘./tumblr_backup.py [yourblogname]’ and hit return.
  8. Boom. Your blog starts downloading. Go drink coffee, enjoy some porn, hang out with your dog, cat, other pet, or lover/s who may also be your pet/s, and let the script run. Depending on your connection speed and just how much of a pervert you are, this could take a while.

It looks like the tool has an option to backup your likes as well. Anyone know how that works?


I think the real problem here is that big media corporations seem to believe that social media userbases are fungible, and persist in acting on this belief no matter how many times it’s demonstrated to be wrong.

There’s a specific pattern of events that plays out over (and over and over) again, and it looks something like this:

1. Social media platform becomes popular

2. Social media platform is purchased by big media corporation in order to gain access to it large user base

3. Big media corporation realises that social media platform’s demographics are not the demographics they want to sell things to.

4. Big media corporation institutes measures to drive away “undesirable” users, apparently in the honest belief that the outgoing users will automatically be replaced by an equal number of new, more demographically desirable users

5. This does not, in fact, occur

6. Social media platform crashes and burns

You’d think that, by the sheer law of averages, at least one person who’s capable of learning from experience would become involved in this whole process at some point.


Real talk, though, because it needs to be said: as much as we all joke that porn was the only good thing this place had left, the reality is that it being the only place where one could regularly engage with and promote sexual content being gone is really not understanding at all what makes this place special. I mean we all joke about “horny on main” and all that, but the reality is that for a lot of the LGTBQ+ community, particularly younger members still discovering themselves and members in extremely homophobic environments where most media sites were banned (but Tumblr wasn’t even considered important enough to be), this was a bastion of information and self-expression. For a lot of artists too, this was a great place to come and post NSFW work and get traction that became Patreon pages that became honest jobs. The problem with “family friendly” social media is that more often than not, the ones hit  the most by the whole family friendly nonsense are marginalized groups that have no vehicles to express themselves. Stuff like YouTube consistently bans or flags simple content featuring something as innocuous as two men kissing as “adult” content and makes it hard for LGBTQ+ content creators to compete with their non-queer peers for a lot of those reasons. The ultimate problem isn’t even that banning of NSFW content, it’s the general mess surrounding it and unintended consequences to these groups. For MONTHS Tumblr has had a huge problem with porn spam bots and outright child pornography, and for MONTHS the majority of the userbase has been in general consensus that both of these things needed to stop. Tumblr did NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. When Apple finally removed their app from the store, SPECIFICALLY because of the child pornography, Tumblr decided to do what any rich corporation owning a social media site with zero understanding of what makes it popular would do, and decided that the best course of action was to eat itself like an Ouroboros. Rather than admit that they have done an absolutely shit job at keeping pedophiles off this website and rather than hiring the necessary staff to carefully moderate content, they decided to loose a poorly programmed bot that literally deleted perfectly SFW blogs with thousands of followers, and rather than properly handling moderation, they decided that it was best to simply go the lazy route and block anything even remotely NSFW. They run this site in the worst way possible, and I don’t understand how @support or @staff or their completely oblivious “CEO” plans to keep this sinking ship alive.


I can’t believe Jameela ended the kardashians


in case you guys don’t know, flat tummy or dieter’s tea, works through giving you the world’s most savage case of diarrhea which dehydrates you and you “lose” weight. all of these girls who are advertising the tea results got there through basically shitting themselves

honestly, i highly doubt they even use the tea. they’re, like jameela said, using dietitians, personal trainers, and plastic surgery and just pretending the tea did it so they can make money.

laxative teas are extremely dangerous when used regularly for weight loss. they can literally kill you. the people advertising this shit to impressionable people–often kids–are human garbage.

Jameela calling attention to this is so refreshing i love her

If you’re a fascist and anti-fascists come for you, you have a choice. You can give it up. You can go renounce what you said. You could just go on with the rest of your life and stop turning up at fascist rallies. Anti-fascists probably aren’t gonna buy you a pint and be your best friend, but they’ll move on. But if you’re a person of color, if you’re trans, or a person with a disability, or gay, or Jewish, and fascists come for you, there is nothing you can do that can make them happy, except stop existing. That’s the key difference between the far left and the far right. Anti-fascists organize themselves against those that are building fascism. If you’re doing that, that is something you can non-violently stop doing. If you’re a political enemy of antifa, you can become a friend. If you’re a political enemy of fascism, though, either they lose or you die.
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